Saturday, January 22, 2011

Do we have a Crime Propagating Environment in St.Lucia? Part I



Anonymous said...

Granted you cannot plant apples and hope to reap corn. You yourself said it in your article. How do you expect to achieve constructive, positive results in a negative environment? One cannot draw blood out of stone. And if this seems like a propagation for crime it's really sad. Everybody seem to be suggesting stricter laws, more jails, summary executions..down with the criminals! But hardly anybody seems to be trying to find out the causes for these criminal activities. It is not enough to guess why. We need to find out the exact reasons why these things are happening. Unless we deal with the root causes the cycle will continue no matter how many persons are hanged by the neck or killed at their houses by law enforcement. We need people to quit harping about how bad our young men are and to find ways to prevent the badness from spreading further. Jail sentences will not cut it and shooting them down in the streets will not solve it either. For as fast as we exterminate those we regard as vermin, more will sprout up. We could build more schools and educate them but where is the employment to get them constructively occupied after that? Saint Lucia's problem is not unique, so let us take a step back and stop playing the blame game for once and face some harsh facts. One of our problems, Society has created an atmosphere which makes for distinct status inequality among the people and there is a certain discontent among the population which our leaders refuse to address or are not competent enough to deal with. If you want the water to to remain in the bucket permanently, first find out why the bucket has sprung a-leak then plug the holes! It is that simple.

Anonymous said...

Why, why all the barking up the wrong tree?

Simple- we do not want to take a critical look at ourselves to see what we MUST do to move forward.

Let us start with the simple reason why we have so many delinquent young men in St. Lucia.

The fact is the one issue that is the greatest determinant of crme in the African American community as in St. Lucia is NOT gangs, NOT poverty, NOT drugs but -------

"the absence of the father in the home "

Endless academic outut proves that point but we refuse to accept it because it does not fit into the dogma of the liberal religion which denigrates marriage and men/women relationships and which lauds the single woman family in the Caribbean.

The majority of families in African America prior to the 1950s was made up of married couples or those in committed relationships. The opposite is now true and we have seen the rapid increase of delinquency with our young men and women.

so St. Lucia unless we start to take a dramatic look at this aspect of our social lives then we can forget tackling crime on the basis of high sounding language and failed ideas.

Research proves that married couples in drug ridden poverty areas still produce stable children while boys and girls raised by single women in the same environment end up in a bad way.
now do not let someone write and give anecdotal stories of how this man or woman succeeded in spite of the above. We are talking about whole populations not one off stories.

We lack descipline , flout morals , make endless excuses then wonder why we all fall down. The liberal academic world and so called "progressive" leaders have failed us since Independence but we refuse to go back to what worked.