Saturday, May 29, 2010

Black Bay Lands at Risk?



Anonymous said...

I am from Black Bay and that sucks.

Anonymous said...

The St Lucian government and those with power and influence have been mismanaging-selling and squandering our heritage to the highest bidder for decades and no one seem to give a damn.

I absolutely hope that this prediction of mine is 200% wrong for the sake of “Mother Helen” and her citizens. One day, St Lucians will wake up to find that they are all foreigners within the once paradise bosoms of Mother Helen.

Everyday St Lucia publishes a reason or reasons not to return home. That includes-heart-wrenching and deliberate tragedies-blatant corruption and greed-unbelievable criminals and that include some lawyers and public officials.

Hundreds of Expats without a doubt are seriously contemplating staying in the foreign lands they have called home for decades. The government-laws and traditions of these foreign lands unequivocally demand a certain kind of discipline from everyone for which St Lucia seem oblivious to.

St Lucia does not follow law-rules & regulations. Just imagine the government begging its citizens to obey the law. In fact, many people behave in a primitive manner when confronted with many issues they do not like or comprehend.

St Lucians does pay their income tax-traffic tickets-vehicle renewals including city taxes etc. This is an absolute joke. A society cannot successfully function and prosper without its citizens adhering to the laws-rules & regulations that governs it to benefit all regardless of status.

To return home to eagerly contribute to society, the economy, education and to seriously help improve our social status from our years of foreign experience within our region and the world, is nothing but a great risk to lose all we have achieved elsewhere despite our patriotism and love of “Mother Helen”

So far, one can hardly walk the beaches of St Lucia and not be threatened by some establishment who now owns the crown lands of the people for which they acquired from those who were elected to protect the rights and heritage of the people.

This Black Bay story is far from over in the interest of those who now allegedly own 228 acres of the spectacular Black Bay region through some unscrupulous means and ways assisted by incompetence of those with the power to do so.

Some might say that, Expats are to partly blame for deserting “Mother Helen” for better opportunity-prosperity and the “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” belief elsewhere which could have contributed to her spiraling decline from paradise to purgatory, however not likely.


Zeigy said...

Wow. The land was given to the Ritz Carlton and they got up and ran with the money, refusing to pay back the loan because the land is worth far less than the money they got for it.

Instead of giving the land to a hotel that could clearly afford to pay for it, perhaps, in hindsight, it would have been better to let them pay cash for it and have a clause in the contract where the government got shares in the hotel equivalent to whatever amount of leverage they had.

This smells like Rochamel - the UWP Edition.

Unknown said...

so if government had given all that land to the developer with no shares then it would have been another problem i think governemt present did a better job at keeping whats st lucian land in our hands we would have had shares an got money back in our pockets so u decide an ask your selves giving away our land or keeping shares in our land mmmmm goood question