Tuesday, June 22, 2010




Anonymous said...

Great leaders of 5 neighbourhood island with experience, intelligence and charisma but we st.lucia..helen of the west is represented by Prime Minister King. I wonder if he even knows the definition of integration or probably Isaac Anthony gave him a lesson before the signing.

Anonymous said...

I am not a supporter of the UWP but you are a jerk!!!

Anonymous said...

Just because somebody was brave enough to point out the PM's shortcomings he is labelled a jerk.
Not only does he not know the meaning of integration he has no clue where he is what is being discussed.

Anonymous said...

Has it not dawn on the writer that PM KING... sad to say is a reflection of the electorate..

Anonymous said...

King has absolutely no clue what is happening around him. As the first writer pointed out; great 5 leaders with intelligence and experience.

Surely, you will not put King in the same brackets as those five other leaders. Named me one each, only one, of his leadership attributes and qualities. Just site me an example where he accomplished something worthy of a leader...