Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Surprising Exclusion In CC Passports



Anonymous said...

Get you head out of your ASS !

Anonymous said...

People change jobs.

Anonymous said...

It works both ways. People also get discriminated upon because of their jobs. The Un-Employment rate is also outrageous right now.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine having to pay for a new passport every time you change jobs?

Armchair Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement with Mr Elva on his peeve about the exclusion on the new CC passport.

There are several categories of employment. One does not necessarily have to state EXACTLY what their profession is, but just jot a tick in whatever category is applicable. My tick would be in "self employed" without having to state exactly what I do as a self employed person. Of course, I will be asked questions because of that.

This is how it works. Then if immigration sees it fit to question your profession at length, that is their job, but most times, just the category is sufficient to satisfy.

To the above bloggers - your ignorant slip is showing.