Tuesday, March 15, 2011

LPM says Saint Lucians will not be fooled by the politics of desperation



Anonymous said...

A very large group will.

Anonymous said...

It is significant to note, that this UWP administration will be remembered as the party who drove our country into a ditch, under, ‘’the guidance of chance leadership and experimental government.”

Anonymous said...

SLP is non-the-better.

Anonymous said...

All the actions of the UWP are deliberate and planned. Dey en testing nuttin! Dey raping de poor country left right and centre.

Anonymous said...

No wonder "NOTHING EH RUNNING" de coountry on stand still.

Anonymous said...

Its nice for the lpm party to blast the uwp but if given the chance would't they be as worst as kin.
With no domestic experience nor caribbean or international also isn't this going to butcher the future of fair helen even greater.
Who are these lpm and from where they coming from.
We cannot afford to send little children to do adult work.
It's to risky out there in the world. It's time we send adult with experienceand knowledge in this global world and ain't there with these guys nor with king.

Anonymous said...

They have not domestic and international experience. I thought some of them are already working in international countries like the USA, Canada and England. Run that by me again? Domestic experience? Where do you think they came from before living abroad. How about Therold Prudent who have worked in numerous countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Can anybody on Kenny's team match that? How about their Dr. Best who is a professor at a University you think Ubaldus and Robert Lewis is better qualified?

Anonymous said...

@anonymous #6: It is preferable if you can to a quick research and read up on the LPM, www.lpmnow.org in contrast to the two term SLP government that had a mandate to take St. Lucia into a new direction of political and economic reform and fail miserable.

The UWP, well you know the history and can judge their performance, credibility and honesty. It’s the lenten season and a good confession and absolution can go a long way.

You mention “experience of the LPM”; a quick research will ease your decision making and recognize their current personal and business acumen and their academic qualifications.

Their experience span across the world from St.Lucia to Barbados, England, Canada and the USA,.( you decide)

What they do know as AGENTS OF CHANGE is that St.Lucia can do better and things have to change from a SOCIO ECONONIC and POLITICAL view of point. IF NOT, THE IMF AND THE WORLD BANK WILL DO IT FOR ST.LUCIA.

They have shown their ability to offer a ready and real path of upward mobility, a path away from government dependence to self reliance; a return to respect and credibility to taxpayers by making government more transparent and accountable, for their actions. Making services more reliable, improving customer service, reducing the size and cost of government and re-rebuild Saint Lucia for the future.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous #6: It is preferable if you can to a quick research and read up on the LPM, www.lpmnow.org in contrast to the two term SLP government that had a mandate to take St. Lucia into a new direction of political and economic reform and fail miserable.
The UWP, well you know the history and can judge their performance, credibility and honesty. It’s the lenten season and a good confession and absolution can go a long way.
You mention “experience of the LPM”; a quick research will ease your decision making and recognize their current personal and business acumen and their academic qualifications. Their experience span across the world from St.Lucia to Barbados, England, Canada and the USA,.( you decide)

Anonymous said...

It is time for the LPM to take head on 'the repackaging of the incompetents' that is the Labour Party, and the 'bed of inequity' that is the UWP Cabinet.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we stop this bickering about LPM. Change can sometimes be a good thing but with leaders who live abroad and can only provide sufficient campaiging once a blue, it is obviously that the race is between the UWP and SLP.
SLP was not fact; no one is but made strides in all of the sectors. If it wasn't for a proactive Minister and government, we would not have prepared for the Tourist dependence and instead of becoming a sustainable services driven economy like we are, we would be holding our heads and ball!
No government is as bad as this current UWP. Whether you love or hate UWI, they have failed.

Anonymous said...

www.stlucialabourparty.org - Get to know the next government of St.Lucia

Anonymous said...

We going back for more of the same now? I still cannot understand why, if Kenny knows anything about economics, he would put a mere novice straight out of second rate school and place her as leader of the No.1 growth engine of the country. This to me is a singular lack of leadership and reeks of gross incompetence!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw him yesterday all smiles as if you swear he had won the lotto. A pity he don't know what is waiting out there for him. Like slick willy he will be denied a 2nd chance to to put more body blows on the resources of the country. This man does not deserve to lead our country again.

Anonymous said...

Kenny says he did nothing wrong with Rochamel and that he woould do it all over again. Finisterre says he nothing wrong on the Soufriere highway. Henry Chalres says he did nothing wrong in the NCA. SLP should call itself the NWP - the Nothing Wrong Party

Anonymous said...

He did nothing wrong? Those words should not be besides the word Rochamel when it comes to Kenny and the Labour Party.

How come he did nothing wrong and still St. Lucia lost $45 million dollars? Was that Monopoly Money? Or, was that just like 45 cents you put on 'Roll and Tumble'? The man has a civil service mentality. The people's money does not matter. De government can always tax its way to provide jobs for the boys!

How come as a lawyer, he left the civil servants who do that as their routine and did his own contract, and the swindlers took him for a song. He caused St. Lucians to have to find $45 million and they got nothing in return. That man is a mad man!

Anonymous said...

I suppose SLP would have been the perfect party if it was not for these three (3) mistakes they made. ROCHAMEL, THE SOUFRIERE TO V.F. HIGHWAY and NCA. I am just wandering which party in this world who have governed any country without making mistakes? Right here in St Lucia the party who have governed us the most, that is the UWP under a foreigner called Compton, who was neither born nor buried in St Lucia, he made HUNDREDS of mistakes. Yet we gave him many chances, we re elected him on his death bed, we even call him father of the nation. The UWP is now in office for 4+ years they have made HUNDREDS of mistakes and they continue to make mistakes on a daily basis. But some hypocrites find time to repeat the 3 mistakes of Kenny which happened a decade ago, saying he is not fit for office. I have never heard them highlight nothing of all the good he did for this country. Little do they know, that will not work because the people want the country to go forward, and they know Kenny will continue where he left off to take us forward.

Anonymous said...

The hypocrite who spoke the nonsense about nothing wrong, i am asking him or her to point out, or name one government on this earth who have never done "nothing wrong?" In your bias eyes Kenny is the only politician who has ever done something wrong. Yes LPM is perfect and will never do anything wrong, in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

Every responsible individual who has made an egregious blunder like mate did, would not only take responsibility for the blunder, but takes the next step. This would be to tell the world what you have done or what you will do to PREVENT such a stupid thing from ever happening again!

Kenny knows so little about good public management of the people's money that he has never tried to make right the wrongs of his financial blunders. Is he likely to repeat them? You bet! yes! If he did nothing wrong and he will do another Roachasmell given another chance, then the man is unrepentant.

If he made such a colossal blunder and he says that given another chance he would repeat it, then like a person who has done jail time, and released, he will repeat the offence. He has already made up his mind to repeat the offence. Therefore, he should get life without parole. He should be kept behind bars permanently.

People please keep Kenny away from the public purse! He will not steal the people's money like Ali Baba and the gang, but he intends to intentionally gamble with it ... AGAIN!

He has taken no corrective measures. He will take no corrective measures. He intends if given a chance to do it again? Dis man is incorrigible! Dis man is a mad man!

Anonymous said...

mr LPM the government has to account for my tax paying dollars. We are not a socialist country and neither do i believe in government welfare. Things are hard everywhere sir and government has to be PRUDENT in the little resources that we have. Everywhere has poor people yes and i feel their pain but that doesnt mean government has to take my hard earn tax paying dollars and throw it into counter productive initiative. Beside why did u leave New York? too many taxes? No work? But yes you figured coming home was better than staying up there right? So do me a favour SHUT YOUR TRAP

Anonymous said...

We are now paying dearly for the mistakes of rochamel and that soufriere highway. Can you imagine how we would have been if we didnt incur this massive debt? Kenny just reminds me so much of the BUSH administration. Increasing the deficit and leaving the mess to be cleaned by obama while they all say NO for every initiative that is proposed. In the case of stlucia the phrase is I DID NOTHING WRONG. Bunch of nut jobs......

Anonymous said...

Government has to account for your 'tax paying dollars' whatever that is. OK. OK. Try Getting Kenny to account for the $45 million he poured into a crab hole and cannot tell us what we got in return for those dollars. Ask him why we have to saddle the taxpayers with those $45 MILLION dollars and have nothing to show for it? This man behaved like a rookie investor. This man has no financial sense of worth and value at all, at all, at all.

Anonymous said...

Whilst Kenny and SLP are trying hard to forget Rochamel and NCA, the rest of the population is trying hard to remember why they got the country into such financial messes in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Kenny can expect a hard nose campaign against him. Never are we going to let him forget the past!!! This elections is not writen for and by Kenny Anthony. It is written for the people and much better governance. Those who want to hide behind the misdeeds of Kenny and expect that he is going to get a free pass better think again.

Anonymous said...

Let us look at the situation REALISTICALLY as it obtains in St Lucia today. We have 3 parties SLP, UWP and a splinter called LPM. The LPM is not known in St lucia, they cannot win a seat. The SLP is now in opposition, they served 9 years in office, they made mistakes but they developed the country as never seen in it history. We have the UWP who whiles in opposition campaigned very aggressive against ROCHAMEL, CRIME, NCA, COST OVER RUN etc to get into office, they promised us the heavens. Now they are in office, EVERYTHING is worse under them. Now the decision is in the hands of us St Lucians.

Anonymous said...

Is LPM the small engine waiting to torpedo Kenny's ship?

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucian taxpayers have already been put through Rochamel, NCA, and cost over runs. And most recently, the Daher building purchase, expensive lease agreements, tuxedo gate, undisclosed payment to airlines, red envelope and millions in Taiwanese payments… while taxes continue to rise, inflation is like a runaway train, sole source contracts and HIA re-development deals remain a hush-mouth affair.

How much more damage can these two quasi – administrations be allowed to get away with? They don’t care.

But we, the LPM sure do.

Anonymous said...

How come LPM is not known in St. Lucia and its leader is always on the radio talking to sections of the press. What? The radio stations in St. Lucia are broadcasting from Mars or the moon? Man, you remind of Jukebwua and Team Polay Yon. Which one of you are writing today. Peetee hash cah koupe goh piay bwar.

Anonymous said...

There is still time - if Saint Lucians change the government in the 2011 election.

Anonymous said...

Tim have more class than that. Cut him some slack here.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to the LPM and the people who talk about them or try to use this board to to campaign for them. I have to tell them that is the wrong place to try to promote the LPM, because that will not help their cause. I have nothing against the LPM but let us be REALISTIC. Does anyone really believe the LPM can win one seat in St Lucia in the up coming election? If so please name the seat, as a matter of fact name the 17 candidates of the LPM? We must remember that election is only about one year or less away.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to have anything against the LPM. You must only remember that LPM has a lot of things against the the SLP, UWP included.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing that some foreign base St Lucians who come to St Lucia off and on can tell the people who actually living on the island that they do not know already. They know the LPM cannot win a seat, they know the UWP is useless, and does not deserve another term. They also know the SLP made some mistakes but they worked and developed the country as never seen before.

Anonymous said...

They also know that they must keep the the public purse far away from Kenny as possible.

No more spending our money on toy projects...and even that failed!!

Anonymous said...

At least Kenny built some toy projects, thus creating employment for us in St Lucia, but we have the UWP creating NOTHING with our money. Loans after loans are being taken and we see nothing coming out of it. LPM cannot win a seat, UWP cannot be trusted to bring our country further down the drain with nothing happening. So any sensible St Lucian will know who will win the election. Being a little nosey, name the toy projects, you are talking about?

Anonymous said...

If I were you I would try my best to understand what seats the LPM is going to deny Kenny instead of sounding like a broken record. This is what you should be nosey about.

Anonymous said...

If i were you i would be smart enough to know that any vote that the LPM receive is a vote for the SLP, because people voting for the LPM would have not voted for the SLP anyway. Some of them would have voted for the UWP. If i were you i would be smart enough to have know that the election is between the SLP and the UWP, the LPM CANNOT win any seats. That is a fact.

Anonymous said...


what a jerk!!


Anonymous said...

That is all you can do is to laugh, why can't you make a valid or positive point?

Anonymous said...

Where does LPM fit in st lucian politic? Oh on this blog, Ok

Anonymous said...

Do not worry they know that very well.

Anonymous said...

I can the rum talking loud and clear, even the logic is confused. More chicken. Cheers to another good round for Kenny. People, if you can't beat them, join them.

Hail Kenny! King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Great Magnificent Most High, Emperor of Emperors, PM of all PMs, Larger than Life Big Belly Dancer, Repository of ALL Financial Knowledge, The Bearer of Most Financial Wisdom, Godfather of NCA Khomess, Loser and Sponsor of Rochamel Money in a Crab Hole, and Lord Knight Commander of Money Wastage and cost overruns!

Anonymous said...

Laugh out loud
I can't stop laughing.

Anonymous said...

Yes because things are somewhat good with some of you, you all could sit in-front of the computer type nonsense and have a good laugh. Some of you might have a secured government job in St Lucia being paid with our taxes. Other might be overseas doing menial jobs Americans will not do etc. So they tend to forget or deliberately want us to forget the real issues grappling St Lucia.

We had a government who was not perfect, but they did a lot of good to our country. The media confused the people to change the government, so the people did not think properly and elect an incompetent group on our backs. Now the country has stalled and is at a standstill, only as they know election is soon they want to open up some project to try to bluff the notion. The poor people are suffering with high cost of goods, escalating crime, skyrocketing employment, crumbling infrastructure, corrupt incompetent ministers, lack of accountability etc, etc.

Instead of typing nonsense on this board, why not we as the literate or semi literate ons discuss the real issue facing us as a nation presently?

Anonymous said...

De man says that given another chance that he would do Rochamel II. Like ducks following a leader duck people are krazy fighting to say what a good leader he is.

Well we know now that he intends to repeat his mistakes. Some say he did nothing wrong. Some say he say he did nothing wrong. Therefore, I see nothing wrong also in quoting what is above.

Hail Kenny! King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The Great Magnificent Most High, Emperor of Emperors, PM of all PMs, Larger than Life Big Belly Dancer, Repository of ALL Financial Knowledge, The Bearer of Most Financial Wisdom, Godfather of NCA Khomess, Loser and Sponsor of Rochamel Money in a Crab Hole, and Lord Knight Commander of Money Wastage and cost overruns!

Anonymous said...

Kenny is right, we prefer him to give us 10 Rochamels and he developed the country as he did, he provided us with work, than we have a government who does nothing with our taxes dollars, yet the dollars

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what are the goverment plans for jump starting the economy?

Anonymous said...

Which government you talking about? Do we really have a government in St lucia?

Anonymous said...

OK. Losing this time $450 MILLION is OK, as long as Kenny is PM. You SOBs make me shit in my underwear!

Anonymous said...

I will say it again, yes we loose money under Kenny as we have lost under EVERY GOVERNMENT IN THE PAST AND PRESENT. Prove me wrong!!!!. There is not one government who does not loose money. With all the money Kenny lost he had plenty of achievements, that is the difference between Kenny and the present government, they have lost ALL OUR MONIES WITH NO ACHIEVEMENTS. Put that in your big nut head skull. The people of St Lucia will reward themselves with the BETTER GOVERNMENT OF KENNY AND THE SLP, to improve themselves, when the next election is called. How much money tou have to bet?

Anonymous said...

I want to bet that St. Lucians have even lower IQs than that report said. Those lost souls are incredible! St. Lucians are the dumbest people on the planet.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, St Lucia bound to have the lowest IQ, because of how Compton and the UWP had us in St Lucia. If it was not Kenny who made primary and secondary education available to ALL OF US, we would still have the shift system for our primary school students. St Lucia would still provide secondary for the all the rich and ration it for the poor. That is another reason why the people will return Kenny to continue developing St Lucia.