Friday, August 14, 2009




Anonymous said...

If that correct, how did Bingo make that mistake?

TIM said...

"We have twooo people running this country... uh um sorry",
"we have two bingo singing kaiso",
"just you look and see",
"two bingo singing kaiso",
"i hope you can agree",
"bingo and bingo".

Wow, we have a few people with double personality in this country. Is Fitzroy "Bingo" Leon one? I think someone should invite Red Plastic Bag from Barbados to pen a song on this issue.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good one, haahahahahahaha

fella said...

why is this crap on front page?

Unknown said...

The Voice again...publishing hearsay!

Stan Bishop said...

Shawn, be sure to apologise when you see the video footage and hear Bingo explain that he did perform the song competitively in 2002 and 2009.