Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Open letter to Mr. Taiwan



Anonymous said...

Concur with your sentiments100%
Taiwan over involvement in our domestic affairs impinges on our soveriegnity.

Anonymous said...

The same could be said of China.

Anonymous said...

Same here too, a thoughtful, logical expression of exactly what has happened and what is PRESENTLY happening...

Anonymous #2, the first anonymous' high-lighted exactly what has happened and what is happening with Mr Taiwan; pray, PLEASE for my information, as I am unaware, tell me these "same could be said of China" are?

I am awaiting your response. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

China invested millions of $$$ to help SLP win the last elections. Have we forgotten the massive rallies and nuff interenational artiste to perform at those rallies??

With Chinease money SLP paid every single media in ST Lucia to cover live the release of their manifestoe. Think we forget???

Anonymous said...

#3 China gave us a mental hospital costing millions. China gave us a sport stadium for our youth costing millions. China was about to get involve in building a brand new new general hospital as soon as they had finished the mental hospital, which by now was completed already. China was about to build a cultural centre costing millions. China was about to give us $100 million towards our budget. I know you knew that before, but you pretend not to know. There is no way we can compare what the Taiwanese is doing in St Lucia to the millions the Chinese were pumping in the country.

Anonymous said...

Down with communism and long live democracy. No more slavery.

Anonymous said...

I am the one who wrote the article. Though I agree that to some extent every diplomatic ally plays a role in a country, that of Taiwan has been unprecedented. It is speculated that China helped fund the election campaign and with no regulations restrictions the origins of donor funds, both parties can and will accept. However we need our government of the day to be the principle facilitators of initiatives, not foreigners.