Saturday, March 1, 2014



Anonymous said...

To which God? The God of Marmon?

Anonymous said...

Peter are you trying to rewrite history? You always seens to have a different version of what happened thirty five years ago. Then please explain why did campi loose the election that year. Peter you are loosing it man.

Anonymous said...

Envy, Peter Josie, YES ENVY, is your and continuing to be your demise.

Son-of-man said...


As a vessel is known by the sound, whether it is cracked or not, so men are proved by what he says whether he is wise or foolish. You Josie should seek professional help.


Anonymous said...

'You Josie should seek professional help.'...AMEN, ad infinitum. Thank you.

My wish is for him to take your advice and seek the help he so urgently need.

Anonymous said...

To each his own. Let the supreme be the judge. To me words are meaningless if they are not spoken with sincerity. Everyone perceives in different light. Who am I to put words in another's mouth. The man said what he meant to say.

Son-of-man said...


Still his tongue ran on,

the less weight it bore with greater ease;

and with its everlasting clack, set all
men's ears upon the rack.


Anonymous said...


Still his tongue run on,

With vollies of eternal babble.

Anonymous said...

Correctly and better said Josie, that should have read 'Last Friday I prayed to Beelzebub ....'

Son-of-man said...


Josie has mastered the Black Arts and frequently has meetings with Dead People - He invokes Odlum, and Compton - so he might come into your dwelling at midnight. Leave the key in the keyhole, and if you detect a rattling of the key proceed to turn it in the lock; he will be found dead the next morning.

Surah Az-Zumar

Say: "To Allâh belongs all intercession. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, Then to Him you shall be brought back." (44)

And when Allâh Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust (from the Oneness of Allâh (<><>) and when those (whom they obey or worship) besides Him [like all false deities other than Allâh, it may be a Messenger, an angel, a pious man, a jinn, or any other creature even idols, graves of religious people, saints, priests, monks and others] are mentioned, behold, they rejoice![] (45)


Anonymous said...

You should start praying for the world.
The misdirected African Americans with their now destructive liberal culture twice voted 97% for the clueless community organized Barack Obama.
Now the world is falling apart under his incompetence and horrific and costly foreign and domestic policies.

The once-hopeful Arab Spring in which that fool Hilary Clinton made a mess, has staggered into civil war and military coup. China is stepping up territorial claims in the waters off East Asia and do not care a damn about the hopeless Americans under Obama.
Longtime allies in Europe and in the Persian Gulf are worried by the inconsistency, rudeness and 3rd world policies of a President raised by dysfunctional socialists and communists.
Now Ukraine is showing the utter lack of power by this fool of a President the darling of African Americans because he supports the freeness of the welfare state and the race baiting.

50 million Americans are on food stamps. The rich are getting richer and the federal reserve is colluding with the banks to print money that is passed between the bankers and the government and the people suffer. This theft is described as progress and responsible for all the so called GDP growth going only to Obama's white rich elite friends.

Here in St. Lucia we have the same narcissistic liberal clueless leaders without any idea of what governance means. They think it is just about going to Parliament and saying: I give you this and give you that.
So pray Peter but I am not sure Lucians know what to pray for !

Anonymous said...

For change to come to St Lucia there has to be a whole new paradigm.
Trained by a socialist/liberal University(UWI), culturized by a liberal politically correct American environment the failed Caribbean leaders have gone from debacle to debacle.
Changing party makes no difference. You think that Kenny is fundamentally different than Chas or Chas different than King.

They all are products of the same culture operating on the Left WING Of the spectrum using discredited racism excuse making to deny our people any level of personal responsibility and discredited Keysiasian economics to tax borrow and VAT to buy votes.

Because their parameters are the same they all destroy our societies. Some have more political acumen and stay in power for longer but at the end of their terms 'we all fall down'.

Anonymous said...

5:39 AM, I recall a comment like that made along the same lines. Self-censorship by the Voice saw to it that this story and the related commentary quickly being delisted.

Small-minded largely, Saint Lucians have no time for reflection on the matter of independence. They are most happy regurgitating the hollowness of the visionless that they repeatedly elect to represent them. Now try and get development to come from that.

Anonymous said...

We all should hope that his prayers are answered for the betterment of the country. What more do you hope for.

Anonymous said...

Peter, do you really believe any amount of prayers can save the devil? Doubt he can be saved at this time. Too late for him! We who are alive must try to save those who are still struggling. Leave the devil alone. His fate is already sealed. Don't think Kenny is ever going to change. He is really unchangeable!

LLL said...

Peter, when you become Prime Minister of "Shit-Ally", then you will have the opportunity to make your own speech. Unfortunately this is not your time; so stop grieving over someone else's fame. Jealously is ungodly.

Anonymous said...

True that, LLL...Peter Josie's jealousy of Kenny will shall dug his own grave!!

Nasty piece of human being - Peter Josie.

Anonymous said...

Peter, contrary to your desire, Kenny will never turn the page. Right now he is on a mission to rewrite Saint Lucia's Social History. He wants to erase all accolades due to Sir John, the Father of the Nation. His various utterings in recent times attest to this view. He will take some of Sir John's honor and give to Sir George Charles. However the goal is to see after himself including obtaining the title of knighthood, Sir Kenny!

Anonymous said...

If I Josie has reported the Prime Minister's speech in full, I am totally disappointed. Why no mention of his achievements. Ah we St. Lucians keep shooting the messenger. I am no fan of Josie, but why the constant attack on the man. Yes he sings for his supper and awaits the day that Allen is crowned King, with a possible job in the offering. I am sure that deep down the family of Sir John were disappointed as were many of us. Let and let live and create a better St. Lucia.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comment. We really do need to grow up. We attack like kids in a play ground.
As for the gentleman who went on a rampage of criticizing Obama, yes he has a right to talk nonsense. All he did was show how selective and naïve he is of the working of the world. He feels he can blame the problems of the entire world on one Black man. No mention of the capture of Osama Bin Laden. No mention of the Fox net work constant attack on the President. Sir I have one final thing to say to you. With your total blindness, don't get up
from your seat, don't leave your house you might fall down. Don't drink any thing, you might poison your self. Don't cry fire, its only your hot tempered head on fire. And don't stay calm that option is beyond you.

Anonymous said...

Ouch ouch I enjoyed that, lets have some more.

Anonymous said...

Peter,..amen!.. You sure had me fooled,thought I was watching the movie, Elmer Gantry. But let me add this: The living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing!!

DR. OPTICAL said...

@ 12:36
I say 2 u your opinion and quote of the bible is not so true!!

you bible say u are still who u are after death.
u want bible quote 4 my comment?
Luke 16: 19-31 the reach man and Lazarus.
1SMUEL. 3: 1520.
this is just a small example.

Anonymous said...

Just another one of our irrelevant political fossils making its weekly useless sounds from its graveyard and burial place.

DR. OPTICAL said...

This should be 1 Samuel

3: 15-20

DR. OPTICAL said...

@ 1:26

Please go and ask your mom to give you her history and the name of your uncle who happens to b your father.
you want 2 know something?
you were born at the mental hospital "LATOCK"

Anonymous said...

Respected POS can bring out the worst in Saint Lucians. Saint Lucians are sick, sick, sick.

Anonymous said...

The person who wants to defend the useless representative if our failing black culture called Obama answer the following questions.
Why has millions been spent on protecting Obama's college records?
Why is all the billions in printed money going to the uber rich under Obama?
Why have the black middle class lost so much under Obama?
Why are the only jobs under Obama nothing but burger flipping jobs?
Why is the world so unstable because of the liberal/socialist foreign policy of Obama ?
Why nothing on the tens of millions of $ spent on trips and parties by the Obamas as the USA FALL DOWN?
Why nothing on the hundreds if times the clueless lazy Obama played and still plays golf? The liberal media choir hounded Bush for playing golf but nothing on Obama.

I could write 1,000 things on that clown's failures and your only answer is the race baiting mendicancy call of racism that is part of the politically correct mantra that has corrupted our black culture from the 1960s.
Just so liberals can get your vote while our people live under them at the bottom of the socio economic pile.

Detroit Cleveland Chicago - all liberal hellholes run by your masters where black culture has been degraded.

Anonymous said...

And the fool above wants us to 'remain calm' as our people get fooled by the apogee of the failing black American experience.
We are now slaves on the liberal plantation with all the race baiters and liberal/progressive promoters getting richer and richer.

No different in the Caribbean where we have no answers because we are all destructive left wing adherants who have abandoned the Judeo Christian ethos.

We have less marriage than all other culture.
More abortions.
More murders.
Less education.
Less social mobility
More debt.

And it has got worst under the Obama types who have promoted the worst of our culture JUST TO GET OUR VOTES AND KEEP THEM RICH AND IN POWER.

Anonymous said...

The US SENATE by bipartisan agreement just rejected Obama's appointment of a cop killer supporter for a key government post.

When will African Americans stop the delusion of their support for this narcissist and the liberalism/progressivism/socialism that keeps us as a degraded culture while giving power and riches to the RULING rich liberal aristocrats who bleed us of taxes and borrow to keep them in power?

Anonymous said...

They Will stop being delusional when a shallow nitwit like you can win the presidency. in the mean time you should show some gratitude to the black American for getting you from the back of the bus.

Mumir killed a racist in uniform who tried to murder him. stop your sick lies

Anonymous said...

Weak America led by a consumate fool and charletan has to watch as Russia takes over the Crimea.
The two liberal self centered clowns (Obama and Clinton)who ran usa foreign policy into the ground watch as the world resets with more problems and trouble because of their lack of governance skills.
Mi roro!

Anonymous said...


Covering your failures with more race baiting. How is it at the bottom of your self created pile.

Racism - your excuse for your every failure.

Anonymous said...


In case you're that delusional, the most powerful man's name is black Obama. lol , so stop masturbating.

Anonymous said...


Who blames blacks for running usa into the ground after being run by your white European for four hundred years, but your delusional sick perverted white brain? who's using race as an excuse for whites stupidity, after blacks built the usa for him for free? Pos.

Anonymous said...

The racist is 11:09 who sets the bar low for African Americans and all blacks to excuse failure and a dysfunctional lifestyle.

It is the white liberals who keep us in a mendicancy mindset and treat our people like children who need taxes and govt jobs and Obama phones and welfare and housing benefits to survive.
The other day a successful black businessman had to give hell to a white racist Democratic Senator who expected him to answer questions like a ghetto welfare recipient instead of a proud successful independent man.
You 11:09 are the racist with limited expectations for your own great people.

Go read George Washington Carver and Martin Luther King to understand what having black pride really means then get off you lazy ass and look for a job.

Anonymous said...


are you on some kind of Redlining or Prozac, or a Crackhead? Black People made USA the richest country in the world working from sunrise to sunset without pay and you pathetic idiot would call the black American Lazy? the people who fought the lazy white racist and their dogs so scumbags like you could even eat at a lunch counter? What the F-ck is your problem you little POS. You must be a Crackhead in a penal institution being sodomized by some big black American.

Anonymous said...


If it were not for the Black American, Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam raising men like Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, and the Black Giants who died being hung from Oak trees/lynched coward ingrates like you and your wife, would be raped and sodomized by the white Judeo Christian massa even as you read this.

In What prison are you currently incarcerated? NY, NJ, Florida?

Anonymous said...

When saw there were 36 comments, I thought there was a decent sensible dialogue happening. As I read on I realized what started off as people giving their opinion about what Mr. Josie had written, gave way to attacks on him, name calling, then attacks on Obama, huge4 distortion of facts, and more name calling.

it is a pity that no matter what the subject, or what the real circumstances, some people get a way to inject Obama and their dislike of him into the conversation. We have a right to like or dislike who we want (often the feeling is mutual), but to bring the object of our dislike up and inject him or her into every conversation, that I think is not just counterproductive, but unhealthy: pure lunacy.

Now, I am not very bright, but what does Obama have to do with what Mr. Josie wrote in here? I am serious, I cannot make the connection, so please school me. I need that edumacation, so edumacate me.

Anonymous said...

POS @ 10:43

Even your stars like the Judeo Christian Prime Minster of England David Cameron and his lazy wife got rich off the labour of the Africans you POS call lazy, Crackhead.

David Cameron
The family of the current Prime Minister of Britain, David Cameron, benefited from the enslavement of African people. According to Dr. Nick Draper of University College London, as many as one-fifth of wealthy Victorian Britons inherited part or all of their fortunes from the slave economy. As a result, there are now wealthy families all around the U.K. still indirectly enjoying the proceeds of slavery they have inherited; Queen Elizabeth-II and the so-called Royals are the highest ranking Pirates .  In addition to benefiting from slavery while it was legal in the British empire, Cameron’s ancestors were given £4,101, equal to more than £3 million today ($4.7 million dollars), for the 202 black people they enslaved on the Grange Sugar Estate in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...


Next to that Lunatic at 12:50, and 10;43, YOU ARE A SCHOLAR. this lunatic is obsessed with hating the Black American who brought his pathetic primate self out of the dammed zzzoo.

Obviously an honorary white, he blames Obama for the sinking of the Santa Maria at Hispaniola.

The Ballenbouche Estate in St Lucia,  was linked to the prominent businessman,William Jolliffe. He received £4,000 in compensation for 164 slaves, or around £3.25 million in today’s money. The Prime Minister of Britain’s wife - Samantha Cameron is a descendant of  William Jolliffe. William Jolliffe was a slave owner who received millions from the British government following abolition, researchers have discovered.

And this ignorant POS wants to disparage Black People? Dammed Crackhead!

Anonymous said...

Judging from the last few comments the mental squalor some people live in is unfortunate.
Pathetic mendicants blaming everyone for all their own decisions. The liberal white establishment has you just where they want. As President Johnson said: Just give them a few handouts and they will vote for us forever. Ditto Obama.
Mendicants with a persecution complex.

Anonymous said...


you are obviously a deranged female impersonator with Judeo christian values. I am sure you must feel elated about same-sex marriages.

Are you looking for a partner to complete your lust for the men folk to complete your Judeo Christian same sex wedding. Just imagine you and your gay boyfriend can now become Adam and Steve with the blessings of your Judeo Christianity.

Anonymous said...

How vile the comments here.
Someone makes sensible arguments and people who know it as the truth can only respond with filth.
This is the methodology of the Far Left to try and intimidate all opposition to their agenda for power and wealth.
They have trained these fools well and it gives you an idea of how degraded is our society. You expect a culture to survive and prosper with citizens like this?

Anonymous said...

How vile the comments here.
Someone makes sensible arguments and people who know it as the truth can only respond with filth.
This is the methodology of the Far Left to try and intimidate all opposition to their agenda for power and wealth.
They have trained these fools well and it gives you an idea of how degraded is our society. You expect a culture to survive and prosper with citizens like this?

Anonymous said...

Note that the source and opportunity for all this venting of spleens is another commie, sidekick to another useless but celebrated and failed commie. This living one is trying every weeks in a very weak column his hand at communist-style revisionism. It is nothing more than wild fairy tales. Having lost all credibility, Saint Lucia will relish, celebrate and be blessed with the eventual disappearance of such fossils from the newspaper.

Anonymous said...


this is the ONLY comment possessing a scintilla of logic you have made in this blog; from 1:12, 12:50, 1:00, and your never ending disparaging of our Black American brothers and Obama, while promoting the Religions of Paedophilia and sodomy which you call Judaeo Christian values.

Your crack must have lost its tranquilizing effects. take some more crack so your retardation will be constant.

Anonymous said...

Some of our idiots on this blog who clearly have no idea of what's on the visitor logs of this site, want to convince the rest of us that they know exactly who wrote which comment where and when. This makes the rest of us look really bad. How I so deeply wish fewer Saint Lucians would repeatedly make such an ass of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Our greying population is made up of so many God damn foolish people. Little wonder so many youths and younger people are rudderless.

Anonymous said...


there is some game of chance in the states called powerball where the chances of winning are like 5,000,000,000 to 1.

the chances that god could have made a duplicate crackhead like you has to be 10,000,000,000,000 to 1.

A paranoid crackhead trying to escape Obama and himself?? Loool stop hallucinating; this time you need to get off drinking all your wife's cold-flu medicine.

Anonymous said...

God is a figment of our imaginations. We create it in our minds and we tremble in fear of our own creation. Go to the CAR and let them carve you to bits, you jackass.

Son-of-man said...

You at 6:01 Mr. Ignorant PhD.

You are an ignorant person with your vocabulary limited to calling everyone "Jackass". Your failure to ever respond to a relevant subject matter has substantiated the emptiness of your frigging head, and like a coward continuously taking shelter behind anonymity while hurling bricks.

If you even had the fundamental knowledge of the Periodic Table of Elements, you would not be spewing your obstinate ignorance.

But here's what I have extrapolated from your constant articulation of your noises: There are braying men in Saint Lucia as well as braying asses; for what is LOUD and SENSELESS, TALKING and SWEARING other than BRAYING?

You Jackass have acquired a PhD. in ignorance because the best thing for the ignorant man to do is shut to f--k up, and if you knew even this little thing you would not be Mr. Ignorant PhD.


Anonymous said...


O.K. got it.

Dumb Retard!

Anonymous said...

Now that we have lived in a world with religion,we need to experience one without it. Can't imagine us being worst-off!

Anonymous said...

Josie when will you stop being envious of Kenny?? You are so obsess with him for you,you can better everything he does but you have never and will never be a prime minister of St.Lucia.I know that burning you a lot but admit it and let it be aright with your soul.I feel for you sometimes.LOL

Anonymous said...


How can you say Judas will never be PM? Judas plans to cut Chastanet's throat with the dagger he carries in the aboosack, or use a cork-sepen on Allen; Josie will not be PM? you want a bet? think Judas and Cock-Sepen!

Anonymous said...

Some people are really confused, you know. If you write in one way, right-away you have a PhD? Now who is sounding more ignorant? There are consultants who earn multiples of what PhDs earn, but have no PhD. SALCC may soon grant you one of its hollow ones. Wait. Be patient.

Son-of-man said...

1:01 & 6:01

It's not, "if you write in a certain way" you attain the academic recognition of doctorate in ignorance; it is your ability to produce this barrage of dribble prefixed and suffixed by Jackass.

How the hell in the world you perceived Dr. Ignorant as a frigging COMPLEMENT? you must have an Honorary Degree; sorry I overrated you. I never imagined there was a Nobel Prize awarded for your line of human achievement.

Anonymous said...

Do you mind arranging your thoughts to go beyond your own honourary doctorate so that you fully understand the difference between the words complement and compliment? As my teacher would say, this is what really separates the sheep from the goats.

Anonymous said...

The devil can quote scripture to suit its purposes. So, the question then is to whom that one was really praying. Or is it that this one does not really pray. It preys -- spelt not with an 'a' but with an 'e' -- on weak and foolish minds.

Anonymous said...

the josie is judas. prey on weak minds sounds like vampire stuff. he is looking to chastanet to throw him a bone, now he wants to shame Derek Walcott so he writes a pamphlet trying to win the Nobel Prize for comics.