Saturday, January 15, 2011

Student curfew? School after school might work better!



Anonymous said...

Great one Ishmeal...very the town planners, educators,and policy makers listening..what have they been going for the taxpayers hard earn money they pocket monthly.

The AG knows better, given his bacground and association with the youth, but when associated with foxes and kennel owners, u become one and all hell break loose..

The recommendations from the AG, is not practical and will bring up a host of legal matters for the government, to keep the boys employed.

armchair anonymous said...

Carlton ... you and I are on the same page. Some friends of mine and I were discussing the AG's complaint of loitering after school children.

We did discuss your suggestions, exactly. Of course, these ideas are easier said than done. It is now over to the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION [yes - the Ministry of Education] to implement some sort of extra curricular activity for school children.

The new park area at Sans Souci would have been a perfect spot. Of course, there are other areas which could be used, including the very existing school grounds for some extra curricular activities.

I only hope your suggestions are met and sanctioned.

Good luck.

armchair anonymous said...

Carlton ... you and I are on the same page. Some friends of mine and I were discussing the AG's complaint of loitering after school children.

We did discuss your suggestions, exactly. Of course, these ideas are easier said than done. It is now over to the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION [yes - the Ministry of Education] to implement some sort of extra curricular activity for school children.

The new park area at Sans Souci would have been a perfect spot. Of course, there are other areas which could be used, including the very existing school grounds for some extra curricular activities.

I only hope your suggestions are met and sanctioned.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

A variety of "After-School Programs" would be the best solution for St Lucia to save it from itself - music, sports, and arts-centered programs are often among the most effective for this. However, these kinds of programs must be very well-structured and good teachers are absolutely essential for making them work correctly. Without a doubt, international support - financial and otherwise - would be forthcoming.

Only something along these lines will help our young people develop strong character while gaining truly useful life-skills.
The question is: "Does St Lucia want to create a nation of criminals or a society of good and productive citizens?"

Let St Lucia lead the Caribbean in this healthy direction.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to comment on the AG's idea,because they are so far fetched. He surely was not a paragon of virtue as a youth so he ought not to conjure up all these hard ass ideas wanting to make parents pay for their children's mistakes and all that.
Now Ishmael, you have some very practical, workable ideas, but we all know when the ideas do not come from the dumb ass politicians, nobody ever listens. They still waiting to employ some consultants from overseas and pay them a healthy sum just to discuss the same ideas you propose. I wish there was some way for you we others who believe to begin. Oh what a woeful situation in Saint Lucia. They keep planting potatoes but they expect to reap apples!