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Saturday, June 8, 2013
Chinese eggs waiting to be hatched
Let China keep all of it's eggs which is laced with blood because of how they get the money. China itself is a huge slave camp and as descendants of slaves we want nothing to do with it. I am proud that Saint Lucia is not part of this evil, our Frenchness does not allow it because we are dedicated to liberty and freedom and China's blood money will only bring a yellow curse upon us, we can't sell our Souls to the Devil. So yes, you can take your tainted money and SHOVE it.
The chinese have to be called out on a serious character flaw: they like to eat their cake and have it. When confronted on the imported chinese laborers issue in a certain African country recently, the Chinese supervisor's response was: the laborers needed special skills to dig the ditches; and he said that with a straight face!.... our leaders got to be savvy about playing the game.
Let China keep all of it's eggs which is laced with blood because of how they get the money. China itself is a huge slave camp and as descendants of slaves we want nothing to do with it.
I am proud that Saint Lucia is not part of this evil, our Frenchness does not allow it because we are dedicated to liberty and freedom and China's blood money will only bring a yellow curse upon us, we can't sell our Souls to the Devil. So yes, you can take your tainted money and SHOVE it.
America is now owned by China, next is the Caribbean...onward world domination!
The eggs will hatch into dragons and eat eat everyone who's indebted to them.
The chinese have to be called out on a serious character flaw: they like to eat their cake and have it. When confronted on the imported chinese laborers issue in a certain African country recently, the Chinese supervisor's response was: the laborers needed special skills to dig the ditches; and he said that with a straight face!.... our leaders got to be savvy about playing the game.
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