Saturday, March 1, 2014

Kudos to this Administration for Uplifting Constitution Park


Anonymous said...

This phony independence thing would not have been tolerated in Jamaica. Saint Lucians are lazy thinkers, too pliant and too supine for my liking. Any shit goes and any shit flows.

Anonymous said...

I can only heap great scorn on such acts of baffling betrayal by our aging and greying Saint Lucians.

Anonymous said...

Did you mean to say fossils?

Anonymous said...

Jamaica?!.....what bull!..remember the Seaga/Manley era?..alot of real Shit went down,so don't get twisted!

Anonymous said...

Therefore, we must embrace similarly the same shit. OK. That is what you aspire to. Good for you. Let them continue to pee in your eyes. You are free to continue to swallow that and call it rain.

Anonymous said...

Mike, you may be elated at this monstrosity but I'm not.
This man with his scandalous and disrespectful sexual activity on poor teenaged girls on the Island have left an ugly and painful legacy of non-support on these women.

Here is a man who used his position of power to get and do whatever he wished with young impressionable girls; and what do we do after his death???
WE honour him and place his image on a pedestal. A fifteen foot high ugly image of your history.
Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

I hope the foundation under this pedestal is built strong enough to sustain the 'Wind Pressure' placed on it, come next Hurricane.
Mother nature may after all have the last laugh. Right now I'm not laughing, because in my opinion, this is not the place to erect the statue of anyone, least of all, John Compton.

Anonymous said...

Those people aged 50 and over in this society have betrayed the generations following them. History is not on the side of this age group.

In a period of more sober reflection this insult will be removed. Every year from now on, this open wound will reopen and fester. It will grate on the minds of those to come and those that follow.

Older folk in Saint Lucia have lost their sense of shame. Time is a great healer.

Anonymous said...

Money and power do not buy you class. They buy you statues.

Anonymous said...

The erection of this monstrosity called a statue is a signal of a society ready and willing to reward wrong-doing as long as it is coming from the ruling and political class. There we have it as the gentrification of crime. The social meltdown will continue.