Friday, August 14, 2009

The need for a Cultural Development Model in Saint Lucia



Anonymous said...

Every Country must be guided by some document of cultural views especially in the interest of the youth. I hope the powers will take the writer Frank Girard Seriously

Anonymous said...

I think St.Lucian culture is borrowed. For example, My grand parents were African, French and East Indian, my first language is French Creole but my official language is English. I was born during colonial times which makes me a British Subject by birth but now I'm St.Lucian because we're independent. I am a visible minority in St.Lucia because I'm mixed.
All the names of our towns and villages are French names, but our school and political system is British, we drive on the left. See our music, you have Zouk, Reggae, Country, Soukous, Socca, Rock, R&B etc.. So tell what is our culture?

After all this I'm stiil confused, mixed-up and messed-up cuz I don't know who the hell I am.

Anonymous said...

Frankly and frontally, this is a confusing and disappointing article. Girard has not said what are the elements of st. Lucia's culture that the CDF should preserve and promote? what is this cultural development model that we should pursue? He has simply said nothing is being done to implement the cultural policy. He could have said so in 3-6 lines.