Saturday, May 8, 2010

This week’s British General Elections: How winners lose and losers win!



Anonymous said...

God bless the Queen of Saint Lucia, Her Majesty Elizabeth 11.

Anonymous said...

Hey Earl

If you did not know, what happened in England is called DEMOCRACY!!! Dam It!!!

The Liberal party received a total of close to 5 million votes. Are you saying that they don't have the right to get representation in government??

Now if there is a government between the conservatives and Liberal party and others, is that the majority of the people in UK???

You lost me here for a moment. This isn't St Lucia where SLP and UWP believes that winner must always take it all. This is England, a country that is changing day by day while St Lucia remains unchanged.

Nuff Said Earl!! Give us a break.

Anonymous said...

What is your point?

Anonymous said...

What a dumb thing to say "God bless the QUEEN OF SAINT LUCIA, Her Majesty Elizabeth II"

If you're being satirical.... excuse me, I don't get it.

I agree the Queen of England really needs God's blessings for her Queendom and this bankrupt commercial world does not have knowledge of us, In St Lucia WE ARE ALL EQUAL CHILDREN OF GOD not no Queen

Just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire. So will it be at the conclusion of things under the commercial system of things under the IMF globalization policies.

Right now in these last times de Queen of England head is hot, she needs God's blessings. You should also ask God to bless your Leader/Prime Minister who ever is ruling at the time so he/she can reduce the murder rate in this tiny Island and focus on our own coming election rather than that of a country which once had us in slavery and continues to oppress us black people in a psychalogical way.

Anonymous said...

Go on Clegg, show them how it should be done. LOL