Saturday, June 19, 2010

Virginia Albert Poyotte Response to Mr. Modestus Louis



Anonymous said...

You go Virgie!!!! I am damn proud of you. Poor Louis, he needs to be more visible at the Bank of St Lucia , the job of Chief Security whith which he is entrusted and he is forever absent. Lazy Civil Servant mentality. I consider him a hater"and check Dr.Maya Angello for the piece on "Haters""

Anonymous said...

I do not expect anything better from these so called uwpeeees, they are desperate because time is fast running out on them, only 1 1/2 years to go and they know they will disappear from St Lucia forever. There is no more Compton to raise them from the dead.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Mrs Poyotte...tarnishing people's reputation. Put Louis in his place. I am proud of you and what you have achieved and what you have done and continue to do for the development of St Lucia.

Louis, what have you done for the betterment of St Lucia?

Pay no mind to him, Mrs Poyotte, it is obvious this man is not on the same page as you are; professionally and academically!!

I AM PROUD OF YOU...Go Girl, Go!!

Anonymous said...

" The PM should roll up his sleeve,put on his boots..etc.engage the various communities in the fight against crime." my humble opinion it should be the priority of all elected officials to engage their constituents in the fight.The fight for social transformation.