You see what not getting the job og GM at radio St.Lucia can do? Springer continues to write so much schmuck. I hope he is not being paid for all this .
OK, I agree that lately Deny does write a lot of junk. Most often these days I can't find any agreement with him. But tell me, is it a St Lucian thing that everytime someone share an opinion that goes against the ones who hold, it is because he or she did not get a job?
If this is the case then we are really small minded.
I am so afraid of people like this dude they pose the greatest dander to our democratic way of life. There he goes proposing draconian legislation to restrict the people's right to protest and picket.
He engages in the very same dangerous rhetoric that he castigates the members of the TUF for. Quite disingenuous I must say. You cannot speak from both sides of your mouth, Sir.
There are some people in our society who just aren't too comfortable with the freedoms that we enjoy and will engage in handringing, and overreaction, to the extent of suggesting that the government rein in the rights that our forefathers shed blood for us to enjoy.
I remember one older gentleman, and ardent supporter of the UWP, from my district who upon John Compton's return to power in 1981 expressing such a sentiment "Compton should punish the people" for having voted him out for the ill fated Labour government.
That was a teacherable moment for me. I was able to reason with him that this was a dangerous statement because the people expressed their democratic right to vote Labour they did not deserve to be punished for that. i told him that being elated that his party had been voted back into power was sufficient.
It was Edmund Burke who proclaimed that for evil to flourish, all that was required was for ‘good men to do nothing’. And by extension for misguided, and fanatic supporters of political parties to advocate the curtailing of our hard fought rights.
Be careful what you ask for, Sir you might just get it.
Now this is a guy who belong in La Toc. LOL
La Toc...Lord have mercy, you're killing me...ROTFLOL
You see what not getting the job og GM at radio St.Lucia can do? Springer continues to write so much schmuck. I hope he is not being paid for all this .
OK, I agree that lately Deny does write a lot of junk. Most often these days I can't find any agreement with him. But tell me, is it a St Lucian thing that everytime someone share an opinion that goes against the ones who hold, it is because he or she did not get a job?
If this is the case then we are really small minded.
I am so afraid of people like this dude they pose the greatest dander to our democratic way of life.
There he goes proposing draconian legislation to restrict the people's right to protest and picket.
He engages in the very same dangerous rhetoric that he castigates the members of the TUF for. Quite disingenuous I must say.
You cannot speak from both sides of your mouth, Sir.
There are some people in our society who just aren't too comfortable with the freedoms that we enjoy and will engage in handringing, and overreaction, to the extent of suggesting that the government rein in the rights that our forefathers shed blood for us to enjoy.
I remember one older gentleman, and ardent supporter of the UWP, from my district who upon John Compton's return to power in 1981 expressing such a sentiment "Compton should punish the people" for having voted him out for the ill fated Labour government.
That was a teacherable moment for me. I was able to reason with him that this was a dangerous statement because the people expressed their democratic right to vote Labour they did not deserve to be punished for that. i told him that being elated that his party had been voted back into power was sufficient.
It was Edmund Burke who proclaimed that for evil to flourish, all that was required was for ‘good men to do nothing’.
And by extension for misguided, and fanatic supporters of political parties to advocate the curtailing of our hard fought rights.
Be careful what you ask for, Sir you might just get it.
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