Saturday, September 13, 2008

Shame on you Mr. Imprudent



Anonymous said...

"Mr. Imprudent" was under the delusion that he was qualified to serve as St. Lucia's ambassador to the U.S.A.

When that job was given to someone else, he became very bitter and has tried to undermine the government ever since.

The way to deal with spoiled children is to ignore them. Unfortunately, to the dimmer lights amongst us, he appears to shine brightly.

Anonymous said...

Only a jackass will say these things about the man. This just goes to show how sick those who rule are.

We need more individuals like him in this country. We need men who can stand on their own two feet and speak their mind.

More power to you Mr. Imprudent.

Anonymous said...

If we get a few more like Mr Prudent-IM this country can be a better place.The present government is a total disgrace and should be booted out.Hats off to LUCIAN POWER.