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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Allen Chastenet is well within his right
I have never read so much nonsense by someone who sounds as if they should know better. 'Naive' 'naive' 'naive'. anecdotal reasoning does not make political convention a reality. King has every right to attend such a meeting. When Allen tried to attend the Conservative Party conference in England 2013, he could not be entertained by the Tories. Reason? any power as leader of his party was strictly limited. He had to bring King up with him. Also but not relevant would the personality of Ti Chas go to the King if the situation was reversed? Only the writer thinks so.
The UWP should be called UNUNITED WRECKERS OF THE POOR. That had to come about for all the so called supporters to see, what they are supporting. A set of ROUGES who want to govern St Lucia.
KING IS HER MAJESTY'S opposition leader until other wise stated. King did not have 2 pay(unclose sum as did the albino Allen) 4 the position, he was elected by the 5 opposition MP. this kkk ALBINO will only c the prime minister ship from a peep-hole. I stand predominant in my assessment.
McDonald, I respected your integrity till NOW. (not really, just thought I'll make you feel good). In the same context of your article, would you also conclude that "King is also well within his right" & did nothing wrong even after informing the party leader thereafter. If you can answer that in a controversial sense, then my assumption of your state of mind is absolutely correct. It now makes sense why you were fired from the Voice Newspapers and had to retreat to exile in the U.S camouflaged as a school teacher. Your mind thinks like a gabbler, with the hope of an endorsement from Allen for a position in the near future; it ain't going to happen; at least, not in my lifetime. You pretend to be an LPM, but the stripes have not changed…….Flambeau!!!!
The man can't even communicate in patios and you want to talk about him being within his right? Since when does the political right overide the constitutional? Brother if you can't win a seat as far as I am concern you not in that. You make all the roro you want on the street but that's where the buck stops!! Choops.
John Compton of fisherfolk pedigree knew sweet F-all about parliament. He has laid the foundation and mind-conditioning reflective of McDonald's crap shooting article above.
The LEGITIMATE voice of the UWP RESIDES in the country's highest forum, namely, the country's parliament. Not outside of it.
All those outside of the parliament making political noises have as much significance as would a Bram-Bram.
Besides, the failed air carrier executive office has not shown that he can legitimately win a seat, as a carpetbagger that he is, in any constituency to date.
Moreover, he does not seem to be able to get himself a real job. So how the hell does he convince anyone that he has the capacity to create legitimate jobs for others? Tell me! Tell me!
More: The constitution does not recognize the unit called the party, as it does the unit called the parliament.
Only the country-bookie minded in and out of parliament would ever put party before country did. We are behaving like the hordes of a retards in the non-Jewish Middle East.
Little wonder some want to ascribe to that charlatan the title "Father of the Nation" whereas, he continuously victimized Anse La Raye and Canaries from the time he got into politics in the 1960s.
Such disgusting behaviour should NOT be rewarded nor countenanced.
It is disgusting and revolting dastard bohemian divisive and polarizing politics political pygmies.
And the above is what Chastanet says he is following as he retraces the footsteps of John Compton.
Smart Saint Lucians will reject all such charlatans.
Great point Franklin. I think King's failure to consult with his party for an input before attending the meeting with the Prime Minister shows contempt, vindictiveness and bitterness towards Chastanet. The Labour Party Strategists thru the Prime Minister were no doubt widening the apparent ill-will in the United Workers Party camp! The argument by detractors that the meeting with the Prime Minister was an emergency is very weak. I ask when was the meeting called and how much time King needed to consult and obtain the input of his party? Guarantee there was sufficient time for a prior discussion. Selfishness was at the heart of it all.
IF U FIND ME doing what your defunct sex- organ can no longer do AT 12:NOON IN YOUR HOME,WILL U embrace me 4 helping u-out because I operate with one million volts of electromagnetic joules of sex waves? man u will kiiiiiillll the shit out of me.
the albino used his wealth 2 kick and kill king out of his leadership "free gift from sir. john".(Jesus dying was a free gift 4 salvation???? so your bible say) u c king was giving a free gift/the albino Allen kill him 4 it. now u want king 2 kiss his azzzzzz to b his little tar-baby.
Are you Irish, or simply the slave possession of an Irish Slave Owner? I honestly can't believe that you Lucians are so petty, and so ignorant, that you think that saving the lives of a people who experienced this Natural disaster, should be subjected to Allen's meeting with King to plan how best to use this tragedy to win the next election. You folk are even more sick than I accredited you. Sort Modee!
Optical! Oh here you are. Wasn't that you seen riding on my female goat at 12 noon? Boy you are so irrational and myopic. I refuse to believe, consider, or accept that you are even a Saint Lucian.
You refer to people as myopic, while exhibiting evidence of your total blindness. Did you not read Chastanet's letter explaining and making crystal clear his warped objective? Chastanet callously writes in reference to the NEMO meeting:
“These are also changes which we feel are critical to the Party and securing victory in the next Election.”
To use this meeting, at a time when the country's transportation system was paralyzed, people having lost everything, and littered with bodies of the dead, as a venue to politicize on how to win the NEXT ELECTION is criminal, and should give you a peep into the macabre mindset of this disgusting piece of garbage Chastanet, you and the Irishman McDonald shamelessly seek to defend and support.
I understand your double and why your very split personality. You are both Optical and Son-of-Man! You use quote without justifying its use.Your writing is garbage yet you think you making sense. You are verbose yet you keep on laughing like a hyena thinking your writing is clear and even intelligent. Please brother wake up and try to think for a moment for yourself before you attempt to write.
My assessment of your National Identity was a bull's eye – A Negro Irishman who is mono-linguistic and proclaims to the world that he is the master of his Slave-master's Language. Declaring this tragedy as his most noble accomplishment.
Your logic is skewed but your disgraceful attempt to justify this macabre behavior of this Blockhead Allen, and your affection for bestiality, underscores the need for a better mental health program at La Toc.
So-of-Man...what's wrong with you bro? Why the many racist remarks, so very often and so glibly? Have you been a victim? What's your real problem? Well, for your own good and those close to you, if any at this time, go seek some professional assistance. You are too illogical and accusatory on the media! My advice is FREE!!
Thanks for your well intended advice, but there is a common saying, “the road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions”. “Accusatory” is what you ACCUSE me of being; “Racist” is what you ACCUSE me of being; ILLOGICAL another of your ACCUSATIONS? While there are obvious contradictions and streaks of dishonesty in your scurrility, this schizophrenia only substantiates my diagnosis for your seeking psychiatric intervention.
This unscrupulous display is characteristic of individuals like yourself, who are prepared to sanction the criminal behaviour of Chastanet in his seeking to utilize the tragic occurrence of Christmas day as a path to winning an Election, while trampling over the dead bodies of our fellow St. Lucians.
Michah George wrote extensively on the details of Chastanet's letter of chastisement to Hon. S. King, please read it, and you will find these two words, “Winning Election”, while Lucians were in the process of recovering the bodies of their loved ones.
There's no need to accuse you; you have done an excellent job of self-incrimination as a Bolom-Chastanet, "Ek mwen ni lapoe Chastanet en Kalbas mwen".
I WILL never b what u are: u are nothing but a beggar/vag-a-bond and a vampire sucking other's blood. get a meaningful job.
if the SON OF MAN and myself writes and give praises to your albino massa Allen we would b the best. if we lambaste KENNY we are your hero. we will never b what u want u want us 2 b.
There is a difference between governance and playing the politics. and clearly some people have not understood such. Inviting King as Leader of Opposition and King in return attending this meeting was pure governance and had nothing to do with any political party. therefore Allen's view that King was suppose to consult him and the party would decide who best to attend the meeting is utter rubbish
I have never read so much nonsense by someone who sounds as if they should know better. 'Naive' 'naive' 'naive'. anecdotal reasoning does not make political convention a reality. King has every right to attend such a meeting. When Allen tried to attend the Conservative Party conference in England 2013, he could not be entertained by the Tories. Reason? any power as leader of his party was strictly limited. He had to bring King up with him. Also but not relevant would the personality of Ti Chas go to the King if the situation was reversed? Only the writer thinks so.
The blades are out (for poor King), I see!!
The UWP should be called UNUNITED WRECKERS OF THE POOR. That had to come about for all the so called supporters to see, what they are supporting. A set of ROUGES who want to govern St Lucia.
franklin IN YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!
KING IS HER MAJESTY'S opposition leader until other wise stated.
King did not have 2 pay(unclose sum as did the albino Allen) 4 the position, he was elected by the 5 opposition MP.
this kkk ALBINO will only c the prime minister ship from a peep-hole.
I stand predominant in my assessment.
McDonald, I respected your integrity till NOW. (not really, just thought I'll make you feel good).
In the same context of your article, would you also conclude that "King is also well within his right" & did nothing wrong even after informing the party leader thereafter. If you can answer that in a controversial sense, then my assumption of your state of mind is absolutely correct. It now makes sense why you were fired from the Voice Newspapers and had to retreat to exile in the U.S camouflaged as a school teacher. Your mind thinks like a gabbler, with the hope of an endorsement from Allen for a position in the near future; it ain't going to happen; at least, not in my lifetime. You pretend to be an LPM, but the stripes have not changed…….Flambeau!!!!
Yes Franklyn you little DIRTY HARRY it is nice to know the LPM dropped you a long time ago. Now you are out looking for CHOP LIVER.
You are a sick lazy ass.
Why now Labour supporters are soooo supportive of king?? I smell a rat!!
Mee too...
You can say Chastanet is well within his rights, just ask you can say he is doomed as a politician.
The man can't even communicate in patios and you want to talk about him being within his right? Since when does the political right overide the constitutional?
Brother if you can't win a seat as far as I am concern you not in that. You make all the roro you want on the street but that's where the buck stops!! Choops.
S L P supporters are open-minded people.
THEY support the truth, not King.
John Compton of fisherfolk pedigree knew sweet F-all about parliament. He has laid the foundation and mind-conditioning reflective of McDonald's crap shooting article above.
The LEGITIMATE voice of the UWP RESIDES in the country's highest forum, namely, the country's parliament. Not outside of it.
All those outside of the parliament making political noises have as much significance as would a Bram-Bram.
Besides, the failed air carrier executive office has not shown that he can legitimately win a seat, as a carpetbagger that he is, in any constituency to date.
Moreover, he does not seem to be able to get himself a real job. So how the hell does he convince anyone that he has the capacity to create legitimate jobs for others? Tell me! Tell me!
More: The constitution does not recognize the unit called the party, as it does the unit called the parliament.
Only the country-bookie minded in and out of parliament would ever put party before country did. We are behaving like the hordes of a retards in the non-Jewish Middle East.
Little wonder some want to ascribe to that charlatan the title "Father of the Nation" whereas, he continuously victimized Anse La Raye and Canaries from the time he got into politics in the 1960s.
Such disgusting behaviour should NOT be rewarded nor countenanced.
It is disgusting and revolting dastard bohemian divisive and polarizing politics political pygmies.
And the above is what Chastanet says he is following as he retraces the footsteps of John Compton.
Smart Saint Lucians will reject all such charlatans.
Great point Franklin. I think King's failure to consult with his party for an input before attending the meeting with the Prime Minister shows contempt, vindictiveness and bitterness towards Chastanet. The Labour Party Strategists thru the Prime Minister were no doubt widening the apparent ill-will in the United Workers Party camp! The argument by detractors that the meeting with the Prime Minister was an emergency is very weak. I ask when was the meeting called and how much time King needed to consult and obtain the input of his party? Guarantee there was sufficient time for a prior discussion. Selfishness was at the heart of it all.
IF U FIND ME doing what your defunct sex- organ can no longer do AT 12:NOON IN YOUR HOME,WILL U embrace me 4 helping u-out because I operate with one million volts of electromagnetic joules of sex waves?
man u will kiiiiiillll the shit out of me.
the albino used his wealth 2 kick and kill king out of his leadership "free gift from sir. john".(Jesus dying was a free gift 4 salvation???? so your bible say)
u c king was giving a free gift/the albino Allen kill him 4 it.
now u want king 2 kiss his azzzzzz to b his little tar-baby.
move your!!!
Are you Irish, or simply the slave possession of an Irish Slave Owner? I honestly can't believe that you Lucians are so petty, and so ignorant, that you think that saving the lives of a people who experienced this Natural disaster, should be subjected to Allen's meeting with King to plan how best to use this tragedy to win the next election. You folk are even more sick than I accredited you. Sort Modee!
Optical! Oh here you are. Wasn't that you seen riding on my female goat at 12 noon? Boy you are so irrational and myopic. I refuse to believe, consider, or accept that you are even a Saint Lucian.
Since, when did McDonald visit Ireland. Or is it "our land"? Unless of course, being ex-editor of the Voice newspaper, makes you Irish.
You refer to people as myopic, while exhibiting evidence of your total blindness. Did you not read Chastanet's letter explaining and making crystal clear his warped objective? Chastanet callously writes in reference to the NEMO meeting:
“These are also changes which we feel are critical to the Party and securing victory in the next Election.”
To use this meeting, at a time when the country's transportation system was paralyzed, people having lost everything, and littered with bodies of the dead, as a venue to politicize on how to win the NEXT ELECTION is criminal, and should give you a peep into the macabre mindset of this disgusting piece of garbage Chastanet, you and the Irishman McDonald shamelessly seek to defend and support.
I understand your double and why your very split personality. You are both Optical and Son-of-Man! You use quote without justifying its use.Your writing is garbage yet you think you making sense. You are verbose yet you keep on laughing like a hyena thinking your writing is clear and even intelligent. Please brother wake up and try to think for a moment for yourself before you attempt to write.
See McDonald @ 4:06?
My assessment of your National Identity was a bull's eye – A Negro Irishman who is mono-linguistic and proclaims to the world that he is the master of his Slave-master's Language. Declaring this tragedy as his most noble accomplishment.
Your logic is skewed but your disgraceful attempt to justify this macabre behavior of this Blockhead Allen, and your affection for bestiality, underscores the need for a better mental health program at La Toc.
So-of-Man...what's wrong with you bro? Why the many racist remarks, so very often and so glibly? Have you been a victim? What's your real problem? Well, for your own good and those close to you, if any at this time, go seek some professional assistance. You are too illogical and accusatory on the media! My advice is FREE!!
My brother 4:23 - 10:26
Thanks for your well intended advice, but there is a common saying, “the road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions”. “Accusatory” is what you ACCUSE me of being; “Racist” is what you ACCUSE me of being; ILLOGICAL another of your ACCUSATIONS? While there are obvious contradictions and streaks of dishonesty in your scurrility, this schizophrenia only substantiates my diagnosis for your seeking psychiatric intervention.
This unscrupulous display is characteristic of individuals like yourself, who are prepared to sanction the criminal behaviour of Chastanet in his seeking to utilize the tragic occurrence of Christmas day as a path to winning an Election, while trampling over the dead bodies of our fellow St. Lucians.
Michah George wrote extensively on the details of Chastanet's letter of chastisement to Hon. S. King, please read it, and you will find these two words, “Winning Election”, while Lucians were in the process of recovering the bodies of their loved ones.
There's no need to accuse you; you have done an excellent job of self-incrimination as a Bolom-Chastanet, "Ek mwen ni lapoe Chastanet en Kalbas mwen".
Franklin McDonald did not write
so now u are calling your mother a she-goat!
u are right I am not a St. Lucian I am a: "FREE-MAN"
U are the nigger that is a St. Lucian.
I AM optical not the SON OF MAN.
I WILL never b what u are: u are nothing but a beggar/vag-a-bond and a vampire sucking other's blood. get a meaningful job.
if the SON OF MAN and myself writes and give praises to your albino massa Allen we would b the best.
if we lambaste KENNY we are your hero.
we will never b what u want u want us 2 b.
so go an b maggot food.
Is this McDonald fella residing in the Deep South of the USA? He sounds like a verifiable and genuine Uncle Tom.
There is a difference between governance and playing the politics. and clearly some people have not understood such. Inviting King as Leader of Opposition and King in return attending this meeting was pure governance and had nothing to do with any political party. therefore Allen's view that King was suppose to consult him and the party would decide who best to attend the meeting is utter rubbish
Allen is hell-bent on his chimerical goal of getting validation after his financial investment.
The UWP political leader position, the best political leader position to date, that money can buy.
Allen Chastanet man, get a damn job! Your own father sold his shares instead of handing over his business to you.
Duboulay, your father-in-law will not even give you a do-nothing job to take care of his own daughter.
What does all of that say to the rest of us?
Get a job, man! Get a job! Show the rest of us, you can man! Get an f-inn J-O-B!
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