Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gentlemen, state your case



Anonymous said...

I agree> The tone of the SlP does sound hateful and vengeful. I have never seen a party so stuck on roro. It's not wonder why they can't get people to join the party-say for a handful of tinted rejects from the UWP.

Anonymous said...

Labour is doing equal harm to unity in the country as UWP.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you'll taking about. This whole thing called politics in St Lucia is about a culture of hate. Kenny uses it against King and King against Kenny. In the end the people who get caught up in this rubbish are the biggest losers.

St Lucians must begin to think on their feet. They can't allow these fellas to plays hate games with them. St Lucia belongs to all of us-not just to Kenny and King.

Anonymous said...

They can't get people to join the party?? Really?? Well newsflash pal: My entire family, and I do mean entire,are voting SLP come the next general elections. We voted for your party before, most unfortunately, and never will again.

Anonymous said...

Josie, ou paka honte???

Anonymous said...

I know tons of other SLP families that are getting set to vote against SLP.

Anonymous said...

Josie don't have to be ashamed of thing. The SLP has more to be ashamed of. Imagine a party in opposition for 4 years and is more crap they shoting. You cah win an election with filth. Get a hold of yourselves. You hatemongers.

Anonymous said...

Rick Wayne said St. Lucia is an island full of Jack asses. I support this statement because if St. Lucians can vote for a man ,82 years old, who never build a hospital for the nation , the district he represented for over 30 years is the poorest in the country. Well well well ea dead.

Now peter George Odlum said you are a traitor. How can you be an example to us?
Tell us about the STABEX FUNDS of 1979 to 1982. Then we will listen to you

Anonymous said...

'I know tons of SLP families that are voting against the SLP' bla bla bla. You must be so proud that you wrote that, right? Fret not for the SLP, fret for your party,dim-wit.

Anonymous said...

Vote LPM for a change.

Anonymous said...

Josie is a typical St. Lucian. All blinders on and writing so much fluff. Why does he write? Please tell us again please. Perhaps, then what he writes will make some sense.

Josie does not sound like a mature or seasoned parliamentarian. Nothing he says indicates that he learned anything about the political process,enough to educate anyone.

It is a good thing that he does not have to kill that many trees to broadcast his piffle.

Anonymous said...

Josie has a way of confirming himself as being increasingly more irrelevant to what is happening in St. Lucia. He thinks of nonsense most of the time, and the newspaper indulges, giving him the latitude to publish it.

LLL said...

The SLP is doing their JOB particularly as parlimentary representatives of their respective constituencies and as members in opposition. We have not uncovered and exposed half of madness and unsanctioned activity this government has demonstrated since in office. So again it's the JOB of the SLP to expose to the citizens the recklessness and failures of King and his money hungry hijackers.

OK Josie, you have the right to make your commentary, but state YOUR case on YOUR-self during YOUR time in government.

Anonymous said...

Josie has to write now and then or else he will be kicked off the WIBECO or whatever it is called board. Politics in St.Lucia turned bitter from the inception of ODLUM and JOSIE. They taught hate for those who did not prescribe to their warped thinking. Josie is a cancer who sucks whatever he can to death.
Josie stay in your section.

Anonymous said...

Josie is a joker of a commentator. He is really a more sophisticated form of Jukebois.

Today, St. Lucia is still in the search of people with expertise in a field that they can bring to the government of the day. St. Lucia is still lacking in intelligent people who are patriotic and nationalistic enough to devise programmes that will raise the level of living of the masses.

Josie talked the talk, but did not walk the the talk. Neither did he walk the walk to take us there.

He continues with his usual BS in grand style. Meanwhile, Ali Baba and the gang-backed terrorists are laughing at the stupid people who voted for the drug barons and the jailbirds. Only in St. Lucia do young people see actual drug barons and jailbirds as suitable people to represent them in government.

Josie skirts such issues. Talks about everything else. Such intellectual dishonesty, masking as concern for the country.

Now, even Jannine and Chastenet are getting into the act. Besides being guilty by association, they have seen good reason and seen it fit, to ask a battered St. Lucian population to support what is going on in the UWP government.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Anonymous said...

I'm no big fan of kenny and I too think the slp talk too much sometimes but for those of you who keep referring(including,Rick, Josie)to people who criticise this government as hacks,what does that make you? I don't recall reading an article or hearing a statement from you challenging anything done by this adminstration in recent times. Is it that they have done no wrong and performing to your satisfaction? As for Rick when last did you write an article that didn't include kenny? my point is, Rick especially, that if I'm to go with you and consider these people as hacks,then you are no different because of late you seem to find no fault in this administration and everything wrong with statements made by kenny and the slp.

Anonymous said...

Josie is a this and Josie is a that....bla bla bla...papishow....

SLP can say that they want---they don't have the answer on anything that has to do with ST Lucia. Don't blame Josie for you'lll being unable to state your case. Do you honestly think that by degrading your opponent this will help the SLP???

How foolish. This is a new age man. This kind of politics belong to the gabbage heap of things no longer useful. Time to start thinking with your heads not not your raw emotions to hate.

Anonymous said...

my fellow st lucians let us think and don't allow low minded politians to think for us look at the caribbean and the world around us who is best to lead this fair helen aroun the caribbean and the world. look at from 2006 and onwards see what has this present goverment done have we been better or have we been worst inspite of the economic situation we could do better king is not capable you cannot send a child to do an adult errand or job wake up stlucians and let us think in this technological world

Anonymous said...

my family is huge and we are turning our backs on slp as long as this certified jackass is at the helm. our votes this coming election will be protest against kenny.

MATTHEW said...

Peter I find it painful that you should refer to Lucians as morons, idiots etc. whether directly or implicitly, when I know you are fully aware that ideas should contend in a democracy, with the majority view point being promoted.

Have you become so impatient that you cannot bear your countrymen opposing issues that are being argued at their level? I respected you for pursuing the cause of the downtrodden, what has happened to those ideals? This is very sad and begs the question, why?

As usual, in a democracy the Bay Walk discussion is expected. Genuine people (remember not all Lucian’s wear either red or yellow) will lose respect for you when arguments are made without objectivity and balance and this is what I construe in your article.

Based on your education and experience I find your Bay Walk arguments intellectually dishonest. If the argument for reducing cost is pursued then the Daher Mall investment is good but why abandon the plan to renovate and used for Government Offices? Remember there is a debt to be paid for the Daher Mall and what better investment than to complete it and help pay for the loan by renting unused space by the Government.

So why? The project is abandoned, and then Bay Walk comes along doing for its owner what The Daher Mall was supposed to do for the Government and tax payers.

Then the other argument is why the NIC Building (Car Park Building) couldn't be renovated whilst External Affairs was being housed in the other NIC Building? Does that look normal to you? Even if the NIC is a Statutory Body, couldn’t the Government initiate discussions with them in the national interest?

Sir John did one thing for us...he educated us. We as a nation collectively have what it takes to rationalize issues and complex ones too.

So my brother, I fully understand the situation of not having too much to fall back on, which is a similar situation with many of us. However, is it really worth “filling our cup” at the expense of thousands of our brothers and sisters? What has happened to your popular politics of anti nepotism, mendicancy and subservience?

All governments will make mistakes and it takes the effort of real men to keep them honest and on the right path. Let’s stand for St. Lucia and we will collectively be rewarded and exit this life with the dignity of honourable men.

Anonymous said...

peter it's the same electrate that was used to demonised the last regime nothing has changed. The changed did not come about through policy diff, it was the mais pewe.

Anonymous said...

SLP answer the question and state your case. Stop all this papishow and hype!!!

This is the quetion. State your case??? What is your case????

Do you even have one???

Anonymous said...

What case you want the SLP to state? Are you deaf or blind? When last was you in St Lucia? SLP has already made their statement on St Lucia in 9 years. I know some people want to forget or do not want that to be mentioned.I will remind you.
(1) EDUCATION: A surplus of schools to education our youth, many schools was also repaired, eg Marchand combined, Ti Rochi (Castries), Fond Assau etc, etc.
(2) CRIME: New Prison, Many Police Stations, increase and and equip the police, forensic lab, British policemen etc, etc.
(3) GENERAL DEVELOPMENT: Two highways, Two new government offices, many new fire stations, new car park, etc,etc.
(4) TOURISM: Many new hotels and guest houses.
(5) HEALTH: Two hospitals mental(now completed) and general(being constructed), some new health centers and some was repaired. Leading to universal health care.
(6) SPORTS: Two sports stadium, one mini stadium(Soufriere) and the up grading of many existing playing fields.
(7)FISHERIES: A few fisheries complexes were built.
All that development was stalled by the present UWP government.

Anonymous said...

If this is stating ones case-Why is the SLP in opposition? If the people were that happy and your so called accomplishment---Tell us why you were kicked to the curb.

I am still waiting for the SLP to state its case????? This is what we want to hear? What are you going to do any differently???

Over to you......

Anonymous said...

SLP is not kicked to any curb, it is the people of St Lucia who kicked themselves to the curb by electing this incompetent government. If SLP was in office up to now, at the rate we were developing we would have been on par with Barbados by now. SLP is not suffering, it is the people who are suffering. ALL the SLP candidates are either making a big salary or can demand any regional job. Over to you.

Anonymous said...

You mean the SLP as a political party is much more important that the people of St Lucia as a whole?? What arrogance. Typical SLP foot in mouth.

As I see it, if the people of St Lucia kicked themselves to the curb then the SLP is as much responsible for them being there.

Cost Over run- Guilty
Rochamel- Guilty
Helen Air-Guilty
Helenties -Guilty
Big palace in Big Apple- Guilty
NCA- Guilty
Eating for free with Butch Stewart-Guilty
Offering Gros Chas diplomatic passport- Guilty
Pray to criminals to give us a chance in St Lucia-Guilty
Breaking your own constitution to make yourself leader for life-Guilty
Fireing Sarah Flood because she spoke her mind-Guilty
Fireing Senators who told you --you are worng- Guilty
Moving large sums of money to buy bullet proof BMW-Guilty

There you have it...The people of St Lucia are not responsible for kicking them arse to the curb. SLP did!