Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shamrock withdraws from CFC Football



Anonymous said...

Where aldrick George expect these little boy to get money to pay club fees? I have been president of a sports club for years in St Lucia, and i did put pressure on the members to pay any dues. What we did was to raise funds as a group. We toured to different districts of the the island on weekends. We even had an overseas tour to St Vincent once. So i will tell A. George give the poor kids back the uniforms and allow them to play the game, get up his lazy a....... and plan some fund raising activity for the kid, if he pretend to have any interest in them. What example he is setting as a senior? And they are saying they want the youth to keep away from crime. This weekend i want to see A. George supervising the kids some where having a car wash or something, if he cannot handle the responsibilities, please hand it over somebody else who is more capable.

Anonymous said...

I am feeling sorry for these poor kids.

Anonymous said...

How much is the club dues? Give the kids back their uniform? Don't they have parents who support them? Why don't they attend training as they are supposed to do? Thats is our big problem in sports. We just want to play but we do not want to have any personal responsibility to the club we represent. This attitude of our sportsmen not pulling their weight as it relates to their responsibilty to their clubs and sport is our downfall.Raise funds is one aspect, but why would someone want to represent a club and not pay the basics of membership dues. It tells a lot of our priorities and how we treat sports. Without that committment and discipline we aint going nowhere. We seem just want to play sports without caring for the discipline and responsibilty it requires. Mr. George is right and if the kids dont have money why do they have parents? maybe they spend all the money for carnival. Fundraising activities should never be used to pay membership dues.

Thommo said...

I'm sorry Anon I I think Anon III has won this argument hands down, fair and square. The professional approach to sports is what is needed here among the young men.

Yes fund raising is an integral part of any organization but its not to used to help members shirk their responsibilities.