Saturday, June 8, 2013



Anonymous said...

please get your facts right micoud have had that befor this is not the first time so please get your facts

Anonymous said...

Of course, this is the Voice newspaper - shoot first and check the facts (if ever), later!

Very sad for a so called "National Newspaper."

Anonymous said...

Instead of bashing the newspapers, can anyone provide info as to when the pageant would have been held in the past?

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see, at last , Micoud has/is waking up from her deep sleep after fifty or more years under a representative MP/PM who neglected the constituency and had no respect for its people. I blame these people in part because they seemed to be completely bamboozled by the Rep: they worshiped as a god. I hope for their sake, the new MP will at least try to do something for them and to lift up their self respect.

Anonymous said...

for god sake could you please keep politics out of it

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts doesn't it? it is a fact that Micoud is the most underdeveloped constituency on the Island, why and who is to blame for that? it's not politics, it's the truth.