Saturday, July 7, 2007

Is Salman Rushdie an intellectual adolescent?



Anonymous said...

Mr. Chastanet,

I'm sorry, but that was complete hogwash what you wrote today.

Mr. Rushdie is a free man in a free society, free to associate with whom he pleases. If you interpret this as the "social climbing of an upstart who does not know his place", then you are as much a representative of a regressive era as are the mullahs who question our right to freedom of expression.

The salient point is that Britain is not being unnecessarily loyal to Rushdie or anyone else. And if you believe that appeasing religious fanatics is the more prudent policy, then - in a free society - you are as entitled to your views as Rushdie is to his.

This is a freedom you should always cherish. And, whether you realise it or not, it is this freedom that Britain promotes when she beknights Mr. Rushdie.

Anonymous said...
