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Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Shamelessly Unimpressed With Priorities?
MR. "T"
BOY! what a perfect pack of dirty, paranoia, marionettes-masturbators those "kkk" U W PPPPPP are!! The spirit of Compton is creating a revival in the vicious U W P-PLUTOCRATS LEADERS. Those primitive kkk dolts blatantly arrogant lying braggarts and scandalmongers, just can't stop the dead man's eternal spirit. making every one of them fou. (maladi tet) Compy. fache.
Should King have a discussion with Allen in an emergency, particularly after taking a dose of magnesium citrate & castor oil? This is a "shitty" situation.
King should accept the offer from Anthony. Chastanet is a real disapointment, an immature bully who has acheived nothing but for his daddy's influence and wealth.
The whole thing is:- Both Political Parties should choose WELL who they put up for political office. I'm not impressed with any of them, save two females and maybe, just maybe, one man. The rest is caca-chien, as far as I'm concerned. If King allow Chastanet to rip a strip off his back then he deserves it. King was the man who was too timid to address the Nation on more than one occasion. He was at one occasion told to bend over in full view of patrons at a Concert, for some singer to jump over him, and he complied. In my book, King is a nice guy, a humble man, but for a roll as a leader at a time such as this, you can forget it. Chastanet is right because he knows that King in a meeting with Kenny, Kenny gets what he wants, period. Remember the Grysburg documents which was signed, but was hastily retrieved before delivery? did someone know what the hell he was signing? the common pattern of missteps is not acceptable. His present roll must be monitored, unfortunately, for this is a Party in opposition for now, and the SLP is throwing all kinds of mud to keep them off balanced. THE BATTLE MY FRIEND IS NOT BETWEEN SLP AND UWP, BEHIND THE SCENE IS CHINA Vs TAEWAN.
You're talking big bucks and power; are you still blind?
The big joke is on the politically immature wet-behind-the-ears and snotty-nosed amateurs and idiots in the UWP.
Simple fact: Chastanet, no matter how he came to become politically leader, has up to this very minute not won any political contest to win a parliamentary seat.
In other words, his is NOT the legitimate voice of the people, nor the party in the Parliament of this country.
Compton, not knowing any better marginalized the role of parliament in the affairs of the country.
One has to wonder whether or not the political pygmies, good just enough for backward country-bookie politics will ever come to appreciate or comprehend the full implications of having your political leader in this antagonistic atmosphere of parliamentary democracy being able only to create noise from the outside looking in.
Moreover, Chastanet a total political failure, has in no political contest has ever won his seat!
And note the power-hungry neophyte's focus. It is NOT about the people's problems. It is about getting a cushy PENSIONABLE political job, by riding on the backs of the hordes of political idiots created by John Compton and "Fairty-schools" Chicken house Bousquet. Two fully-fledged complete charlatans dominating the historical political landscape.
Whenever there is a power struggle, there is always conspiracy and controversy in its trail. The party will have to deal with it. It is also a reminder of "who comes first" ? Is it self , party , or country ?
The fight for a leader in Japan right now is one we all should keep an eye on. What you have in St.Lucia is a bunch of ignoramuses split between Labour and UWP. They are both stupid, and have nothing to do with Party Politics.
One question - why, in an age like today, people still remember and talk about John Compton? It shows how stupid you are.
One question - why, in an age like today, people still remember and talk about John Compton? It shows how stupid you are.
January 15, 2014 at 1:17 PM ===========
It is most definitely abysmally ignorant on the part of our very many pea-brained Lucians to call someone stupid, if they refer to the kind of foundation His Lordship from the Most High, Holy Saint John Compton left as his legacy.
What's worse: when you have yet another shyster making an unequivocal statement that he too, is religiously following in the footsteps of The Great Almighty Charlatan, one has to ponder what kind of future is this dumb ass intends to give Saint Lucians.
Like surplus inventory, banana receipts from a protected market masked a very vulnerable and fragile economy.
That remarkable piece of economic nonsense of social engineering, which was to lower the retirement age of the population, for instance, purportedly to make room for a younger (in retrospect an ill-trained civil service) only showed how economically bankrupt of ideas John Compton was in the area of development economics or transformation economics. He totally bypassed the reproductive issues of paving the way for growing school population. OK. That man had little awareness of actuarial studies.
Beyond this, he failed to read the seminal piece by our own Sir Arthur Lewis: 'Development with unlimited supplies of labour' , translated and updated by other world renowned economists, since its first publication.
A prophet they say, has no honour in his own country. Other Caribbean leaders have done much the same -- even in over-the-fence Barbados, where there is even a UWI socio-economic research institute bearing his very name!
When our membership of the WTO forced us to lose the preferential arrangement for bananas, and our GDP tracked the same direction of Chastanet's influence on Air Jamaica's bottom-line, charlatan John Compton tossed the failed economy into the lap of his handpicked successor, Dr. Vaughn Lewis like a hot potato!
When neither the policies embarked upon, nor the successor seemed to have better understood what was necessary to be done for economy, John Compton, not learning one darn thing from his mistakes redoubled his efforts (as losers do often) on the failed banana harvesting option, a proven sunset industry even today.
Compton was again bankrupt of ideas about transformative economics. The Taiwanese model was still evolving; the Singapore model had taken off.
Compton's independence, made one of Saint Lucia development ideals, like almost all newly-independent so-called countries one of -- begging.
We lustily sing and quite stupidly '... justice, truth, and CHARITY, our ideals forever be'.
However, we studiously pursue the CHARITY bit by going around the world begging. The charity is almost always viewed as what's coming to us.
This has become such a national trait, that most Saint Lucians expect the party they voted for to take care of their every need -- from the cradle to the grave.
It is noteworthy, that at election time, it is not unusual to hear people openly question which candidate, or which would-be or potential PM would secure for the country, the greatest amount of foreign aid. That is the basis of the development plan.
That, to many in the electorate is a critical voting criterion.
In other words, since colonial times, and transitioning into the era of so-called 'independence', Saint Lucians have indeed, named the former Chief Minister, Prime Minister, but in effect all we have done is to retitle that Chief Mendicant's job to PM -- the Prime Mendicant.
CHastanet read the F>>> polls and get out now before it is too late. If we as a nation of predominantly Afro-West Indians ever allow this "Castries Mulatto" to assume the office of PM, then we are nothing more than a bunch of field slaves and indentured servants. I do not like Kenny Anthony however, he or his party is a better choice any day than this racist, exceedingly arrogant P.O.S call Allen Chastanet
Chastanet has only ONE message. He is extremely power hungry.
What he repeatedly fails to tell us is what he is going to do with it. But that rabble-rousing incident on the bridge opening in Soufriere speaks VOLUMES!
And his father show no confidence in this sheep in wolf's clothing business sense. His father sold his shares to TNT, rather than tender them over to his loving divisive and polarizing figure of an immature racist brat.
His father-in-law too has not given him a Duboulay sinecure either.
What is more is that condescending carpetbagger has not been able to create not even a single job for himself over the years, nor has he been able to secure a job anywhere in the Caribbean and far less in North America since his career followed that of Air Jamaica's performance of dropping down from the skies.
What the hell does all of that tell you? Is that man employable other than in some high-paying CUSHY do-nothing job like those political ones available in S.T.E.P?
".... If we as a nation of predominantly Afro-West Indians ever allow this "Castries Mulatto" to assume the office of PM, then we are nothing more than a bunch of field slaves and indentured servants....."
As an Afro-West Indian from Castries it is a shame to be associated with the likes of your brand of racism.
You have insulted at least 50 - 60% of St. Lucians.
Stan, What part of the King's letter says that he was being reprimanded for attending the meeting with the Prime Minister?? You mentioned the Hon. Frederick; he promised to resign if Chastanet became political leader.He is NOT on board; you should now that the informed journalist you are.
what a perfect pack of dirty, paranoia, marionettes-masturbators those "kkk" U W PPPPPP are!!
The spirit of Compton is creating a revival in the vicious U W P-PLUTOCRATS LEADERS. Those primitive kkk dolts blatantly arrogant lying braggarts and scandalmongers, just can't stop the dead man's eternal spirit. making every one of them fou. (maladi tet)
Compy. fache.
King cannot go on a frolic of his own whenever he chooses....period!
Should King have a discussion with Allen in an emergency, particularly after taking a dose of magnesium citrate & castor oil? This is a "shitty" situation.
King should accept the offer from Anthony. Chastanet is a real disapointment, an immature bully who has acheived nothing but for his daddy's influence and wealth.
The whole thing is:- Both Political Parties should choose WELL who they put up for political office.
I'm not impressed with any of them, save two females and maybe, just maybe, one man.
The rest is caca-chien, as far as I'm concerned. If King allow Chastanet to rip a strip off his back then he deserves it. King was the man who was too timid to address the Nation on more than one occasion. He was at one occasion told to bend over in full view of patrons at a Concert, for some singer to jump over him, and he complied.
In my book, King is a nice guy, a humble man, but for a roll as a leader at a time such as this, you can forget it.
Chastanet is right because he knows that King in a meeting with Kenny, Kenny gets what he wants, period. Remember the Grysburg documents which was signed, but was hastily retrieved before delivery? did someone know what the hell he was signing? the common pattern of missteps is not acceptable. His present roll must be monitored, unfortunately, for this is a Party in opposition for now, and the SLP is throwing all kinds of mud to keep them off balanced.
You're talking big bucks and power; are you still blind?
We St. Lucians do not want Kenny Anthony back in the corridors of Government. And that is the clear FACT.
But I don't think there is an appitite for Chastenet either.
The big joke is on the politically immature wet-behind-the-ears and snotty-nosed amateurs and idiots in the UWP.
Simple fact: Chastanet, no matter how he came to become politically leader, has up to this very minute not won any political contest to win a parliamentary seat.
In other words, his is NOT the legitimate voice of the people, nor the party in the Parliament of this country.
Compton, not knowing any better marginalized the role of parliament in the affairs of the country.
One has to wonder whether or not the political pygmies, good just enough for backward country-bookie politics will ever come to appreciate or comprehend the full implications of having your political leader in this antagonistic atmosphere of parliamentary democracy being able only to create noise from the outside looking in.
Moreover, Chastanet a total political failure, has in no political contest has ever won his seat!
And note the power-hungry neophyte's focus. It is NOT about the people's problems. It is about getting a cushy PENSIONABLE political job, by riding on the backs of the hordes of political idiots created by John Compton and "Fairty-schools" Chicken house Bousquet. Two fully-fledged complete charlatans dominating the historical political landscape.
Whenever there is a power struggle, there is always conspiracy and controversy in its trail. The party will have to deal with it. It is also a reminder of "who comes first" ? Is it self , party , or country ?
TO hell with Helen if she don't reach she climax!!!!
de party and we Lily white leady is all we love!!!
You got it right @ 8:26AM.
The fight for a leader in Japan right now is one we all should keep an eye on.
What you have in St.Lucia is a bunch of ignoramuses split between Labour and UWP.
They are both stupid, and have nothing to do with Party Politics.
One question - why, in an age like today, people still remember and talk about John Compton?
It shows how stupid you are.
One question - why, in an age like today, people still remember and talk about John Compton?
It shows how stupid you are.
January 15, 2014 at 1:17 PM
It is most definitely abysmally ignorant on the part of our very many pea-brained Lucians to call someone stupid, if they refer to the kind of foundation His Lordship from the Most High, Holy Saint John Compton left as his legacy.
What's worse: when you have yet another shyster making an unequivocal statement that he too, is religiously following in the footsteps of The Great Almighty Charlatan, one has to ponder what kind of future is this dumb ass intends to give Saint Lucians.
Like surplus inventory, banana receipts from a protected market masked a very vulnerable and fragile economy.
That remarkable piece of economic nonsense of social engineering, which was to lower the retirement age of the population, for instance, purportedly to make room for a younger (in retrospect an ill-trained civil service) only showed how economically bankrupt of ideas John Compton was in the area of development economics or transformation economics. He totally bypassed the reproductive issues of paving the way for growing school population. OK. That man had little awareness of actuarial studies.
Beyond this, he failed to read the seminal piece by our own Sir Arthur Lewis: 'Development with unlimited supplies of labour' , translated and updated by other world renowned economists, since its first publication.
A prophet they say, has no honour in his own country. Other Caribbean leaders have done much the same -- even in over-the-fence Barbados, where there is even a UWI socio-economic research institute bearing his very name!
When our membership of the WTO forced us to lose the preferential arrangement for bananas, and our GDP tracked the same direction of Chastanet's influence on Air Jamaica's bottom-line, charlatan John Compton tossed the failed economy into the lap of his handpicked successor, Dr. Vaughn Lewis like a hot potato!
When neither the policies embarked upon, nor the successor seemed to have better understood what was necessary to be done for economy, John Compton, not learning one darn thing from his mistakes redoubled his efforts (as losers do often) on the failed banana harvesting option, a proven sunset industry even today.
Compton was again bankrupt of ideas about transformative economics. The Taiwanese model was still evolving; the Singapore model had taken off.
Compton's independence, made one of Saint Lucia development ideals, like almost all newly-independent so-called countries one of -- begging.
We lustily sing and quite stupidly '... justice, truth, and CHARITY, our ideals forever be'.
However, we studiously pursue the CHARITY bit by going around the world begging. The charity is almost always viewed as what's coming to us.
This has become such a national trait, that most Saint Lucians expect the party they voted for to take care of their every need -- from the cradle to the grave.
It is noteworthy, that at election time, it is not unusual to hear people openly question which candidate, or which would-be or potential PM would secure for the country, the greatest amount of foreign aid. That is the basis of the development plan.
That, to many in the electorate is a critical voting criterion.
In other words, since colonial times, and transitioning into the era of so-called 'independence', Saint Lucians have indeed, named the former Chief Minister, Prime Minister, but in effect all we have done is to retitle that Chief Mendicant's job to PM -- the Prime Mendicant.
CHastanet read the F>>> polls and get out now before it is too late. If we as a nation of predominantly Afro-West Indians ever allow this "Castries Mulatto" to assume the office of PM, then we are nothing more than a bunch of field slaves and indentured servants. I do not like Kenny Anthony however, he or his party is a better choice any day than this racist, exceedingly arrogant P.O.S call Allen Chastanet
Chastanet has only ONE message. He is extremely power hungry.
What he repeatedly fails to tell us is what he is going to do with it. But that rabble-rousing incident on the bridge opening in Soufriere speaks VOLUMES!
And his father show no confidence in this sheep in wolf's clothing business sense. His father sold his shares to TNT, rather than tender them over to his loving divisive and polarizing figure of an immature racist brat.
His father-in-law too has not given him a Duboulay sinecure either.
What is more is that condescending carpetbagger has not been able to create not even a single job for himself over the years, nor has he been able to secure a job anywhere in the Caribbean and far less in North America since his career followed that of Air Jamaica's performance of dropping down from the skies.
What the hell does all of that tell you? Is that man employable other than in some high-paying CUSHY do-nothing job like those political ones available in S.T.E.P?
Chastanet boy, it is time to get a real damn job!
Oh my God, what have we come to.
".... If we as a nation of predominantly Afro-West Indians ever allow this "Castries Mulatto" to assume the office of PM, then we are nothing more than a bunch of field slaves and indentured servants....."
As an Afro-West Indian from Castries it is a shame to be associated with the likes of your brand of racism.
You have insulted at least 50 - 60% of St. Lucians.
50-60% of St. Lucians are mule-lattoes?
Chastanet get a damn job for a change!
Chastanet get a damn job for a change!
Stan, What part of the King's letter says that he was being reprimanded for attending the meeting with the Prime Minister?? You mentioned the Hon. Frederick; he promised to resign if Chastanet became political leader.He is NOT on board; you should now that the informed journalist you are.
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