Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Intelligence Level of Ministers



Anonymous said...

When the PM amply demonstrates that he does not even have the sensitivity nor the intelligence to protect himself even (with a camera for example to collect evidence; he could have been killed by a ricochet), why are St. Lucians burdening a man like that to protect the entire nation and the visitors who hazard a chance to come here?

Anonymous said...

St. Lucians again keep on listening to dummies for talkshow hosts, who keep on dumbing down their listeners. Talk and Jukebois are typical. One has newspapers to sell. The other has a perfect distribution channel for idiocy. Heaven help us all!

Both these dumbing down channels are behind the kinds of idiots that are sent to parliament. Right now we are being encouraged to support another round of drug barons and excons being re-elected.

If St. Lucians do this nonsense again by listening to these idiots are goose is cooked.

Anonymous said...

"He then makes it a point to show, statistic-wise that with 43 homicides recorded in 2006 and 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 recording a lower number to the one recorded in 2006 that there is no upsurge in crime."

2010 - 37+
2009 - 40
2008 - 37
2007 - 26

2006 - 43
2005 - 37
2004 - 36
2003 - 33
2002 - 33
2001 - 24
2000 - 22
1999 - 16
1998 - 14

Even if we assume that the party in power has some effect on the murder rate
Average for 2007-2010 is 35
Average for 1998-2006 is 28.7

This seems like an increase to me especially from the late 90's to the current figures. It may have plateaued at the high 30's which is way too high.

I used figures from various reports I saw on homicide figures. It would be good if there was report published by the Police Force that had such statistics.

Anonymous said...

Crime is not only homicides, what about the muggings, the housing breaking, gun shots, attempted murder, robberies etc, etc?

Anonymous said...

Well said George. Hope that the persons who have allowed themselves to become media whores for the sake of cash will soon come to their senses. Otherwise, they may very well be the ones to cry foul since these days no-one is safe according to the PM. Hope the media whores will allow truth to prevail, and stop defending those least expected to be defended.

LLL said...

Why not come to the conclusion that most crimes are due to the repressed desire for aesthetic expression chartered by virtues of the most disgraced handicapped regime.

Anonymous said...

LLL...you sound like Velon John! Or are you mereley quoting him?

Anonymous said...

Why question the intelligence of government ministers when, as a "seasoned" reporter, using an 88-word lead sentence somehow couldn't juggle your intelligence?

Hypocrisy is the word tha comes to mind when those who chastise others for lacking this quality or that, rarely find the time to remedy their deficiencies. Poor journalistic skills, however one slices it.

Anonymous said...

Its ashame st lucians that we put a bunch of thugs to run our country and expect others to do right blind can't lead the blind its time for election and vote these criminals out and choose wisely for the good name of st lucia around the caribbean and the world so that all st lucians can be proud of

Anonymous said...

It is time to get more intelligent talk show hosts on TV and on radio. The Jukebois-types are trying to get people to accept other idiots like them to be accepted and acceptable as representatives of St. Lucia.

And as someone said the other day, if not, they are working their hardest to get the foxes like Chastenet to be in charge of the fowl cage.

Anonymous said...

Excellent article/ At this time I am so terrified of living in this country that I can hardly speak. If we all know who the criminals are, why can't we apprehend them?
In the 70's, when these deviants first surfaced, the police knew how to deal with them! They just cleaned house! Rick Wayne cam and upset the apple cart and we're paying for it now.

Anonymous said...

aH anonymous, you have just asked an imortant question: how is it that we know who the criminals are and yet we cannot deal with them? Here's the ANSWER. The same thing Claudius said....the criminals are also in the POLICE FORCE. Smoke that like Smoking Joe.