Thursday, January 9, 2014

TOMAS’ and the Last un-named STORM


MR."T" said...

here we go again!!! another nigger dirty yard-fowl kissssssskin a342zzzz NIGGER..

God this nigger say??
god gog gog gog?

Anonymous said...

Mr "T" you have a number of problems #1 you are ignorant.
#2 you carry a big chip on your shoulders.
#3 you are an obstinate bigot.
#4 you carry an inferiority complex.
#5 you show too much frustration.
#6 instead of good, you damage your cause, whatever it is.

If you at all think that you are enjoying your postings, then I would be very convinced that you are in need of psychological evaluation.

Whatever is written here is read internationally, and one must be very careful not to show how bloody ignorant some St.Lucians are.
I don't know how much schooling you had, but your ego may not stop you from writing here.
Can I ask of you one simply favour? not to stop writing, for that wont happen.
But Try to write with less of this racial stuff, less swearing, less adjectives, less anger and try if you can, to be more empathetic to others.
Have a good day.

MR. "T" said...

@ 9:13am

your analysis and comment of me is very in line and very well stated?

u see it takes an ignoramus 2 know one equal 2 him.
I am frustrated when persons like u try not to b the nigger that u are by attacking our inferiority complex.
the chip on my shoulder is when persons like u bend so your massa ALLEN can kick your "azzzzz" up 2 your nose and all u say is: thank u massa!
but because I refuse 2 let this bull happen 2 me, u find I am a bigoted.

U and I are from the same plantation but I fought 4 my liberation so I am indeed free, but U?
your bible talk about people like u: Then thou shalt take an owl, and trust it through his ear unto the door and he shall be thy servant (SLAVE)for ever.(Deuteronomy 15:17)

I am at liberty with my thoughts.

here is food 4 your brain.

Hate, is the overflowing of yeast reaction that caused the sourness that rise and the adrenalin rising against the capacity of tolerant.
I overstand your fear.

Anonymous said...

I did not want to jump into that argument but I could not resist it. Me.T, I have been reading your musings for a while and have been wanting to tell you, but the person @ 9:13AM beat me to it. But however,
I find when you write, you write for local consumption and not concerned about readers abroad. I have never met Allen Chastanet, but you seem to be embroiled in a fight with him, be it for his politics, his money or his complexion, I don't know and I don't give a damn.

All politics aside, the writer above said that you habour a lot of hate, and I believe that.
Your schooling and intellect leaves lots to be desired, you know it and you want someone to blame for it, and you have zero in on a rich local white guy. Now how stupid?
If the official tenet or opinion of your political friends is to go after this one man, then everything the writer @ 9.13 A.M. said is true.
You are not the only one. It seems that racism is the new tool of the opposing Party. How sad. As a black man I thought we had put all this behind us like Mandela said, but your inferiority complex needs a powerful shrink to fix it. Lets hope your Allah can do something for you.

MR. "T" said...

@ 4:48PM


U and all your nigger shackle slave brain friends can: push up your advice!