Thursday, August 13, 2009




Anonymous said...

This statement warrants repeating:

"it is not required by the Act to mention a specific location in the Cabinet Conclusion when concessions are given by the Cabinet."

LuciaBoy said...

I'm afraid the minister is treading dangerous ground here he might very well be in contempt of court.

He is not telling us that the judge didn't accept his specious evidence (his deposition) that could not be challenged by cross examination, due to the fact that he refused to appear in court.

That to me was gross derelection of duty if you ask me. The government is being sued and you are the Attorney General for God's sake and you failed to appear to defend the government. What are you drawing a tax-payers' salary for?

If he feels so strongly that he has grounds for appeal why not advise to government to do so. Perhaps the government is not too confident in the Attorney General's advice. I know I wont be after that fiasco.
Put this guy out to pasture.

Anonymous said...

Is this AG for real? The sequence of actions do not add up. How could Cabinet have approved concessions before Mondesir even applied for them? According to the AG, Mondesir wrote to Chastanet on 19 Jun, 07; the Ministry of Tourism petitioned Cabinet by Memo dated 5 July; and Cabinet granted concessions on 5 April 2007, that is 2 months before Mondesir wrote to Chastanet and 3 months before Cabinet granted its concessions. That's the first faux-pas. If the AG is going to issue a statement, he should at least ensure that it contains no errors in fact. The AG says that Act does not require cabinet to mention a specific location when consessions are granted. In essence he is saying the goods imported by Mondesir could have ended up anywhere and Cabinet would not care. If indeed the AG is right, why then did Cabinet see the need to amend the concessions? At least the AG should acknowledge there is a loophole in the law and he should be drafting legislation to close it. what proof did Mondesir adduce to assuage Chastanet the Bonne Terre villa is part of Tuxedo Villas? A light bill? C'mon AG, can't you do better than that?

Anonymous said...

This whole government need to go, that is enough, we have had enough scandals. So now we are paying this government not to work in our interest but to create scandals after scandals.

Anonymous said...

What does the "named popular radio personality" say about meeting with Mondesir on the afternoon of June 6?

Anonymous said...

The man is known to be demented people. Never thought I would live to see this man in our politics today!!! .He has expired. Minister of Justice please go home and retire in peace. Leave the politics of our country to sane people.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the AG but your comment shows how ignorant you are. There is a big difference be politics and justice. It would kill me to know that when any PM select an AG it is for him to carry out his political agenda.

You appoint an AG to become the stewart of the law. You appoint an AG to protect the rights of your citizens and to advise government on legal issues. You don't appoint an AG to engage in partisan BS.

Go educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

Every time I think this man could sink about as low as he could, he surprise me, he completely and thoroughly surprise and disgust me...

This is what Fair Helen has come to - the laughingstock of the Caribbean in particular and the world in general; due to our present crops of crooked and imbeciles politicians...alas!!