Thursday, December 23, 2010

LPM Statement



Anonymous said...

well we are looking forward to tax cuts in the 2011 budget to spur the economy.

Anonymous said...

Tax what! this gov't only knows tax and spend.

Anonymous said...

The gov't main fiscal policy in 2010 was to spur the used car sector to increase their tax intake at the fuel pump.

Anonymous said...

In 2011 budget i expect a wages and salaries freeze.

Anonymous said...

Wage freeze my A?? when they had the opportunity they blew it, they gave 14.5% and now we are going to pay for that.

Anonymous said...

Give the guys a break, when a book keeper is the head of finance.

Anonymous said...

That is what you get when you elevate a known ex-con to become YOUR minister.

That face with his prisoner ID is all over the internet and you all have him as Foreign Minister.

This a country of low-minded morons.

Anonymous said...

is there a Foreign Ministry in Slu?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Taiwan section.

Anonymous said...

You such low-minded bastards as ministers that one of them took one of his goons on the tele and tried to white-wash him to the public as a role model.

Imagine a well-known criminal being paraded as a role model. What a set of morons Saint Lucians have ELECTED to parliament.

Are St. Lucians for real? An ex-con as an MP, and known criminal and drug gang member, being brought on the tele by a minister Richard Federick, as someone the YOUNG people should follow?

And the god-damn Governor in fancy hat reads crap about 'my government'?

St. Lucians are cursed! St. Lucia is a sick society!

Anonymous said...

The difference is LPM –The future

Kenny thinks that economics is about the law.

King believes it is all about bluffing his way, HIS KNOWLEDGE IS LIMITED.

The LPM is ONE team with Clear solutions, Thoughtful, Engaging, Insightful, Far-reaching, deep thinkers.

The LPM IS VISIONARY! with clarity of mind AND A CLEAR ROAD MAP.

Saint Lucia needs new, non recycled dividers - Truthful individuals, with Integrity and accountability capable of logical and rational thought process.

The LPM is leadership with Integrity, Transparency and accountability.

Anonymous said...

I will never predict that the LPM will not be a good party, but will also never boast them as our saviour with all the answers. I took my example from the now UWP government, they made so much noise in opposition, promising all kinds of solutions, they had all the answers, they blamed the then government for everything wrong in society. Now they are in government, all development started by the previous government has stalled, all we hear day after day is mistakes afters mistakes, corruption after corruption, blaming the current economic situation etc, etc. it is very easy to stay on the outside to paint a rosy picture as the LPM is doing. If the LPM hope to win a few seat in the future, because they will not win any seats in the next election, they must work on the ground, organize groups in the different parts of the country, to be known because we the internet literate public know about them, but you would go to the corners of St lucia and the people will say they do not know what the LPM stand for.