Saturday, June 27, 2009

Police Destroy Marijuana Plantation in the South



Anonymous said...

Nobody is ever arrested in such operations.

Nobody knows whose land and whose crop is.

Not the marijuana plants must be estroyed, those who grow them must.

Anonymous said...

It is always of interest to me that so many resources are spent on attacking people involved with this natural plant when there are so many more evil practices on the island like the excessive use of alcohol on a regular basis, child molestation, domestic violence, attacks with a cutlass to name a few. Its the american philosophy and their paranoia. It not Marijuana thats the issue its the exploitation of this as a smokescreen to other things.

Anonymous said...

They should bring all those gangs and people with hatred together when they're burning those ganja plants. Everybody will be so happy and they can sign a peace

Anonymous said...

To that anonymous person who's speaking on behalf of "marijuana" lol pal marijuana is a major problem on the island and IT leads to people being killed very frequently so if you don't know what the hell you're saying just shut it! If it was up to me I would surely go after the plantations because it's the main factor leading to VIOLENCE!! On another level however when it comes to other violent crimes like molestation and all that blame it on the Government cause he seems to not care about anybody else but himself. Instead of taking the $$$ and spending it on the country he wants to get married overseas whilst justice is can't be served.