Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Assaulted By The Law



Anonymous said...

why would you ride a bike with no back breaks, it is stupid and dangerous, you could smash into a car and create greater damage to ones self and the driver or even a by stander, so the licks that the youg man got is justified, i hope he learned a lesson that his mama did not teach me, if she had beat him for his stupidity of putting other peoples lifes at risk, the cops would not have to do it, spear the rode spoli the child. he lucky it was not one of my love ones he put in danger i would have beat him too.

Thommo said...

Give me an (explitive omitted) break, Anonymous I. Have you no sense of justice or decency? It is people like you who scare me because you will welcome the police state without as much as a whimper.