Saturday, January 10, 2009

Waiting for the Economic Tsunami



Anonymous said...

My god!!!! If I have to read one more ass kissing of Taiwan from this man .....I will stop reading the voice- Period!

Is this guy being paid by Taiwan or is he hoping for a contract of some soughts. Why the constant reharse of the foolishness that just bores the reader to drink.

I am a supporter of Taiwan and would like to see them gain their independence from China. I also agree with the governemnt for wanting to help their effort. But ass kissing-I surely ain't one!!!!!!

Stop bombarding the readers and St Lucians wiht propoganda and crap!!!

Anonymous said...

He is getting paid!! Anybody could see that.

Anonymous said...

I do think that he was one of the reciepients of the famous "Red Envelope", that the Taiwanese rep was distributing some time ago. This guy is part of the problem as to why we are in this mess. Always passing the buck on the opposition. Let's not focus on the opposition but rather on the incompetent bunch that he seem to see nothing wrong with.