Thursday, March 3, 2011

Death Squad Existence Denied



Anonymous said...

Having police officers with their face masked, no epilates, no means of identification. Those are common denominators associated with death squads. Having police officers who are unidentifiable are common when the police intend to ask outside the rule of law.
Not every thing foreign is commendable,what is acceptable in Palestine is not necessarily the St. Lucian way.
The delivering of arbitary justice by the Police is totally unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

I call on the members of the Royal St. Lucia Police Force, who risk their lives everday, for heartless, valueless St. Lucians, to allow the country to fall into anarchy, and protect yourselves and your families, instead of allowing yourselves to be killed. St. Lucians have no blasted gratitude. And the bloody politicians should be the one to educate the people about the important role of the Police, to respect the Police, to commend the Police, in these very trying times, and to explain to the people the due process set out to make register complaints if like ALL WORKERS in the COUNTRY, a Police Officer strays away. There are crooks, liars, cheaters, inefficient employees in banks, insurance companies, business houses, the civil service etc. etc. etc. So get off with that ignorance. If the Police Force had in the majority worthless officers, St. Lucia would have long collapsed, considering the level of injustice, crookedness, corruption, that flourished in that country under all governments for so long

Anonymous said...

I should have also added risk their lives for THANKLESS St. Lucians, who by the way make up the majority.

tallboy said...

To anonymous I am disappointed when someone can ask the police to do such a thing. The problem is not that the police is not doing their but the suggestion that the police have the power to be judge and execution is the problem what is the difference is an office killing a suggested criminal in cold blood and a criminal killing a suspected criminal in cold blood I don't see the difference murder is murder and a death squad is not acceptable any where and it should not be here and I am happy to hear the police deny any such activities I just hope it not a few office doing their own thing that can spoil the already bad name police have

Anonymous said...

Bravo Blogger NO. 2. St. Lucians just don't get it. They need to respect the officers of this important institution. Don't just sweep every officer with the same dirty brush. There are bad workers in every field. St. Lucians must be fair to the Police. If an officer does wrong, there is a place to complain. If that place is not doing the proper job, then kick them out swiftly. Don't sit on your fat and thin behinds and declare war on the Police. They are human beings with feelings like you and with families like yours.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who accuses Saint Lucians as being ungrateful you are the worst ignoramus of the whole lot of ignorant bloggers! How dare you? Do you realize that those who are killed have families too? Is that the way civilized societies deter crime, by executing suspects without due process of law? The fact is the Police have gone about tis the wrong way.The government have no right giving Police absolute power over the citizens of saint Lucia. I dare say that when this type of strategy backfires, you will be the first to cry foul. Every time a young man dies at the hands of another or at the hands of the Police we have lost one of our own. Are you so taken up and blinded by the laws of the Jews (judiciary) that you cannot realize that what is going on is detestable? If what the Police were doing was so right and just, why do they feel the need to hide their murderous faces? Fool art thou yet thou knowest not. People like you ought to be shunned for the sake of humanity. Are you and the Police determined to put an end to a generation? Bottom line: What the Police are doing is unacceptable and we do not appreciate it as citizens of Saint Lucia. If we want crime to stop, we cannot condone the fact that the Police have only escalated it with their murdering tactics. We want a Police Force not a band of executioners. And tell your lousy government to change the Constitution for it is the very document that enables the Police to behave the way they do. You call people ignorant but the other four fingers point straight back at you.