Saturday, March 19, 2011

“No Discrimination”..... Prominent Businessman in Police Custody



Anonymous said...

Yes, arrest them, then turn around and release them on a pittance, and then for them to subsequently disappear.

Laborian said...

To the writer of this article and to the "Voice" paper I state STOP THE HYPOCRISY!!! You should do your research and give us the facts. How is it that you were able to give the names of the common folk, yet you make reference to "a prominent businessman." The persons you mentioned have not been convicted yet you report their names. Everyone is entitled to the same scrutiny. You continue the backward mentality that those in position are untouchable...this continues to be distasteful. Rather than provide aspects of the story; would rather you not report. Be true journalists

Anonymous said...

Laborians, the name of suspects are released after they have been charged with an offence. The names of the common folks were given because charges have already been preferred against them, however, in the case of the prominent businessman the same could not have been done because he have not been charged with any offence. I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

I really like Operation Restore Confidence. I believe that much can be accomplish if this operation continues over an extended time period. Although it is my belief that this should be the regular duties of law enforcement and not a response to upsurge in criminal activity. In any event law enforcement official have my full support.

Anonymous said...

Why is taking so long to charge the big businessman and the comman man is charge in a flash.

Is the police notsure what the harge should be.

The answer is...the high paid lawyers and well place elites are working in the backgroung.....

Also, in the real world the house/apartment/ care and business is Siege. As well as a income tax St.Lucia there are to many unemployed and overnight mafia' with not legal occupation, driving the lates vehicles, and building the larges is indeed an under world economy thats alive and well, and not tourism.

Anonymous said...

To the underground economy, that is where de STEP money went. Stupid Kenny expected to get a multiplier from that? De money went by boat to St. Vincent.

Poor Kenny kept on pouring money into bottomless pit. He calls this priming de pump!!! Woye!! Mate is one hell of a joker!

Anonymous said...

Un un! He is a financial wizard in reverse. He put $45 million down a hole and 600 maid and bellhop jobs came out. Dat is fine ants minister for you!

Anonymous said...

The prominent businessman is G.A.J (reverse).

Anonymous said...

I don't support this government but they deserve praise for this latest effort. I don't care who does it as long as crime is brought under controle that's all I want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Our policemen deserves great commendation for their work. They are doing their best.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the place quieter now even if there was some shooting on Grass Street last week?

Anonymous said...

Kenny must be kicking his heels at the thought that things are quiet. This sucker thrives on the misery of the people of St Lucia. It's all in the name of politics.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Francois: Congratulations on jos well done on behalf of your country and countrymen. I know your work and knew that if you maintained your independence, St. Lucia would be much better for it. You have alongside you, some decent, and hard-working men such as ACP Errol Alexander, Pancras Albert, and others who will make a difference for St. Lucia.

It is these so-called businessmen, facilitating the cursed operations of cocaine and illegal guns in St. Lucia, who got away, with impunity, when others before you, allowed it, although they knew, damn well what was going on in this country, which has the country on its back.

You are getting support in places overseas where it matters. Not from the dumb-ass politicians who are obviously a major part of our problem in the country.

Too many of our young innocent men and women have and are being destroyed from the drug trafficking greed of so-called businessmen and businesswomen.

And by the way, Commissioner Francois, don't ever forget to let the politicians know where to get off, when they believe they can pussyfoot around with you. You don't need them. Get that straight.

Anonymous said...

Fine-Ants-Minister indeed. Way to go blogger. After fourty-five million plus, went down the drain, it really is a Fine-Ants-Minister. I like that one.

Anonymous said...

Whoop dee friggin doooo!!!!! I'm not impressed because that type of action should have taken place ages ago and should be on-going. These cops know exactly who is involved in the island's drug trafficking.

Anonymous said...

and deliberately turn a blind eye to SLU's drug infestation.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the exposure of the Drug Baron has clipped his wings somewhat. The Baron faction or wing of the police force may be losing influence. This is what needs to be investigated.

In the meantime, some nasties in the SLP are trying to embed Trojan Horses in other parties. Garsa! Even before some of these people make it to parliament, they are already showing their dishonest and dishonourable sides to their characters and personalities. It is little wonder that one prominent figure found little difficulty in almost disclaiming ownership of sperm donated.

Anonymous said...

About the sperm donors, somebody at the bar said that by their fruit you shall know them.

Anonymous said...

Make the businessman's name public.

Anonymous said...

What's needed next is to have an Independant investigation, of the currupt cops that sell guns to the gangsters.

Anonymous said...

We should pass new law to make all those cops, public servants, and ministers passing information and selling guns to gangs on losing their cases before a court of law, automatically forfeit their pensions and benefits as punishment.

Anonymous said...

I must applaud the police for a job well done and open up that net to catch more fishes. While on the subject i hope The Stlucia Labour Party will do the honorable thing and return every dime donated to their campaign in 2006 by this gentleman. Come on SLP be a spider. Be above the fray and denounce this individual by returning those campaign funds. I am hoping that you do the right thing...........

Anonymous said...

I must commend the police for being bold as I much rather a safer St. Lucia. However we need to be careful that we do not go along the lines of Jamaica with police gang verses gangsta gang. For those of you continuing to lay blame on SLP, isn't it the job of the government of the day to take care of the safety of the country? And asking Labour to return campaign funds from individuals... if you live in a glass house don't throw stones. Look within and tell me how much you see about the marriage between politics and drugs

Anonymous said...

Following the arrest of the business man, can we expect to see corupt cops and Parliamentarians who break the law arrested as well. Is it true that Kenny's warning that certain elements entering St.Lucia politics would be a danger to the country. I think we have shouted from the roof tops when Kenny has betrayed our trust, but on this fact let us congratulate the man on his visionary outpourings.

Anonymous said...

Where is the vision when the mirror image may well have been taken from Panama's Manuel Noriega, Mugabe, and the lists goes on. Are you short of or lack the necessary vision yourself, that is why you are projecting that others have blinkers on like you?

Anonymous said...

Hey man! Your leader may be a prophet. He is in this instance prophetic. What he predicted came out to be true. But should you have grossly mistaken this for being a visionary? How sad!

Your leader with two terms in the bag has NEVER shown the ability to paint a picture where he wants to take St. Lucia and have the people follow him. Today, again, people will vote for the SLP because it is seen as the better of the two major parties.

UWP is so bad that the SLP smells like a rose. But it is the same stinking rose they got rid of the last time. SLP today is not any different from what it was before. Kenny says that given a chance he would do Roachasmell again! Next thing he says is that he is waiting to get in to know what to do. Hey right now, this man does not have a credible plan to decisively address our problems. Your so-called leader is a freaking opportunist!

Anonymous said...

You must be very happy with the performance of the UWP at presence. I have listened to four budgets and about to go through another, i am yet to feel the impact on the economy. By the way is it true that we are about to loose 500 acres of land at Black Bay?

Anonymous said...

It is not step money that went underground, it is HOPE. Check who was sharing the funds and the areas the enjoyed the the biggest share of HOPE. You could fool some but not All.

Anonymous said...

You know what is pathethic? The UWP supporters are not embarrased to continue to support the bunch of losers that they put in office. Every turn they get they will compare their government to the SLP. Hey Flambeaus YOUR GOVERNMENT IS IN OFFICE. The SLP is in opposition.GET IT!!!!!. They have not performed in the four and a half years that you gave them...7K jobs NADA.... reduction in crime NADA and the list goes on. These promises were made just four and one half yrs ago so how on god's green earth do you all expect people to vote for Flambeau again? pleasssssssse

Anonymous said...

I agree that the police have a job to do and i support them 100% but the fact that they're hiding the business mans name wudnt help the situation cuz members of the public needs to be aware of who those guys are just like they cud have mention the names of other pple,u guys really need to work on ur strategies