Thursday, March 10, 2011




Anonymous said...

"torture they say the encountered..." "it was a robbery not a crime..." bla bla bla.

Isn't a robbery a crime of some sort?

I believe every word coming from these tourists mouths. Why, regular St Lucians are suffering this same fate on a secondly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Please do not sugar coated crimes.

Anonymous said...

"Rufus Bosquet this week dismissed the allegations, noting that these men could have ulterior motives"...who better to know others "ulterior motives" than Bosquet.

He will and is an expert on this subject par excellence.

Anonymous said...

If they were robbed because they're "gay", how about all other robbery victims - are they robbed because they're "straight"?

Oh, what a perfect world it'd be if we could all go anywhere and do what we want to do....simple fact is, we can't because it doesn't work. It's very naieve for any "gay" male to visit any Caribbean country and expect their sexual orientation to be welcomed. With the same token, that same naievity will get you robbed, gay or straight, wherever you are in the world.

Anonymous said...

Our Lucian man "Flint - D.I." in Atlanta is vigorously pursuing efforts to quell and dismiss allegations brought to the Yankee surface by those distressed anti-homo-sapiens who seemed to have fabricated this mysterious chronicle only to benefit their social agenda.

Note to Rufus or Allan:- there should be no negotiation or compromise.

Anonymous said...

they got just what they deserve,they need to keep their saloptay, @ their Home, Lucia is already suffered enough.

Anonymous said...

@above, wake up, we are in 2011...and who are you or who gives you the right and authority to tell other people how to live their lives?

To you above, I guess rapist, fathers bedding their young daughters/sons (incest), adultery, men having jabal, men abusing their spouses, etc...these are "saloptay" for you but honourable and becoming behaviour...

What people do with their lives and in the privacy of their bed room is no business of yours, or anyone, for that matter.

Backward, neanderthal one you are!!

Anonymous said...


these are "saloptay = these are NOT "saloptay"

Anonymous said...

There was no Adam and Steve in Paradise...I mean those guys know that buggery is illegal in Saint Lucia and they still want to send a gays in Paradise, stay out.

Anonymous said...

they are quite right. what do u expect with an uninformed uneducated population. SMH.

Anonymous said...

Indeed an uneducated, ill-informed, backward population feel the need to interfere in other people's private life. They do not have the understanding or capacity to KNOW that people's private lives are their own, and NO ONE has the right to tell people how to live their lives.

Anonymous said...

Instructing others on how to live their lives is neither here nor there; they chose to go to a place where they wouldn't be accepted and in this case that was a foolish strategy. In addition, I find it hard to believe they hadn't fully researched St Lucia before visiting.
In England, a recent and successful legal action was brought about by a "gay" male couple who booked into a hotel which clearly stated 'no same sex couples". The case was based upon them being refused their stay upon arrival.
My point is that if "gays" want to be respected for their lifestyle, perhaps they should begin by respect other peoples, and nations, ways rather than provocativly gatecrashing and then bemoaning their resulting fate.
Who'd put their head into a lion's mouth to see if it bites....?

Anonymous said...

Comment #6: you are spot on, I am flabergasted at the hypocricy of the people of this island, Soddom and Ghomorroa eat your heart out. Those in glass houses should not throw stones. It unbelievable that people who are hetrosexual can't think beyond their genitals and can sit in judgement on others, air heads whose only agenda is to get f....d as often as they change their underwear; male and female alike, may god forgive you. I do beleive that this was a homophobic attack, hate crime, so stop bleating when all you selfish people have no money when the tourists decide that you are too evil to be associated with. Most gay peole would not treat others with such contempt, and i understand that crimes by gay people statistically are very low, thats more than can be said about so called hypocritical christians, who do everything other than have gay relationships. Shame on you.