However, we reserve the right to remove any comment considered inappropriate.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Micah, thank you for this piece. As a journalist, the least of your responsibilities should be your proper spelling of the names of the personalities. You spelled the UWP Political Leader's name wrongly 13 times, so it is no error. Please try to get it right, as it clearly is not Rocket Science. This doesn't look good for you brother. Also, Allen's letter has several grammatical errors. Even that qualified university graduate can hardly write, yet he wants to be Prime Minister of the Caribbean Laureate kingdom. I hope that this is not a national disease in my father's birthplace. Thanks again for the piece. Peeping Tom.
What a bloody mess we are in. While the Gods are angry with us we are doing our best to screw up by ourselves. I don't like that talk down to king by Chastanet, but King himself fails to command a manly respect as a leader, lack of sophistication and a lack of leadership command for the position he holds. We need new blood, not a new Party.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Someone had blunder'd: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
The Christmas day storm which caused intensive damage to the island's infrastructure, revealed a number of unintended side-effects, that those with remembering ears might remember. It magnified the exemplary leadership of the Labor Government headed by Dr. Kenny Anthony while exposing the diabolical schemes from Snake-oil Circus-illusionist, offering trick-bag solutions on how to stop the rain from falling, and stop the Sun from shinning.
This macabre behavior was perpetrated by the father of a rejected power-hungry politician in what was a failed attempt to undermine the Government of Saint Lucia at a time when the people were in a life and death Emergency situation, with families engaged in recovering the dead bodies of their loved ones.
More than the manifestation of Lucifer and his Bolom, this divine rain exposed the enormous blunder made by members of the UWP when they selected an ignorant imbecile as their leader in the person of Allen Chastanet. First there was the failed publicity stunt by Chastanet in the form of a written request to the PM for the removal of the tax on emergency relief supplies. The only problem with the request is, emergency relief supplies are not subjected to taxation.
In a magnanimous act of bipartisanship, Dr. Anthony briefed the Official leader of the parliamentary opposition (LPO) Mr. Stephenson King, informing him of the challenges the country faced, and the actions required to alleviate the suffering caused by this Natural disaster – since Chastanet was rejected by the people of Soufreire he is not a voting member of parliamentary opposition and cannot hold the position of LPO, even though he is leader of the United Workers Party. To Mr. King's credit he agreed to work with Kenny to stabilize the disruptions caused by this disaster.
Chastanet became extremely agitated{en-wa-jey} accusing Mr. King of insubordination for not seeking his permission to meet with Saint Lucia's Prime Minster Dr. Anthony, and Chastanet now threatens to cause a constitutional crisis at a time when everyone is calling for unity to alleviate the sufferings of the people who have suffered so much already, and in some cases have lost all of their possessions. Chastanet intends to ask the Governor General to remove Mr. king and install Guy Joseph, a man who is known to hide hurricane and emergency relief items under his bed, while having the most annoying voice in the Western Hemisphere.
Allen this is not the time to play bad Pranks on the people of Saint Lucia
HMMMM! Something's running deep deep, perhaps clashes of professional personalities one the one hand coupled with A touch of EGO!EGO!and on the other,well!let the grammatical errors have a say.What!
HMMMM! Something's running deep deep, perhaps clashes of professional personalities one the one hand coupled with A touch of EGO! EGO! and on the other, well! let the grammatical errors have a say.What!
Son-of-man you should shut up if you do not understand democracy. Tired of your senseless barking and bashing. Take some time and try to fully understand King's action which was selfish!
Obviously you understand it, since you work at the Super Market, but there's no need to follow this Ignoramus Allen Chastanet on this kamikaze trajectory to embarrass the Lucian people.
Do you have any shame at all? You little dwarf. The country was in a state of emergency requiring prompt and immediate action; people were dying, transportation paralyzed, but you think by virtue of your retardation, that the best “Democratic” action was that king sit with the Power-hungry Chastanet to plan a strategy on how to win the next ELECTION?
You little dwarf, or should I say Te-Bolom-Chastanet, there was nothing selfish about the Hon. King meeting with Dr, Anthony to arrest the suffering and damage caused by this unprecedented Natural Disaster. The only atrocity here is there are degenerates like yourself who think that party-politics supersedes saving the lives of your fellowman.
Allen Chastenet was right about one thing, winning the leadership of the UWP was a fait accompli. What he never imagined was that winning the hearts and minds of the rank and file of the party would prove to be such a formidable task. He might have “bought”, according to whom you speak to, a real live snake-pit but he sure is a lousy snake charmer.
He was of the misguided impression that with his many years at the top of the food chain (no pun intended) in the corporate world he would be able to transform the UWP into a ruthlessly efficient well-oiled election winning machine.
To achieve this lofty goal he would have to have the likes of Stephenson King, and particularly Richard Frederick marching in lock step with him but so far it seems he has a better chance building an igloo in hell.
Mr. Chastenet will be unable to get the still smarting and more politically calculating King and the Machiavellian former Housing Minister working in tandem with him to achieve his personal goal of being Prime Minister and his party’s goal of retaining governing control of the political economy of Saint Lucia.
Mr. King for his part has not fully relinquished the leadership of the party to Mr. Chastenet he seemingly thinks that Chastenet’s hold on the reins is tenuous at best and that he is the rightful owner of the party leadership bequeathed to him by Sir John. He has made it abundantly clear that he will be back and so he intends to make Mr. Chastenet’s life at the helm hell. He plans to show him as effete, a blunderbuss with more bark than bite.
Mr. King perceives himself as superior to the Johnny-come-lately, who is yet to win a seat by dint of his talents or political acumen and who may very well never accomplish that goal unless he, Mr. Chastenet goes into some kind of costly accommodation with a holder of a supposed safe seat.
Mr. King feels that he has been the loyal altar boy of the UWP High Priest and the other founding fathers; he’s had many years of ministerial responsibility, has had several electoral victories under his belt, he is the undisputed Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, and more importantly has already occupied the highest position in government as Prime Minister - albeit a disastrous tenure.
Perhaps Mr. King’s failure to acknowledge Mr. Chastenet’s leadership and authority in the party speaks to his seeming disdain for the democratic process that saw his ouster and a visceral reaction to what he considers to be a rejection of him who held a fractious government in place until everyone was sated by the incestuous orgy of spending of Taiwanese funds and other state largesse.
He feels betrayed by those whom he thought were in his corner and wants very badly to regain the leadership to exact some revenge.
Mr. King, it is believed by some well placed party members, is being advised by nefarious characters and perhaps by some of the opposite side, to goad Mr. Chastenet to the point of an “I’ll break glass in your ass” episode ala Julian Hunte thereby tar and feather Mr. Chastenet's supposed lily-white image and make him seem unfit to hold the highest office in the land.
UWP supporters must never discount the possibility that they can be victims of SLP subterfuge as the same persons who excoriated King for his lack of hap, lacking the necessary intellectual heft to grapple with the international, regional, and national problems that beset us, and accused him of pretty much standing pat while all manner of corruption was rife in his administration are the same ones offering him fulsome praise as the best thing that has happened to the UWP lately.
For his part Mr. Chastenet seems hell bent on changing the culture of a party of renegades who showed Mr. King little respect and consideration during his tenure in leadership simply because he King could not command that respect by virtue of him being pillowy at the core and lacking in courage to assert leadership.
One glaring misstep of Mr. Chastenet is to give the impression that the party should decide who should attend a meeting that the Leader of the Opposition was invited to instead of the party jointly deciding what Mr. King should bring up at the meeting.
Mr. Chastenet is doomed to fail as he lacks the soft skills needed to rein in the seemingly recalcitrant King and has little chance of even getting Richard Frederick to greet him much less cooperate with him in his efforts to make the UWP viable again.
The UWP will not win another election by virtue of SLP self immolation so they will have to wrest the government from the SLP by dint of hard work in the trenches, becoming a unified party offering the best hope for the country’s future with visionary transformative leadership.
Anything short of that will relegate them to the comatose state they were in during the period of the previous Kenny Anthony-led two term administration.
Son of Man!!! You have said every thing that I would have imagined and written!!!. A well read peace coming from a thinking and intellectual mind!!!. I thoroughly enjoyed. Please continue to write; I'm dying in anticipation of more :)
Isn't he, above...this guy is trouble...but I am positively glad he is behaving in such an unbecoming manner and behaviour - a behaviour that opens the way for SLP, sadly, to be in power for a while.
Here is an opportunity to examine the effects of the Stellar leadership that Kenny Anthony has applied to establish friendships with the Governments of the World that has now resulted in countries around the World expressing empathy, condolences, and monetary assistance.
Based on the goon-like tactics of Chastanet, I ask you, who would you prefer to be to be at the helm at this time – try to put aside party politics.
06/14 For Immediate Release January 10, 2014
Two weeks after the deadly Christmas Eve Trough, condolence messages continue to pour in from friendly Governments and organizations from near and far.
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, on behalf of the Government and People of Venezuela, offered deepest condolences to the "fraternal Peoples of Dominica, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines". In a communique dated December 27, 2013 the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela also expressed "its unwavering support to the efforts of the respective Governments, in the care of the victims and the reconstruction of the affected infrastructure, with the aim of continuing the promotion of the sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean, on behalf of our Peoples."
In a letter dated December 27, 2013, Hon. Dr. W. Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda wrote,
"I was saddened to learn of the destruction that resulted from the passage of torrential rainfall in Saint Lucia on 24th December, 2013.
The Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda wish to extend its condolence to you and citizens of Saint Lucia and it is my hope that your beloved country will remain resolute and sanguine during this difficult period. "
The Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis also expressed the sorrow of his Government and People, while pledging a donation of XCD $1 million. The Prime Minister wrote,
"In extending heartfelt sympathy on this occasion, I also commit to assisting where possible to quickly relieve your people of the discomfort and to ensure they return to a state of normalcy as quickly as possible.
Please know we stand in solidarity with you and your beloved people during this time of sorrow. "
Premier of Nevis also wrote to offer support to the Government and People of Saint Lucia, following news of the effects of the trough. Hon. Vance Amory said,
"My Ministers and I share your distress and pray that the resilience of your people and your Government will enable you and them to recover from this unusual and serious devastation at the hands of Mother Nature.
I extend my heart and my hand to you and your people and if there is anything we can do in the Spirit of Regional Cooperation and Caribbean Brotherhood, please let us know and we shall do what we can to assist in this time of need. "
Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Kenny D. Anthony was indeed pleased to receive a letter of support from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, in Jamaica. Hon. Andrew Holness , Political Leader of the Jamaica Labour Party wrote,
"Let me extend to your Government and the people of St. Lucia, condolences on behalf of the officers and members of the Jamaica Labour Party, and in fact all Jamaicans, regarding the loss of lives which have occurred with the passage of the Christmas Storm. We also take note of the significant damage to Infrastructure which has taken place.
While we are not in a position to offer technical assistance, we want however for you to understand, that we commiserate with you, especially in light of this occurrence taking place within time dedicated to family festivities."
The Government of Saint Lucia again takes this opportunity to thank all for their prayers, support and words of comfort.
We continue to urge all to reach out to those families affected by the trough, whether through loss of life or personal property.
The UWP has always had problems in its ranks of cliques determined to maintain the status quo from the time of Sir John. Insular and only concerned with their perceived importance they would rather support 'their boy' King than move forward. How quickly we forget the sheer horror of kings lack of leadership, Mounted by whycleff at pigeon point. The daily turmoil when we Lucian's did not know from one morning to the next what was happening in the country. The rumours of the use of money from a friendly country. The waste of resources. The denigration of Sir John's legacy by the vulgar behaviour of Cabinet. Under King St Lucia was a laughing stock around the Caribbean. Now the simple minded uwp hacks want this clown to bring more shame on the party. There is no hope for now pathetic Helen.
We forget how the SLP had great fun making fools of UWPs based on kings leadership. They called Stephenson King a Buffon a clown. They said he was unlearned, incompetent, running a ship of unscrupulous untrustworty men. King could not lead a pack of mice. He brought disrespect to St Lucia.
Now they are meeting with him to marginalise chastanet and feed his ego.
It would seem that there is a load of dysfunctional people in this Gang called UWP. Given that king was a clown and unlearned, your answer to these remarkable attributes is to replace him with a bigger clown and bafoon?
Don't you think Lucians deserves better than an empty vessel called Chastanet?
The SLPs fear of any political leader is directly proportional to their effort to undermine that person.
Kenny fears Chastanet, big time. Working with king to undermine Chas. Taking him to court. All the SLP hacks working overtime in the media and on the internet to cover their incompetence and attack Chas. They cannot run the country so their only recourse is to attack the opposition with the aid of king.
With VAT Grynsburg 25% unemployment, $300 million in borrowing in 8 months, bus fare increases, water rate increases - the slp hacks in serious trouble.
What a Kenny must be laughing all the way to the polls. This guy chastanet is a divisive mo...f...i hope that the up supporters are realizing that. Just like his old man use, exploit and dump all super j workers, he will do them the f... same. These chastanet folks are racist manipulators who need to be treated as such - they only know how to use lay people.
The recent death of Israel's legendary statesman brings to mind a plausible direction on the continuum of political structures available to Fair Helen. It appears that consensus is growing for a plurality of political party representation beyond the typical two party dominance. In Israel's pluralistic party framework, often times post election alliances must be negotiated in order to form a ruling majority. This particular mechanism may subdue bitter subjective rivalries while practicing more objective outcomes. The mission of the nation becomes paramount whilst more obscure voices become part of the nation building conversation. As for the senate circle of influence perhaps a framework that borrows some fittings from the federal model might do. For example, use the old parish delineation measures to ELECT one senator each for a 3-5 year term depending on the extent of their role / responsibilities. Of course the above mentioned requires constitutional reform.
I am getting more tired from reading UWP news than my old age. My Blackberry all of a sudden is delivering email faster that the post office. Sometimes I pity my trusted Blackberry, but I will hold on to it since Allen Chastanet (the UWP new Santa Claus) has not come by with a gift as yet. To make matters worse, I am still waiting for my pain eh pannier.
Christmas came and left. No Allen. No Santa. Not even his elves or his cherished “poodle” could be found. His was covered, by all indications, with a wedding gown and too wet to come out.
Is better days still ahead? I'm waiting. Where are the jobs, am I blind? We all voted for Kenny & Party, but all we get today is attack on Chastanet. The man is not elected and all we get is more and more attack on him. Where are the promised jobs, why is St.Jude's Hospital still a Ghost Building? What if there was massive casualties at the Plane crash in V-F? why is the new hospital @ La Tac not operational as intended? You keep your focus on an unelected man who can do nothing for you, and think you can fool us with your blind attack on him. You got us into Grynsburg, now costing us millions to get out of the fix like Rochamel. You gave us VAT and it's costing us millions, and all you do is to attack Allen who is no threat to the Country. I personally don't think the man stands a chance politically, but you seem to spend a lot of energy attacking him instead of finding jobs for the people. Even to the point of dredging up muck to drag him to court. Your Communist skirt is showing, i.e. destroy the opposition and dictate under the guise of democracy. You've learned well from Putin, your friend Castro and the Chinese. St. Lucia is no place for Communism, and that's why you are attacking Allen so vigorously; will it work? are you doing it to mask your dire failures economically? say yes.
it appears Tokyo Rose and his gang has inflict a fatal blow to Ti Chas's political career.There is no doubt Chastanet is wounded. The question now is can he Ti Chas make a come back?
Where is his 9Chastanet's) training in CONFLICT RESOLUTION?
One thing is for sure. Stephenson King like all of us humans may have had his faults; but no one can accuse him of snobbing anyone in his decades of being a Minister of Government; a parliamentarian and as a Prime Minister.
No one can accuse Mr. King of being arrogant. He does not have one bone of dictatorial; and high-handedness about him.
One thing is for sure; despite any faults he may have; he is one politician who is "liked" or loved by many.
On the other hand; Chastanet is quite the opposite.
My oh My, thought I was in a minority thinking the way I do about the Chastanet / King affair. Good to note we Lucian deserves better, and will not easily be hoodwinked....however their looms many a counter attack and perfected fabled arguments as academically acquired by GUESS WHO. So be prepared and watch this space. Discuss!...
People, People, People why attack Chastanet? What are you afraid of? Why attack his character? Shouldn't you be spending your time and energy attacking Kenny Antony for the poor economy, no job growth, the high cost of living. How about asking Kenny to stop the unethical practice of collecting VAT on prescription medication. Or any medication for that matter. He should not be collecting VAT on baby products either...This is just plain wrong. You lucians are always fighting the wrong battles!!! Open your eyes people!
Why fault Chastent for his wealth or his upbring. Stop acting like jealous fools. You all said the same thing about Kenny...his father owned a plantation, his father had slaves, he is booggie, he is arrogant...blah blah blah and yet still you all but him in many times again... aStop being hypocrites.
CHastanet read the F>>> polls and get out now before it is too late. If we as a nation of predominantly Afro-West Indians ever allow this "Castries Mulatto" to assume the office of PM, then we are nothing more than a bunch of field slaves and indentured servants. I do not like Kenny Anthony however, he or his party is a better choice any day than this racist, exceedingly arrogant P.O.S call Allen Chastanet.
lol...Chastanet under fire boy. Take a heap of cash from the Super J deal and run before you regret it. PEOPLE OF FAIR HELEN, ON ALL SERIOUSNESS PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE AND VOTE THE CHASTANET CLAN INTO OFFICE. These people are excellent manipulators - like the massas of old were, and they only care about themselves and their fair-skinned friends.
To those whom it may pertain and hate to sound pedantic upon our fellow Lucian proletariats however please note, This is politics and in a democracy though easier said than done,we don't make progress simply by the like or dislike our political protagonist but to remain engaged in a greater or lesser degree with the service and policy they are elected to deliver, and to the people they are accountable. The power is in our hands to vote them in or kick them out. In my opinion the Chastanet / King scenario is but a test to our society and nation's resolve as a young democracy and the way we grapple with our socio- economic MIX. I can perceive this as an exiting and intellectual topical challenge we are all responsible for, and should be debated in schools and colleges across the land yes! I've said it! EDUCATION, EDUCATION, AND MORE EDUCATION being the only way forward. Thus, irrespective of the somewhat highly emotive languages we shall not fail this test and let not the (race card) become in itself the dominant divisive factor. What this space. Discuss!
To those whom it may pertain and hate to sound pedantic upon our fellow Lucian proletariats however please note, This is politics and in a democracy though easier said than done,we don't make progress simply by the like or dislike our political protagonist but to remain engaged in a greater or lesser degree with the service and policy they are elected to deliver, and to the people they are accountable. The power is in our hands to vote them in or kick them out. In my opinion the Chastanet / King scenario is but a test to our society and nation's resolve as a young democracy and the way we grapple with our socio- economic MIX. I can perceive this as an exiting and intellectual topical challenge we are all responsible for, and should be debated in schools and colleges across the land yes! I've said it! EDUCATION, EDUCATION, AND MORE EDUCATION being the only way forward. Thus, irrespective of the somewhat highly emotive languages we shall not fail this test and let not the (race card) become in itself the dominant divisive factor. Watch this space. Discuss!
To my keen eyed grammatically correct detectives, do note the above should have read as follows; In my opinion the Chastanet / King scenario is but a test to our society and nation's resolve as a young democracy in grappling with the challenges of our socio-economic and ethnic MIX. Watch this space. Discuss!
Chastanet you have won NOT even a single seat in the parliament of the government of Saint Lucia, either on the governing side or on the opposition benches!
NOT one!
Tell me then, who the hell are you representing again?
Since you have absolutely no constituency, you represent NOBODY, old chap, BUT YOURSELF.
Or, is it Bram-Bram?
Or is it the tone deaf, the lame-brained UWPs or the brain dead?
King is really the one who IS in the position to ask little-boy Chastanet to suck it up and shut up.
They can split their votes if they will.
Chastanet MAY be able to pay to sway ALL or SOME of the votes. But that is the limit, to the fullest extent, of his SAY.
Money talks.
Corruption is the RECOGNIZED hallmark and TRADEMARK of the UWP. This brand is part of its DISTINGUISHABLE product and name recognition.
Aheeee. Thanks Fella on your piece; CONSTITUTIONALLY SPEAKING. man I never laugh so loud. This article befits a comedy stage performance, and would be a hit. You see! Learning to laugh at our self signals a higher intellect of sort. Try It! Hit me! Watch this space. Discuss!
Micah, thank you for this piece. As a journalist, the least of your responsibilities should be your proper spelling of the names of the personalities. You spelled the UWP Political Leader's name wrongly 13 times, so it is no error. Please try to get it right, as it clearly is not Rocket Science. This doesn't look good for you brother. Also, Allen's letter has several grammatical errors. Even that qualified university graduate can hardly write, yet he wants to be Prime Minister of the Caribbean Laureate kingdom. I hope that this is not a national disease in my father's birthplace. Thanks again for the piece. Peeping Tom.
What a bloody mess we are in.
While the Gods are angry with us
we are doing our best to screw up by ourselves.
I don't like that talk down to king by Chastanet,
but King himself fails to command a manly respect as a leader, lack of sophistication
and a lack of leadership command for the position he holds. We need new blood, not a new Party.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
The Christmas day storm which caused intensive damage to the island's infrastructure, revealed a number of unintended side-effects, that those with remembering ears might remember. It magnified the exemplary leadership of the Labor Government headed by Dr. Kenny Anthony while exposing the diabolical schemes from Snake-oil Circus-illusionist, offering trick-bag solutions on how to stop the rain from falling, and stop the Sun from shinning.
This macabre behavior was perpetrated by the father of a rejected power-hungry politician in what was a failed attempt to undermine the Government of Saint Lucia at a time when the people were in a life and death Emergency situation, with families engaged in recovering the dead bodies of their loved ones.
More than the manifestation of Lucifer and his Bolom, this divine rain exposed the enormous blunder made by members of the UWP when they selected an ignorant imbecile as their leader in the person of Allen Chastanet. First there was the failed publicity stunt by Chastanet in the form of a written request to the PM for the removal of the tax on emergency relief supplies. The only problem with the request is, emergency relief supplies are not subjected to taxation.
In a magnanimous act of bipartisanship, Dr. Anthony briefed the Official leader of the parliamentary opposition (LPO) Mr. Stephenson King, informing him of the challenges the country faced, and the actions required to alleviate the suffering caused by this Natural disaster – since Chastanet was rejected by the people of Soufreire he is not a voting member of parliamentary opposition and cannot hold the position of LPO, even though he is leader of the United Workers Party. To Mr. King's credit he agreed to work with Kenny to stabilize the disruptions caused by this disaster.
Chastanet became extremely agitated{en-wa-jey} accusing Mr. King of insubordination for not seeking his permission to meet with Saint Lucia's Prime Minster Dr. Anthony, and Chastanet now threatens to cause a constitutional crisis at a time when everyone is calling for unity to alleviate the sufferings of the people who have suffered so much already, and in some cases have lost all of their possessions. Chastanet intends to ask the Governor General to remove Mr. king and install Guy Joseph, a man who is known to hide hurricane and emergency relief items under his bed, while having the most annoying voice in the Western Hemisphere.
Allen this is not the time to play bad Pranks on the people of Saint Lucia
Who the hell is this man Chastanet talking down at a grown man.
Is this the person we want as PN? Such pompousness, such arrogance!!
I hope Lucians will never elect this guy - already he think he is better others, but his records would show otherwise.
PN=PM, my excuse.
HMMMM! Something's running deep deep, perhaps clashes of professional personalities one the one hand coupled with A touch of EGO!EGO!and on the other,well!let the grammatical errors have a say.What!
HMMMM! Something's running deep deep, perhaps clashes of professional personalities one the one hand coupled with A touch of EGO! EGO! and on the other, well! let the grammatical errors have a say.What!
Son-of-man you should shut up if you do not understand democracy. Tired of your senseless barking and bashing. Take some time and try to fully understand King's action which was selfish!
Obviously you understand it, since you work at the Super Market, but there's no need to follow this Ignoramus Allen Chastanet on this kamikaze trajectory to embarrass the Lucian people.
Do you have any shame at all? You little dwarf. The country was in a state of emergency requiring prompt and immediate action; people were dying, transportation paralyzed, but you think by virtue of your retardation, that the best “Democratic” action was that king sit with the Power-hungry Chastanet to plan a strategy on how to win the next ELECTION?
You little dwarf, or should I say Te-Bolom-Chastanet, there was nothing selfish about the Hon. King meeting with Dr, Anthony to arrest the suffering and damage caused by this unprecedented Natural Disaster. The only atrocity here is there are degenerates like yourself who think that party-politics supersedes saving the lives of your fellowman.
No Snake Charmer
Allen Chastenet was right about one thing, winning the leadership of the UWP was a fait accompli. What he never imagined was that winning the hearts and minds of the rank and file of the party would prove to be such a formidable task. He might have “bought”, according to whom you speak to, a real live snake-pit but he sure is a lousy snake charmer.
He was of the misguided impression that with his many years at the top of the food chain (no pun intended) in the corporate world he would be able to transform the UWP into a ruthlessly efficient well-oiled election winning machine.
To achieve this lofty goal he would have to have the likes of Stephenson King, and particularly Richard Frederick marching in lock step with him but so far it seems he has a better chance building an igloo in hell.
Mr. Chastenet will be unable to get the still smarting and more politically calculating King and the Machiavellian former Housing Minister working in tandem with him to achieve his personal goal of being Prime Minister and his party’s goal of retaining governing control of the political economy of Saint Lucia.
Mr. King for his part has not fully relinquished the leadership of the party to Mr. Chastenet he seemingly thinks that Chastenet’s hold on the reins is tenuous at best and that he is the rightful owner of the party leadership bequeathed to him by Sir John. He has made it abundantly clear that he will be back and so he intends to make Mr. Chastenet’s life at the helm hell. He plans to show him as effete, a blunderbuss with more bark than bite.
Mr. King perceives himself as superior to the Johnny-come-lately, who is yet to win a seat by dint of his talents or political acumen and who may very well never accomplish that goal unless he, Mr. Chastenet goes into some kind of costly accommodation with a holder of a supposed safe seat.
Mr. King feels that he has been the loyal altar boy of the UWP High Priest and the other founding fathers; he’s had many years of ministerial responsibility, has had several electoral victories under his belt, he is the undisputed Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, and more importantly has already occupied the highest position in government as Prime Minister - albeit a disastrous tenure.
Perhaps Mr. King’s failure to acknowledge Mr. Chastenet’s leadership and authority in the party speaks to his seeming disdain for the democratic process that saw his ouster and a visceral reaction to what he considers to be a rejection of him who held a fractious government in place until everyone was sated by the incestuous orgy of spending of Taiwanese funds and other state largesse.
He feels betrayed by those whom he thought were in his corner and wants very badly to regain the leadership to exact some revenge.
Mr. King, it is believed by some well placed party members, is being advised by nefarious characters and perhaps by some of the opposite side, to goad Mr. Chastenet to the point of an “I’ll break glass in your ass” episode ala Julian Hunte thereby tar and feather Mr. Chastenet's supposed lily-white image and make him seem unfit to hold the highest office in the land.
Cont. below
LuciaBoy cont..
UWP supporters must never discount the possibility that they can be victims of SLP subterfuge as the same persons who excoriated King for his lack of hap, lacking the necessary intellectual heft to grapple with the international, regional, and national problems that beset us, and accused him of pretty much standing pat while all manner of corruption was rife in his administration are the same ones offering him fulsome praise as the best thing that has happened to the UWP lately.
For his part Mr. Chastenet seems hell bent on changing the culture of a party of renegades who showed Mr. King little respect and consideration during his tenure in leadership simply because he King could not command that respect by virtue of him being pillowy at the core and lacking in courage to assert leadership.
One glaring misstep of Mr. Chastenet is to give the impression that the party should decide who should attend a meeting that the Leader of the Opposition was invited to instead of the party jointly deciding what Mr. King should bring up at the meeting.
Mr. Chastenet is doomed to fail as he lacks the soft skills needed to rein in the seemingly recalcitrant King and has little chance of even getting Richard Frederick to greet him much less cooperate with him in his efforts to make the UWP viable again.
The UWP will not win another election by virtue of SLP self immolation so they will have to wrest the government from the SLP by dint of hard work in the trenches, becoming a unified party offering the best hope for the country’s future with visionary transformative leadership.
Anything short of that will relegate them to the comatose state they were in during the period of the previous Kenny Anthony-led two term administration.
One plus one is nothing but a bigger ONE.
your assessment/comments of this Political drama was witty, illustrious, and enjoyable reading.
Son of Man!!! You have said every thing that I would have imagined and written!!!. A well read peace coming from a thinking and intellectual mind!!!. I thoroughly enjoyed. Please continue to write; I'm dying in anticipation of more :)
This man Chastanet has perfected the art of "division" UWP's party division, that is.
SLP should welcomed his abnormal behaviour - sure sign SLP will win the next general election. SMH.
Same here, a thorough understanding of Chanstanet's ill intent, a most logical piece by LucianBoy.
Like the above anon. I await another logical piece by you.
Keep it coming, PLEASE, LucianBoy - help us to open our eyes.
Boy boy many faux past can one ass make??? This chastanet dude is straight out of a f.... comic book.
Isn't he, above...this guy is trouble...but I am positively glad he is behaving in such an unbecoming manner and behaviour - a behaviour that opens the way for SLP, sadly, to be in power for a while.
Stupid cow!!
Here is an opportunity to examine the effects of the Stellar leadership that Kenny Anthony has applied to establish friendships with the Governments of the World that has now resulted in countries around the World expressing empathy, condolences, and monetary assistance.
Based on the goon-like tactics of Chastanet, I ask you, who would you prefer to be to be at the helm at this time – try to put aside party politics.
For Immediate Release
January 10, 2014
Two weeks after the deadly Christmas Eve Trough, condolence messages continue to pour in from friendly Governments and organizations from near and far.
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, on behalf of the Government and People of Venezuela, offered deepest condolences to the "fraternal Peoples of Dominica, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines". In a communique dated December 27, 2013 the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela also expressed "its unwavering support to the efforts of the respective Governments, in the care of the victims and the reconstruction of the affected infrastructure, with the aim of continuing the promotion of the sustainable development of the Greater Caribbean, on behalf of our Peoples."
In a letter dated December 27, 2013, Hon. Dr. W. Baldwin Spencer, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda wrote,
"I was saddened to learn of the destruction that resulted from the passage of torrential rainfall in Saint Lucia on 24th December, 2013.
The Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda wish to extend its condolence to you and citizens of Saint Lucia and it is my hope that your beloved country will remain resolute and sanguine during this difficult period. "
The Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis also expressed the sorrow of his Government and People, while pledging a donation of XCD $1 million. The Prime Minister wrote,
"In extending heartfelt sympathy on this occasion, I also commit to assisting where possible to quickly relieve your people of the discomfort and to ensure they return to a state of normalcy as quickly as possible.
Please know we stand in solidarity with you and your beloved people during this time of sorrow. "
Premier of Nevis also wrote to offer support to the Government and People of Saint Lucia, following news of the effects of the trough. Hon. Vance Amory said,
"My Ministers and I share your distress and pray that the resilience of your people and your Government will enable you and them to recover from this unusual and serious devastation at the hands of Mother Nature.
I extend my heart and my hand to you and your people and if there is anything we can do in the Spirit of Regional Cooperation and Caribbean Brotherhood, please let us know and we shall do what we can to assist in this time of need. "
Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Kenny D. Anthony was indeed pleased to receive a letter of support from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, in Jamaica. Hon. Andrew Holness , Political Leader of the Jamaica Labour Party wrote,
"Let me extend to your Government and the people of St. Lucia, condolences on behalf of the officers and members of the Jamaica Labour Party, and in fact all Jamaicans, regarding the loss of lives which have occurred with the passage of the Christmas Storm. We also take note of the significant damage to Infrastructure which has taken place.
While we are not in a position to offer technical assistance, we want however for you to understand, that we commiserate with you, especially in light of this occurrence taking place within time dedicated to family festivities."
The Government of Saint Lucia again takes this opportunity to thank all for their prayers, support and words of comfort.
We continue to urge all to reach out to those families affected by the trough, whether through loss of life or personal property.
The UWP has always had problems in its ranks of cliques determined to maintain the status quo from the time of Sir John.
Insular and only concerned with their perceived importance they would rather support 'their boy' King than move forward.
How quickly we forget the sheer horror of kings lack of leadership,
Mounted by whycleff at pigeon point. The daily turmoil when we Lucian's did not know from one morning to the next what was happening in the country.
The rumours of the use of money from a friendly country. The waste of resources. The denigration of Sir John's legacy by the vulgar behaviour of Cabinet.
Under King St Lucia was a laughing stock around the Caribbean. Now the simple minded uwp hacks want this clown to bring more shame on the party.
There is no hope for now pathetic Helen.
We forget how the SLP had great fun making fools of UWPs based on kings leadership. They called Stephenson King a Buffon a clown.
They said he was unlearned, incompetent, running a ship of unscrupulous untrustworty men.
King could not lead a pack of mice. He brought disrespect to St Lucia.
Now they are meeting with him to marginalise chastanet and feed his ego.
King cannot be trusted.
@ 3:52
It would seem that there is a load of dysfunctional people in this Gang called UWP. Given that king was a clown and unlearned, your answer to these remarkable attributes is to replace him with a bigger clown and bafoon?
Don't you think Lucians deserves better than an empty vessel called Chastanet?
Micah is a Lucian Uncle Tom.
Micah is a Lucian Uncle Tom.
The SLPs fear of any political leader is directly proportional to their effort to undermine that person.
Kenny fears Chastanet, big time.
Working with king to undermine Chas.
Taking him to court.
All the SLP hacks working overtime in the media and on the internet to cover their incompetence and attack Chas.
They cannot run the country so their only recourse is to attack the opposition with the aid of king.
With VAT Grynsburg 25% unemployment, $300 million in borrowing in 8 months, bus fare increases, water rate increases - the slp hacks in serious trouble.
What a Kenny must be laughing all the way to the polls. This guy chastanet is a divisive mo...f...i hope that the up supporters are realizing that. Just like his old man use, exploit and dump all super j workers, he will do them the f... same. These chastanet folks are racist manipulators who need to be treated as such - they only know how to use lay people.
Who the F... is Allen chastanet??? His tone in the letter is racist and derogatory
Amen, above. I arrived at the same conclusion.
I think he is a racist buffon - an empty vessel making lots of noise!!
The recent death of Israel's legendary statesman brings to mind a plausible direction on the continuum of political structures available to Fair Helen. It appears that consensus is growing for a plurality of political party representation beyond the typical two party dominance. In Israel's pluralistic party framework, often times post election alliances must be negotiated in order to form a ruling majority. This particular mechanism may subdue bitter subjective rivalries while practicing more objective outcomes.
The mission of the nation becomes paramount whilst more obscure voices become part of the nation building conversation.
As for the senate circle of influence perhaps a framework that borrows some fittings from the federal model might do. For example, use the old parish delineation measures to ELECT one senator each for a 3-5 year term depending on the extent of their role / responsibilities.
Of course the above mentioned requires constitutional reform.
Allen, where's the pain eh pannier?
I am getting more tired from reading UWP news than my old age. My Blackberry all of a sudden is delivering email faster that the post office. Sometimes I pity my trusted Blackberry, but I will hold on to it since Allen Chastanet (the UWP new Santa Claus) has not come by with a gift as yet. To make matters worse, I am still waiting for my pain eh pannier.
Christmas came and left. No Allen. No Santa. Not even his elves or his cherished “poodle” could be found. His was covered, by all indications, with a wedding gown and too wet to come out.
Is better days still ahead? I'm waiting. Where are the jobs, am I blind?
We all voted for Kenny & Party, but all we get today is attack on Chastanet.
The man is not elected and all we get is more and more attack on him.
Where are the promised jobs, why is St.Jude's Hospital still a Ghost Building?
What if there was massive casualties at the Plane crash in V-F? why is the new hospital @ La Tac not operational as intended?
You keep your focus on an unelected man who can do nothing for you, and think you can fool us with your blind attack on him.
You got us into Grynsburg, now costing us millions to get out of the fix like Rochamel.
You gave us VAT and it's costing us millions, and all you do is to attack Allen who is no threat to the Country. I personally don't think the man stands a chance politically, but you seem to spend a lot of energy attacking him instead of finding jobs for the people. Even to the point of dredging up muck to drag him to court.
Your Communist skirt is showing, i.e. destroy the opposition and dictate under the guise of democracy. You've learned well from Putin, your friend Castro and the Chinese. St. Lucia is no place for Communism, and that's why you are attacking Allen so vigorously; will it work? are you doing it to mask your dire failures economically? say yes.
En rouge.
it appears Tokyo Rose and his gang has inflict a fatal blow to Ti Chas's political career.There is no doubt Chastanet is wounded. The question now is can he Ti Chas make a come back?
Where is his 9Chastanet's) training in CONFLICT RESOLUTION?
For a man who they claim is so qualified; what a shameful form of expression in a letter of persons at such levels.
This says a heck of a lot.
Allen Chastanet is bloody well arrogant and a bloody racist and snobbish. As far as I am concerned;
He needs to be shit upon.
One thing is for sure. Stephenson King like all of us humans may have had his faults; but no one can accuse him of snobbing anyone in his decades of being a Minister of Government; a parliamentarian and as a Prime Minister.
No one can accuse Mr. King of being arrogant. He does not have one bone of dictatorial; and high-handedness about him.
One thing is for sure; despite any faults he may have; he is one politician who is "liked" or loved by many.
On the other hand; Chastanet is quite the opposite.
My oh My, thought I was in a minority thinking the way I do about the Chastanet / King affair. Good to note we Lucian deserves better, and will not easily be hoodwinked....however their looms many a counter attack and perfected fabled arguments as academically acquired by GUESS WHO. So be prepared and watch this space. Discuss!...
People, People, People why attack Chastanet? What are you afraid of? Why attack his character? Shouldn't you be spending your time and energy attacking Kenny Antony for the poor economy, no job growth, the high cost of living.
How about asking Kenny to stop the unethical practice of collecting VAT on prescription medication. Or any medication for that matter. He should not be collecting VAT on baby products either...This is just plain wrong. You lucians are always fighting the wrong battles!!! Open your eyes people!
Why fault Chastent for his wealth or his upbring. Stop acting like jealous fools. You all said the same thing about Kenny...his father owned a plantation, his father had slaves, he is booggie, he is arrogant...blah blah blah and yet still you all but him in many times again... aStop being hypocrites.
CHastanet read the F>>> polls and get out now before it is too late. If we as a nation of predominantly Afro-West Indians ever allow this "Castries Mulatto" to assume the office of PM, then we are nothing more than a bunch of field slaves and indentured servants. I do not like Kenny Anthony however, he or his party is a better choice any day than this racist, exceedingly arrogant P.O.S call Allen Chastanet.
lol...Chastanet under fire boy. Take a heap of cash from the Super J deal and run before you regret it. PEOPLE OF FAIR HELEN, ON ALL SERIOUSNESS PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE AND VOTE THE CHASTANET CLAN INTO OFFICE. These people are excellent manipulators - like the massas of old were, and they only care about themselves and their fair-skinned friends.
Come down Soufriere Mr. Chastanet...come for more licks in your rass.
To those whom it may pertain and hate to sound pedantic upon our fellow Lucian proletariats however please note, This is politics and in a democracy though easier said than done,we don't make progress simply by the like or dislike our political protagonist but to remain engaged in a greater or lesser degree with the service and policy they are elected to deliver, and to the people they are accountable. The power is in our hands to vote them in or kick them out. In my opinion the Chastanet / King scenario is but a test to our society and nation's resolve as a young democracy and the way we grapple with our socio- economic MIX. I can perceive this as an exiting and intellectual topical challenge we are all responsible for, and should be debated in schools and colleges across the land yes! I've said it! EDUCATION, EDUCATION, AND MORE EDUCATION being the only way forward. Thus, irrespective of the somewhat highly emotive languages we shall not fail this test and let not the (race card) become in itself the dominant divisive factor.
What this space. Discuss!
To those whom it may pertain and hate to sound pedantic upon our fellow Lucian proletariats however please note, This is politics and in a democracy though easier said than done,we don't make progress simply by the like or dislike our political protagonist but to remain engaged in a greater or lesser degree with the service and policy they are elected to deliver, and to the people they are accountable. The power is in our hands to vote them in or kick them out. In my opinion the Chastanet / King scenario is but a test to our society and nation's resolve as a young democracy and the way we grapple with our socio- economic MIX. I can perceive this as an exiting and intellectual topical challenge we are all responsible for, and should be debated in schools and colleges across the land yes! I've said it! EDUCATION, EDUCATION, AND MORE EDUCATION being the only way forward. Thus, irrespective of the somewhat highly emotive languages we shall not fail this test and let not the (race card) become in itself the dominant divisive factor.
Watch this space. Discuss!
To my keen eyed grammatically correct detectives, do note the above should have read as follows; In my opinion the Chastanet / King scenario is but a test to our society and nation's resolve as a young democracy in grappling with the challenges of our socio-economic and ethnic MIX. Watch this space. Discuss!
Chastanet you have won NOT even a single seat in the parliament of the government of Saint Lucia, either on the governing side or on the opposition benches!
NOT one!
Tell me then, who the hell are you representing again?
Since you have absolutely no constituency, you represent NOBODY, old chap, BUT YOURSELF.
Or, is it Bram-Bram?
Or is it the tone deaf, the lame-brained UWPs or the brain dead?
King is really the one who IS in the position to ask little-boy Chastanet to suck it up and shut up.
They can split their votes if they will.
Chastanet MAY be able to pay to sway ALL or SOME of the votes. But that is the limit, to the fullest extent, of his SAY.
Money talks.
Corruption is the RECOGNIZED hallmark and TRADEMARK of the UWP. This brand is part of its DISTINGUISHABLE product and name recognition.
Saint Lucia is idiot country!
We will see what we shall see!
Aheeee. Thanks Fella on your piece; CONSTITUTIONALLY SPEAKING. man I never laugh so loud. This article befits a comedy stage performance, and would be a hit. You see! Learning to laugh at our self signals a higher intellect of sort. Try It! Hit me!
Watch this space. Discuss!
This God damn carpetbagger is so damn out of place. Which seat has he ever won? What or who is his constituency? His father? Duboulay Industries?
It is time for these slave plantation hold-outs and hangers-on to know their God damn place.
Desperately unemployed and unemployable, this brat and rabble-rouser should find himself a real job!
'Pay to sway'? There is a lap dog willing and able to do anything for its master.
However, that one swears that the filthy lucre of money is the only yardstick of individual success.
Watch that dog. It is salivating already!
That crook appears to be as crooked as his crooked face. As crooked as crooked comes.
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