Thursday, June 6, 2013

Saint Lucia Government Taken To Task Over Claims Of Job Creation


Anonymous said...

SLP's nose is growing longer by the minute!

Tell them! Tell these jokers that all of us are not the fools that they think we are.

SLP is full of empty. They have absolutely no ideas about how to create real jobs and to turn around this economy.

Even STEP, by its very name, is TEMPORARY. Only the jackass party hacks of SLP are fooled by the annual crumbs they are STEP fed to get them to vote SLP to keep them in poverty to be hungry beggars for another five years!

Tell SLP to go to school to learn economics, business and management. Law is not working. People do not EAT court victories!

SLP dog in the manger party politics is pauperizing us by the minute.

With no bright ideas, Saint Lucia went to communist Cuba to learn how to stay in power whilst delivering scrap to followers and hangers-on, and crap to the disgusted majority.

Cuba has no ideas how to grow it economy. But SLP, Saint Lucia's smart party goes to Cuba for ideas!

SLP proudly sucks!

Anonymous said...

SLP's nose is growing longer by the minute!

Tell them! Tell these jokers that all of us are not the fools that they think we are.

SLP is full of empty. They have absolutely no ideas about how to create real jobs and to turn around this economy.

Even STEP, by its very name, is TEMPORARY. Only the jackass party hacks of SLP are fooled by the annual crumbs they are STEP fed to get them to vote SLP to keep them in poverty to be hungry beggars for another five years!

Tell SLP to go to school to learn economics, business and management. Law is not working. People do not EAT court victories!

SLP dog in the manger party politics is pauperizing us by the minute.

With no bright ideas, Saint Lucia went to communist Cuba to learn how to stay in power whilst delivering scrap to followers and hangers-on, and crap to the disgusted majority.

Cuba has no ideas how to grow it economy. But SLP, Saint Lucia's smart party goes to Cuba for ideas!

SLP proudly sucks!

Anonymous said...

Of the SLP, inquiring minds want to know whether or not the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia came back with a promise for his retention of power in Saint Lucia with troop and military support from communist Cuba.

Anonymous said...

When King went to Cuba with his wife and a much bigger contingent, what did he went there for? You all so called UWPEEEEES can talk all you all nonsense, the fact is UWP is a DEAD party. They CANNOT attract anybody new to that so called what is left of a party.

Anonymous said...

Tanto tango - sacway cooyon

Anonymous said...

King is NOT IN THE HABIT OF SIGNING SECRET AGREEMENTS that only benefit the signatory.

Is there a military support and assistance clause in the ALBA Agreement? Was a secret agreement signed in the last trip to Cuba for military support if SLP looks like it is being voted out? That is if they are ever going to allow that. Communists have no use for the rule of law.

Anonymous said...

That was what King tried to sign in Cuba, when he went there? Voted out what, to elect who? Even though the SLP is to be voted out, where is the alternative? You really believe St Lucians are so stupid and backwards to elect King, Tucker, Greedy Joe, Easy Kal, Spida, Ass in James, Ass tar Fan, Guy Joseph, etc,etc to run our country to the dirt again?There is nobody of substances in what remain of the UWP......bull shitters and block heads alone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That was what King tried to sign in Cuba, when he went there? Voted out what, to elect who? Even though the SLP is to be voted out, where is the alternative? You really believe St Lucians are so stupid and backwards to elect King, Tucker, Greedy Joe, Easy Kal, Spida, Ass in James, Ass tar Fan, Guy Joseph, etc,etc to run our country to the dirt again?There is nobody of substances in what remain of the UWP......bull shitters and block heads alone.

June 6, 2013 at 9:28 PM

That up did not answer the question. Did Kenny sign either a SECRET security or a military assistance agreement with the communist regime in Cuba or with any other communist regime that is a member of ALBA?

Do you up there have the answer?

Anonymous said...

you are the answer. You moron, all you people do is talk lots and lots of bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I am going with LPM on that one. Parties should not misrepresent their manifestos. This is why we in so much junk in the country .

Anonymous said...

"you are the answer. You moron, all you people do is talk lots and lots of bullshit."

@ June 7, 2013 at 9:55 AM, this sounds like the product of a very naffin as my friend would say. You sound like a typical country bookie.

Are you a drunk or of a sound mind?

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that we have to pay any heed to Kenny Anthony. He is such a waste. A complete mass of waste, that we ought not to really be taking on this man. Or for that matter even remembering that he is alive. That's how bad things here have become. But I suppose the fact that he puts his face all over the place some of you folks can't help it. How I wish the country would send him home tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

If Kenny believes that he will use the "dead-ass" Fidel Castro to stay in power in St. Lucia by any means necessary, he has a rude wake up call coming for him. He could not get away with that not while the friends of St. Lucia, the great mighty United States of America is on this green earth.

He and Castro must know; that what the Usa does not know, is what they don't want to know.

One things for sure. We in St. Lucia will certainly stand on the side of America, and demonstrably against Fidel Castro and Kenny Anthony.

And we all say AMEN to that.

Anonymous said...

Amen, my blogger above. We all say Amen to that.

Kenny has brought this country to the dogs ever since he got into Government in this country. By the way where is that bridge called PON GEORGE. And what is its significance?

Anonymous said...

Imagine that a leader of Saint Lucia in the 21st century:
i. after the fall of the Berlin Wall,
ii. the fall of the USSR,

iii. the adaptation of capitalist ideas by China to GROW its economy (sometimes with 11% annual GDP) and

iv. the starvation of the population of its people in communist North Korea

this country's enlightened leadership makes a big deal of joining communist-leaning ALBA, which has the solid backing of:
(a) the theocratic dictatorship in Iran, and (b) the dysfunctional Venezuela?

To top it all, we snub the USA, and at the same time, we make undiplomatic noises regarding the 'relationship' between Saint Lucia and Cuba 'is not for sale'?

Is all of this staggering nonsensical behavior above, in the sacred long-term self-interest of Saint Lucians? Or, just in the self-interest of one man?

We need to know this.

Did the prime minister of Saint Lucia sign one of his USUAL SECRET AGREEMENTS, as is his wont, but this time, for MILITARY ASSISTANCE and/or COOPERATION, with any of the left-leaning ALBA member countries, or with his Communist CASTRO BROTHERS in CUBA?

Anonymous said...

What Kenny is proving is that he is a thing of the past. why lean on Cuba etc to to revive the economy. You can't think of think other country in the world that is prosperous. Why go to a country with crambling infrastructure and a government that does not have the full support of its people. I just don't get it with them fellas.smh

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with this LPM.
They start off well with a great premise about the SLP's and Kenny and Phillip's lies about job creation.

We know they did not creat real jobs but just borrowed money or taxed the people to hand out government low paying jobs to party hacks and big salaries to their liberal elities so called 'educated' friends.

So much could have been done with a little research. Where were the so called jobs created, how much did they cost the taxpayer, what did they achieve for our development?
Yuo could have shown how this had nothing to do with development but is just a kind of economic slavery creating a permanent economic underclass.

Instead you go off into a vague political ramble that lets readers down.
Reminds me of when Prudent put out a picture of himself looking like a country bookie from Brooklyn.
Will you ever learn.

Anonymous said...

Yes - we know all these things about Kenny but the UWP is a dead party with its ranks full of theives and dead weights.

Anonymous said...

We need to know this.

Did the prime minister of Saint Lucia sign one of his USUAL SECRET AGREEMENTS, as is his wont, but this time, for MILITARY ASSISTANCE and/or COOPERATION, with any of the left-leaning ALBA member countries, or with his Communist CASTRO BROTHERS in CUBA?

June 8, 2013 at 7:06 AM


Anonymous said...

The majority of you UWP people up there are morons. I can't believe i'm reading this B.S. You really think spreading a bunch of ridiculous propaganda will work?

Anonymous said...

Legitimately, people who are not yardfowls are always asking questions. That is fair enough.

The trouble is that party hacks cannot ever see danger and trouble. After all, these are always so very easily and dependably obscured by party poverty-retention handouts like STEP. It is only unfortunate that those are being paid out straight from taxes paid to the government treasury, or from government borrowing.

Saint Lucia it has been said is pure idiot country.