Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gov’t Eyes Price Gouging


Anonymous said...

KENNY and TONY and PHILLIP are worried about price gouging !

What a joke!

They have placed on the heads of St. Lucians billions of dollars of debt, have done nothing about unemployment and all of sudden they are concerned about St. Lucians.

I have said it before that every thing Kenny/Tony/Phillip do is about then first second and third and Lucians come a distant 100th.

Why were they not concerned about the effect of VAT that they need to cover their disasterious economic policies that cause us to pay $250 million annually in debt and interest payments?

T he only reason he mentions and is concerned about PRICE GOUGING is that he can place the blame on the St. Lucian shopkeeping set when the VAT smacks St. Lucians upside their collective faces.

So already he is finding an excuse.

Pathetic individual who never accepts responsibility for his actions.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:14am shut your?

only 2 day i went 2 purchas some animal feed at a depot in vieux fort and 2 my supra $1. is add 2 every bag of feed.

is it the work of kenny/pierre?

Anonymous said...

That's not a problem; Michael Chastnet and Allan Chastenet can prevent all businesses from increasing their prices, so Kenny will hire them for a megre MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH!

Anonymous said...

Will Kenny's special set-up in Ministry of Commerce keep an eye on his increases at his hotel - the Sandals Grande?

Just wondering?

Anonymous said...

The shopkeeping business class will say NOTHNG about Kenny's red herring trying to get St. Lucians off the scent of his massive cost of living increase with VAT.

That is because they will build VAT into their costs and will try to get a little bit off the top.

Again Kenny and the business class working together to give it to the middle class.

He is off joy riding AGAIN to Mauritius and South Africa. His propaganda arm has been trying to say it will cost the taxpayers nothing.

Fat chance.

We will only learn in about the year 2022(just like Rochamel and Grynsberg) that the trip probably cost St. Lucians at least $100,000.

As usual Kenny/Tony/ Phillip are unaccountable, non-transparent and giving it to the people of St. Lucia!

Bitter days are here again !

Anonymous said...

So another St. Lucian killed.

What does that make it? number 351 or 364 or 382 under the watch of St. Lucia Labour Party Administrations?

By next week St. Lucians will have forgotten all about it after the faux outrage and they will not even be concerned about whether or not the murderer is found.

Yet Kenny and his wife and Menissa want to destroy marriage by promoting same sex marriage, prostitution and abortion. all sinful excesses that undermine the family that is the only building block that prevents the growth of a violent feral underclass that is comitting murders. etc.

Anonymous said...

So another young man killed this weekend.

And Kenny is off to Mauritius and south Africa costing St. Lucians more money.

What a joyride for MASSA but bitter days are here for the average lucian!