Friday, June 18, 2010

Government deals body-blows to local companies!



Anonymous said...

there too many impostors in this island. time for them not to get work anymore.

Anonymous said...

V I C T I M I Z A T I O N!!!!!!!! Our government is now preventing locals from earning a living and eat a loaf...just wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Shame, shame of you, the UWP administration. How can you do this against our locals, whether red, yellow, green or black. Foremost, we are all St Lucians.

MAT said...

There is too much greed in this land. CIE has too many huge contracts all over the Island, Government must share the bread and give other local companies piece of the pie.

CIE has sub-contracts at the new hospital already and they want more. That must stop, a caring Government shares and that is what must happen to prevent such injustices.

How did they (CIE) manage to get so many contracts in the first place...That too Government must investigate because CIE has too many contracts and others can't get one, so just maybe there is some cocomakak going on.

This cannot be right for
one company to get so much, and it happens because in most cases only CIE's name is submitted by ministry officials to international organizations for contracts.

Government must wake up and ensure things are done right. This move is a good start...much more is needed.

Anonymous said...

Whooo!!!!this is heavy stuff, politics gone crazy..CIE may just go under,,,they have heavy capital investments which must be service..or we have another example of B & D....EVERY THING LOCAL is trash if not in the hands of the elite class.
3rd party time to make a change!!

Hulla said...

work with the fellars,work with the fellars.CIE is a local company,by all means get them to reduce noise and dust( any self respecting local company should do this),get them to conform to local health standards and other standards but by all means nuture and develop them.They are a froward looking local company.
Wha you want some idiot foreign enslaver company to come in and fill CIE's shoes??

Anonymous said...

Hulla, that's exactly what the past, present and subsequent governments wants. Foreign enslavers...

Meanwhile, as the anonymous before you said; rather than enforce the law for him to comply, and nuture him to grown...the powers that be would rather "do him" since he is not pedigree...and not from perceived elite few...