Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cowards, Softies or What?



Thommo said...

Ethics is lacking within the legal fraternity an law enforcement in St. Lucia. Too many in both the legal fraternity and law enforcement are too ready to eschew professional ethics and their own moral and values in their efforts to get rich quick.

There are too many examples of lawyers who just came out of school and had hardly put in the hard work in developing a practice and got rich in a flash. Some of whom have found a way to get into our political process.

Some of these guys were involved in money laundering and other activities, and the accomplices know who I am talking about.

We live in a small community like St. Lucia where everyone is either related by blood or social connection and due to these relationships, those in positions of authority are always quite willing to turn a blind eye to nefarious activities.
They will do this either for monetary gain or to cement their places in the good graces of the perpetrator.

This is the rub my friend. Herein lies the genesis of the cancer that has metastasized in our small country. The corruption of morals, ethics, values, our laws, mores and our institutions as a society. The genie is out of the bottle and I'm sorry we can never put it back.

There are too many of us as citizens who are too willing to protect these elements who perpetuate the perversion of our society because of our greed. We are too happy to enjoy the fruits of their illicit labour. Whether it is free drinks, access to their inner circle, or whatever.

What we need in St. Lucia are some whistle blowers with irrefutable, uncontestable evidence. Oh but wait a minute can we trust anyone in law enforcement with such information and not subject ourselves to serious repercussions?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything Peter Josie says about the management of crime and criminals in St. Lucia and the Caribbean.

But I would like to back up a bit and make a comment about this person he had the conversation with. He stated that this person, a doctor, would like to settle in St. Lucia and make a contribution
to the health providers community.

I have seen instances where the help of capaple, helpful medical persons has been turned down. Where
a foreign doctor volunteered here for years and was denied permission to set up an office. Another instance where the wife of an art teacher, who was trained as a physician in France was denied
permission to practice here. So we lost a very good, dedicated art teacher as well as a a possible addition to the healthcare community.
I know of another instance where a opthamologist from another Caribbean nation, capable of performing retinal and cataract surgeries, applied to set up an office and was turned down. Is the government thinking of the health of its citizens when they make these decisions or what?

Is this visiting doctor sure that once he settles here that the Government of St. Lucia and the heath practitioners will welcome his assistance?

Anonymous said...

Did the visitor mention the amount and types of crime in his home town?

St Lucian /American Student said...

This writer wants so very much to write good stories to convince his critics he is reputable; I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I certinly agree with what he is expressing, he is right on the ball about the judicial system and all that but he always messes up and keeps messing up for he is not courageous enough to call the judges and magistrates cowards and softies so he makes up a story using a ficticious character reminiscent of the cunning deceptions of Politicians, Preachers, Pastors and Pimps. I have to conclude that he is as cowardly as the judges and magistrates in his part fiction episode. Ironic isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Is it?

Anonymous said...

Just copy the law for drug crimes from Singapore! Also for rape and murder. Problem for 99% solved.
Singapore has a very high standard of living and education. Very low crime rate.

Anonymous said...

Further to my earlier comment. Singapore is also a member of The Commonwealth. Death penalty for drugs trafficing and murder by hanging.Strokes with the bamboo cane on one's ass for rape and other delicts.