Saturday, January 22, 2011

OECS ECONOMIC UNION - A step in the right direction! -says Dominican OECS Ambassador-Charles Maynard



Anonymous said...

First, to make any sense at all, the fundamental question must be asked. Why economic blocs? If we look at the economic blocs that are successful, you will see that there is greater integration and diversification in terms of factors that contribute to economic production. Economic union is a mirage. Dust you eyes man! What are you combining to sell or export to the world? Sea water and a technically unskilled labour force? You must have come straight from a pack of cards? Joker don't make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Well Venner got what he wanted so now he will be Chairman as the financial industry has began to crumble under his watch and he no longer has answers. He is tired of doing the same shit different day for the past 22 yrs how pathetic!!!!. Jokers.

Anonymous said...

May God bless the OECS.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of administrative benefits. These are mostly cost savings. Some economies of scale really. After that, the benefits side of the equation goes dead. No honest economist can write an economic model for production when the inputs are all the same for the combined countries. There are no special skills or raw materials from those countries. Nothing (special coming from any country) from nothing (to combine this something to make something else) leaves nothing. Nada.