I am still not convinced that the GG has anything to do under the constitution in the day-to-day administration of the State. I find it puzzling that the GG would be involved in signing that agreement.
But the goodly and extremely wise PM is in the habit of signing agreements that wind up with Saint Lucians holding the bag for some egregious mistakes and financial black holes as the LPM fellas would say. As usual, Saint Lucians emerge empty handed from such.
I have no faith in anything that the PM says or does regarding matters financial. Be those his budgets, the VAT, agreements, you name it.
I am still not convinced that the GG has anything to do under the constitution in the day-to-day administration of the State. I find it puzzling that the GG would be involved in signing that agreement. ____________________________________________ Read the Constitution!
If the signed piece of paper has no legitimacy in terms of its validity, not having been signed by the proper legal and constitutional authority, namely the GG, does Grynberg have a real case in law?
Or, does the law or the constitution allow the prime minister to bypass the authority of GG on "Law of the Sea" matters?
The facts must now be placed in the Parliament of St. Lucia by none other than Kenny Anthony so that we St. Lucians to whom St. Lucia belongs are made aware of our OWN BUSINESS.
1. Is it the Prime Minister or the Governor General who has the AUTHORITY in the Statute to approve?
If it is the Governor General; and it is true she has said she knows nothing about that matter.
Kenny Anthony has absolutely NO CHOICE but to RESIGN of this Office in Government. This would be tantamount to a serious breach of our Laws by none other than the country's Prime Minister. He is NOT ABOVE the Laws of St. Lucia and must be brought to boot like any one else who contravenes the Laws. The Police Commissioner must act; wherever this may fall under his purview.
2. When any such case relating to that Grynberg Affair comes to its conclusion; whatsoever damages, costs et al that comes to the Country's account; MUST BE PAID BY KENNY ANTHONY. That is a must. A serious precedent must be set for any future ABUSE by the holder of Office as Prime Minister, Minister for Finance or any other Government Official who conducts the affairs of St. Lucia, moreso, the financial affairs of St. Lucia so wrecklessly.
If I were a Judge, the fact that Kenny Anthony, the Prime Minister himself signed such a contract outside of his authority; which has in short time; brought the country under such distress; I would have to sumise that there was a clear plan in mind and it appears quite out of the norm of what a 'prudent man ' charged with the finances of a country would do. Most importantly, when one considers the fact, that Kenny Anthony posits himself to be a lawyer, and a Constitutional lawyer at that.
Whether costs to be paid, by the Treasury is the full amount or a fraction of the amount does not matter. The position is this country cannot afford any wreckless losses, because of the man placed by us, the people of this country, to take care of our national business, continues, consistently to put us in peril and tremendous losses.
The conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry on the latter was a sad indictment on Kenny Anthony and his Government.
Whilst I hold no brief for Stephenson King and his cabal of rascals; in much the same way, Keith Mondesir was hauled before the High Courts of this land of ours so that Justice could be served on behalf of us, the people of St. Lucia, justice must now be seen to be done in this matter relating to Kenny Anthony and his mess of pottage.
The matter of that Agreement with PETROCARIBE and the new Venezuelan Government is another matter of great concern to this country. It is pelucid that Kenny takes decisions on his own, which have absolutely no analytical basis, and no sound grasp of Jurisdictional risk exposure or macroeconomic systemic risks which are likely to be translated on this country; and consequently on the revenues of the Treasury; and most importantly; the telling blow to the increasing lower-levels of the standard of living of the 'average' St. Lucian.
Kenny Anthony must now present in the peoples House of Assembly, the Report which he has, outlining the justification/rationale for both the GRYNBERG APPROVAL/AGREEMENT and the PETRO CARIBE AGREEMENT.
One thing is clear, Kenny Anthony has absolutely no brains. No smarts. And one now wonders what's behind these qualifications. How did he get them?
There is a term used in the Colonial Laws of past years; many of which are still on our Books; as proper laws; and which refer to the term, "the GOVERNING COUNCIL". This term means in today's Government administration, the CABINET OF MINISTERS.
If this is the term referred to in the Law, then it means the CABINET OF MINISTERS ARE TO APPROVE.
But if the Law specifically states the GOVERNOR GENERAL, then that is clear, the Governor General by Law is required to approve and sign such matters.
In any event; in either of these cases; and these are the only two cases, in respect of St. Lucia, the Prime Minister or any other Minister does not have such authority by Law.
This smacks of the same high-handedness with which he went to hold discussions with Bankers, not understanding the language and was left holding an empty bag, in the person of Frenwel/Rochamel.
Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise. Pride comes before a fall. In this Government, the blind is leading the blind-folded.
Grynding poverty is ahead for Saint Lucians, if we and our grandchildren have to pay for political foolishness of politicians as we continue to pay Grynberg and others for absolutely nothing. Another worthless SLP agreement.
If the GG did not sign anything, then Jack can sue Kenny, but not the Crown.
Crawl back where you came from!!
That's how you defend a man who sold our sea-bed? Shame on you!
I am still not convinced that the GG has anything to do under the constitution in the day-to-day administration of the State. I find it puzzling that the GG would be involved in signing that agreement.
But the goodly and extremely wise PM is in the habit of signing agreements that wind up with Saint Lucians holding the bag for some egregious mistakes and financial black holes as the LPM fellas would say. As usual, Saint Lucians emerge empty handed from such.
I have no faith in anything that the PM says or does regarding matters financial. Be those his budgets, the VAT, agreements, you name it.
I am still not convinced that the GG has anything to do under the constitution in the day-to-day administration of the State. I find it puzzling that the GG would be involved in signing that agreement.
Read the Constitution!
Now if a prime minister has broken the highest law of the land, the constitution, who prosecutes the said minister or obtains justice?
If the signed piece of paper has no legitimacy in terms of its validity, not having been signed by the proper legal and constitutional authority, namely the GG, does Grynberg have a real case in law?
Or, does the law or the constitution allow the prime minister to bypass the authority of GG on "Law of the Sea" matters?
Quite puzzling you say? Why puzzling.
The facts must now be placed in the Parliament of St. Lucia by none other than Kenny Anthony so that we St. Lucians to whom St. Lucia belongs are made aware of our OWN BUSINESS.
1. Is it the Prime Minister or the Governor General who has the AUTHORITY in the Statute to approve?
If it is the Governor General; and it is true she has said she knows nothing about that matter.
Kenny Anthony has absolutely NO CHOICE but to RESIGN of this Office in Government. This would be tantamount to a serious breach of our Laws by none other than the country's Prime Minister. He is NOT ABOVE the Laws of St. Lucia and must be brought to boot like any one else who contravenes the Laws. The Police Commissioner must act; wherever this may fall under his purview.
2. When any such case relating to that Grynberg Affair comes to its conclusion; whatsoever damages, costs et al that comes to the Country's account; MUST BE PAID BY KENNY ANTHONY. That is a must. A serious precedent must be set for any future ABUSE by the holder of Office as Prime Minister, Minister for Finance or any other Government Official who conducts the affairs of St. Lucia, moreso, the financial affairs of St. Lucia so wrecklessly.
If I were a Judge, the fact that Kenny Anthony, the Prime Minister himself signed such a contract outside of his authority; which has in short time; brought the country under such distress; I would have to sumise that there was a clear plan in mind and it appears quite out of the norm of what a 'prudent man ' charged with the finances of a country would do. Most importantly, when one considers the fact, that Kenny Anthony posits himself to be a lawyer, and a Constitutional lawyer at that.
Whether costs to be paid, by the Treasury is the full amount or a fraction of the amount does not matter. The position is this country cannot afford any wreckless losses, because of the man placed by us, the people of this country, to take care of our national business, continues, consistently to put us in peril and tremendous losses.
One cannot therfore not help in recalling the losses to this beloved country of ours, from the FRENWEL.ROCHAMEL SCANDAL.
The conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry on the latter was a sad indictment on Kenny Anthony and his Government.
Whilst I hold no brief for Stephenson King and his cabal of rascals; in much the same way, Keith Mondesir was hauled before the High Courts of this land of ours so that Justice could be served on behalf of us, the people of St. Lucia, justice must now be seen to be done in this matter relating to Kenny Anthony and his mess of pottage.
The matter of that Agreement with PETROCARIBE and the new Venezuelan Government is another matter of great concern to this country. It is pelucid that Kenny takes decisions on his own, which have absolutely no analytical basis, and no sound grasp of Jurisdictional risk exposure or macroeconomic systemic risks which are likely to be translated on this country; and consequently on the revenues of the Treasury; and most importantly; the telling blow to the increasing lower-levels of the standard of living of the 'average' St. Lucian.
Kenny Anthony must now present in the peoples House of Assembly, the Report which he has, outlining the justification/rationale for both the GRYNBERG APPROVAL/AGREEMENT and the PETRO CARIBE AGREEMENT.
One thing is clear, Kenny Anthony has absolutely no brains. No smarts. And one now wonders what's behind these qualifications. How did he get them?
There is a term used in the Colonial Laws of past years; many of which are still on our Books; as proper laws; and which refer to the term, "the GOVERNING COUNCIL". This term means in today's Government administration, the CABINET OF MINISTERS.
If this is the term referred to in the Law, then it means the CABINET OF MINISTERS ARE TO APPROVE.
But if the Law specifically states the GOVERNOR GENERAL, then that is clear, the Governor General by Law is required to approve and sign such matters.
In any event; in either of these cases; and these are the only two cases, in respect of St. Lucia, the Prime Minister or any other Minister does not have such authority by Law.
This smacks of the same high-handedness with which he went to hold discussions with Bankers, not understanding the language and was left holding an empty bag, in the person of Frenwel/Rochamel.
Where ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise. Pride comes before a fall. In this Government, the blind is leading the blind-folded.
Grynding poverty is ahead for Saint Lucians, if we and our grandchildren have to pay for political foolishness of politicians as we continue to pay Grynberg and others for absolutely nothing. Another worthless SLP agreement.
"The Emperor has no clothes!"
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