Thursday, April 15, 2010

Millionaire for a moment!



Anonymous said...

man I had a good laugh about this lawyer. Do you think he could get away with his silly defense? wow

Anonymous said...

Greedy, unethical lawyer!! Report him to the Bar Association. I DO NOT TRUST LAWYERS, mostly St Lucian lawyers - the lot of them!!

You did the right thing. This was obviously an error of some sort.

Anonymous said...

"Too much stress knowing you have what you don’t have..."

This should be St. Lucia's national anthem.

Zeigy said...

How nice. I didn't know Earl Bousquet had such a conscious. I guess being a press secretary could give people that impression of you.

I'm glad he didn't pursue the legal root as it is the last thing we need in our society as we try to repair the loss of community among our people.

Anonymous said...

it was a crime earl on your part to even go to a lawyer ...

what a loss for lucians to see you and your lawyer not going to sue the bank and the judge not to throw the case out of court calling you niggers.

Zeigy said...

^ LOL. That's a case I would have loved to see.

Anonymous said...

Earl could this have been a deposit for leo or kennth to hide their stach. that sounds more like a real story. ha ha.

nanton29 said...

LMAO, You might have another career as a comedy writer whenever you opt out of the political arena. I found your story very funny and I did have a good laugh. One reason for the big bank balance could have been your portion of TARP (troubled asset recovery program), you know like what Obama used to bail out the big banks, Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, AIG and some brokerage houses on wall street or it could've been a legacy gift from your uncles- Allan and JMD. The lawyer part of the story really had me in stitches,but I would not be too quick to condemn the suggestion made by the lawyer, because judging from your initial eye popping reaction and all the ensuing thought provocation you endured, it seems to me that a case could be made for emotional distress.

Unknown said...

The most comical thing I've read in ages!! However, in all honesty I think I would have been tempted to transfer a little bit to a new account. Just a few hundred dollars to see if it was real ;-)