Friday, December 6, 2013

Grenada, Barbados and Antigua offload burdensome tourism taxation


Anonymous said...

SWOT analysis says this: Your ability as CEO of Saint Lucia Inc., meaning the government of the business unit called Saint Lucia, must at least BENCHMARK what its (our) competitors are doing. That is, if we are not going to see a further erosion of our competitive position and our potential and existing clientele moving to these other countries (places where they may be able to get more value for money).

Stakeholder analysis dictates that business units ... and their related employees have a MAJOR stake in the OUTCOMES of governments' decisions and equally -- their NON-decisions.

Neither the past UWP, nor the current SLP appears to have even the basic modicum of awareness and sensitivity regarding the creation of a rich (in a very technical sense) self-regenerating environment favourable to business growth and -- even far less -- accelerated growth.

Some of us can discern and dissect rhetoric and ruses from reality.

Your public policy action priorities, as the government of the day, always betray your mental and other capacities, or more technically, your SKAs (skills, knowledge and abilities). And ... if the necessary SKAs do not reside within you, they sure bet will never ever come out of you.

Parties may win several elections -- even in a row -- and with HUGE majorities; that in itself does not mean one darn thing!

Being very good voter "fly paper" is not the same thing as having the capacity to comprehend and add abstractly two different -- even conflicting issues to formulate therefrom, a third and effective solution. This has been the major spectacular-cum- ministerial short-coming and failure factor of our several idolized demi-gods on the local political scene. With this, foolishness reigns supreme!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute Mike, are you trying to say that St. Lucia should take note of what it's neighboring Islands are doing, by cutting taxes on tourism?
Are you trying to tell these greedy bunch to cut on the fat that they feed on?
That will be the day Pigs can fly. That bunch know only one thing,

Anonymous said...

Sadly in Grenada Sandals has made little effort to support the local economy in terms of goods. As far as we know, not one piece of local art was purchased for the rooms or public areas. Recently 40 containers of plants were brought in to landscape--imagine having to import plants to lush and verdant Grenada. It is a big company, and it seems that its own bottom line is what drives it.

Anonymous said...

“History has tried hard to teach us that we can’t have good government under politicians. Now, to go and stick one at the very head of the government couldn’t be wise.”
-Mark Twain in the New York Herald, August 26, 1876

Anonymous said...

And what does Dominica have that St. Lucia doesn’t that can attract investors? Check these two articles out:

Anonymous said...

@7:38 PM, the answer is perhaps they have fewer idiots in government as our representative country bookies, and perhaps fewer still lining up to replace the current crop, like those led by the disgusting khaki-coloured unemployed trouble-maker on the Soufriere bridge. Reduce the crime rate. Let that one forever be on a trip from somewhere to nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Michael Chastanet, people need to see through the mire and observe your deception and deceit. You are for one person and one person only - MICHAEL CHASTANET. I worked for you for over 6 years and you treated your Super J staff like crap - you constantly swore at them, you incessantly spoke down to them and you did NOTHING - NOT ONE THING, to better the lives of your employees. YOU sir are a greedy son of a b....

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Always heard that about MC and even Andre Chastanet too. If that is true, it is a bloody shame on you sir.

Anonymous said...

FROM "CARIBBEAN news - 360"
Dominica signs US$300 million cooperation agreement with China: ROSEAU, Dominica, Thursday December 5, 2013, CMC – Dominica and China have signed a new US$300 million cooperation agreement that includes the construction of a hotel, construction of an international airport and building a new hospital

Anonymous said...

As per normal lets sell our country short. A Hotel is a business and should be paying normal Taxes. It hurts me to see Hotels getting all these incentives paying little or no taxes and only giving back by way of low paying jobs. THAT CRAP HAS TO STOP.

Anonymous said...

Idiots who clearly do not even understand first principles, but are giving a big show pretending that they understand economics are making decisions. So, what else do you expect, 7:03 PM?

Meanwhile, the UWP is very busy with the coronation of yet another such big-headed khaki-coloured idiot and worse still, an openly corrupt and culturally insensitive trouble maker. Saint Lucia is really up the creek without a paddle.