Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Red Masterstroke!



Anonymous said...

Go Flavia!

Anonymous said...

Flavia is better than the whole uwp combine, in all aspects especially king.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Cherry who beat a woman red and unconscious?

Anonymous said...

She should not only beat a woman, but all these incompetent jokers passing as government in St Lucia today. They all deserve to be beaten unconscious because they have and protect woman beaters and molesters in their mist. A high ranking member of the UWP beat a woman so bad, she is now on a wheel chair, her whole life has changed for the worse. These rogues in government have slide this under the carpet, and some pretend to forget that. I find that very strange that this bias person pretend to forget that and tag it on Cherry. We St Lucians are not stupid, these petty comments worked well last time, thus landing us in the mess we are in today. I know it will not work this time around.

Anonymous said...

So the red Cherry did beat up a woman red and unconscious? A case of unprovoked battery and assault! Beating a person unconscious is attempted murder. Whether this action comes from a uwp man or Cherry it reveals a very serious character defect. Cherry ain't fit to represent me at any level.

Anonymous said...

Unprovoked battery and assault?? Are you plain nuts?? Get your facts straight pal. Then again Flavia is woman enough to slap you unconscious.

Anonymous said...

Where is that bias Jack A.. get that rummer about Cherry? I wish i was as powerful as Cherry to commit such a crime and never get arrested. So tell that person to try again because he or she cannot tarnish Cherry reputation, with that petty and false accusation.

Anonymous said...

if only she was arrested and jailed for her miss deeds with our soverinty. the gates were open then for unsrupulous persons to fraudulently use our passports giving us a bad name abroad.

Anonymous said...

I am lost, explain what do you mean, what has passports has to do with that?

Anonymous said...

Ask Cherry to explain her connection with passports and visas. She shoulda be in jail all now.

Anonymous said...

Hey, cherry was on radio the other day saying that one day she returned home unexpectedly, met a woman in the house with cherry's partner... The man ran away but cherry held the woman and beat red and unconscious. The woman was hospitalized! Was cherry's action assault and battery? Or attempted murder? Ask cherry what has become of the case. By the way she was operating a secretarial school in the sunbuilt area. Ask her what has become of the children's certificate? I agree she has a character defect and not fit to represent neither women nor men.

Anonymous said...

So Cherry is not equipped to represent us, huh?? She has a criminal record, we say. And some of our government ministers are seated at the right hand of God; riiiiiiiight. Only a fool will be the victim of folly coming from an even bigger fool. Listen up pal, we all know the whole story. Suffer from convenient amnesia if that is your wish.

Anonymous said...

Why are some people seem to worry and is threatened by Cherry, saying she is not equipped to represent us, when she she did not put herself in her positions, she was elected. They are trying they best to tarnish her character. Pal, if you meet somebody on your property, especially in your house, you have you full right to defend your property OK, so go back with your nonsense. About the certificates, you as a lawyer should represent these students, do not complain to us we can do nothing for you. You want to make us believe Cherry is a criminal, but we have ministers in our government which we are paying with our taxes, with criminal records. Why are you not talking about them, instead of talking about a PRIVATE citizen. I can count as much as FIVE (5) ministers who was in trouble with the law in St Lucia, after they were elected including one that is an international ex convict, that is a record in St Lucia. Are you blind to them?

Anonymous said...

I take the point of the last blogger. Let's fill our Government with criminals and release all those criminals at Bordelais. can't we do better than that? And who ever ever elected Cherry to anything?

Anonymous said...

Let me sum it up in four words for you blogger above. You are an idiot!

Anonymous said...

Check your facts before you talk, people are not only elected to political office. Find out which organizations which Cherry is part of and you will know who voted for her.