Thursday, October 3, 2013

Forensic Lab gets High Praise from Police Force


Anonymous said...

Great. This should bring us out of the 70's and into the early 1980's.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is busy looking at this years homicide figures and what has been done to solve these cases - WHAT about cases from previous years?
Am glad the St Omer case is moving on even though it is a relatively recent case...could this apparently swift dealing with this case be influenced by the fact that she is family/friend of family/family of a friend of the PM? (Seem to remember some connection being mentioned in the press at the time).
I wonder.....what about older cases where items are still awaiting forensic testing, arrests having already been made???

Anonymous said...

Yes what about the cases in 2011?

Guess you have to have connections with the PM in order to get things moving?

Justice said...

Umm. Interesting comments from writers. But has Frances left the lab to the cold saying not sure if they are good and they will be tested in court. Does the police give people their exhibits whom they are not sure about.
Further Frances says the lab informs them of its shortcomings. Are they major or not? Then she claims the lab does not do ballisitics, toxicology and others. What tests are 'others'.

Anonymous said...

I think the article is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public - do they think that people are idiots?
A lot said... but possibly not many questions answered?

Justice said...

Well said Anonymous. Frances does not appear to have confidence in the lab. Distancing herself from it. Rather unfortunate

Anonymous said...

Saint Lucia will continue to go down the drain; because rather than deal with the root causes and solve the problem when it surfaces.

The government officials COVER-UP.

Everyone in St. Lucia knows how the woman at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions GOT there.

They know that she should not be in this position. A very square peg in a very round hole.

The highest office in the country knows that.

According to Calypsonian Mighty Pele. "WRONG POSITION".

Valerie Fuller said...

This is exactly what I was saying...the only testing being done in the lab was DNA and trace and the lab director and ministry got rid of us. Our existence made her lack of every other type of testing look bad. So no one even knew we were doing DNA. The only reason the police are now talking about all the DNA we did is because my letter disclosed our three year existence which the DPP was hiding because she never brought a DNA case this whole time. I always said the DNA lab was great. It was the lack of anything else there plus labwide accreditation. Now even though a Saint Lucian is capable of running the DNA lab the ministry hired another expensive white woman to run it. Waste of money. I was supposed to be the last expensive white woman needed in DNA. Saint Lucians should be running DNA.
Dr. Fuller your ex DNA consultant.