Thursday, June 9, 2011

Elections: Probably Not This Year



Anonymous said...

They're postponing so they can steal a bit more dough!!

Anonymous said...

So true first blogger!!! In any case, they need to call it now because we are suffering.

PM King needs to recognize that his stint as PM should be timed-out. Hope that the SLP is ready to take on the baton of leadership, and do things better. We need jobs! We need to see our crime rate go down the right way! We need to see recreational facilities erected in all communities especially disadvantaged ones. We need brighter, smarter more intelligent leaders! We need help!

Anonymous said...

This editorial should call a spade a spade. Is it ok for a Prime Minister to make a statement to the media that election will be this year and we should have to doubt his words. Then it is an indictment on the press in St. Lucia, because then we would have to hear reports indicating that the Prime Minister is a liar. We can't say he is lying about elections because he still has a good bit of time to make the announcement, but I don't think the voice should be speculating otherwise when the Prime Minister has said elections will be this year.

Anonymous said...

Pharaoh "set my people free"

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what tricks they jobs at the last moment (like our people are fools), building recreational facilities everywhere. Oh by the way, did King and his men even consult the Careille community before building the sports complex that is designed with shops at the bottom.

Does King and Tom Chou realize that this may very well bring down the value of property in that area depending on what types of business and groups frequent the place. What a group of myopic men.

It really does not matter what date he calls the election, he will be booted out. It's time that King and his men know that St. Lucians are not foolish, we do have brains unlike the uwp men.