Thursday, April 8, 2010

Is VAT the Gov’t Saviour?



Anonymous said...

vat has not saved the brits, nor the rest of the world, and won't save this country either.

Anonymous said...

We fail to understand that the raising of revenue is not the issue.
The issue is the wasteful expenditure by our liberal/socialist politicians who think that governance is about throwing money at problems without solving them. We put incompetents in power with the wrong philosophy and expect results.

At least $150 million a year was wasted by the SLP on jobs for the boys, kickbacks to the party and sheer incompetence.

VAT is not the issue. Wasteful expenditure is inclusive of many incompetents in the civil service.

We could raise $5 billion with VAT and it would just fuel corruption and our quality of life would just get worst.

Anonymous said...

We need to remove the social and emotional issues and understand the economic issues, this country is broke and broken and a revolutionary change is required. Look at the Country of Greece. The UN, EU and the IMF must set in and make the hard choices.

Regardless of what any one says, our political establishment and technocrats must take corrective measures now; we have a spending problem and an inefficient collection system with limited law enforcement, and no corrective policy action plan

Our country is in deep trouble government and we need to quit spending buy cutting the size of Government by Half, Cut the Import Bill, (Eat what we grow and grow what we eat), redirect 25% of the civil service into the business and commercial sector and subcontract another 10% of the distributive services.

We must also stop steeling our children(s) heritage and stop selling our lands in the name of Tourism development and the urge for foreign direct investment and foreign currency; there are other mechanisms to derive such.


Anonymous said...

#2 we must stop throwing out numbers here there and everywhere, without any proof, mind you i am not saying that there was no jobs for the boys. My question is how did you arrived at that number?That job for the boy was used by the uwp to win the election, now they won, who have created more jobs for the boys? Check how many ministers we now have in St Lucia, the biggest cabinet in history, mostly everyone who lost the election and more is now a minister. We have two lame ministers in the education ministry, we have two embassodors (spelling) in New York, Sara Flood and all her family is in New York having a good time at the expense of our tax dollars, a new post was created for the controller of customs, because of political reasons, a post was created for Denis Springer just for his support etc, etc, etc. We must remember the SLP had job for the boys, but they worked for their money, because in nine years St lucia developed more than anytime in it history. This government is near to the end of it first and last term. Can anyone point anything major they have achieved?

Morpheus said...

Unfortunately, Micah and 99% of the people who read his article will NEVER understand that you do not owe the government ANY taxes. Taxes are an illegal intrusion into your private financial dealings. Ask yourself this - If I were to involve myself in a business transaction of yours as a third party intervenor without being a signatory to the business deal would you let me share in your profits? I have signed no contract with you or your business partner yet I want to benefit from your transaction? Why? Would any of you pay me what I demand? The answer would be a resounding No! So why are you allowing a non-registered entity (try asking them for their Certificate of Incorporation)such as the IRD to extort money from you without a contract? You are only doing what you have been conditioned all your life to do - give unto Ceasar what does not belong to him. No government or its agencies can prove that you owe taxes. They can come up with arbitrary figures to fool you. Just ask the them for the CONTRACT which allows their interference. Micah and the rest of you 99% do your research - dig deep enough and you will realize the world is not as it seems. You are Alice living not in Wonderland but the nighmarish world of Oz!