Saturday, December 17, 2011




Anonymous said...

Better days are coming? Well just watch out for it once the Christmas season is over. Misery in our arse!

Who is going to pay back that one million dollars?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:56 AM...You are hilarious I laugh till I wet my undies,leave them alone let them say St.Lucia nice. Massa is back,oh well Kenny knows best.Moses will lead them to the land of milk and honey, but remember what sweet in goat mouth go sour in he arse.

Anonymous said...

Who is going to pay back the over billion dollars plus deficit King left behind - there is NOTHING to show for that huge sums of money.

At least some people will have a little money in their pocket to get something for xmas.

Sans honte!

Anonymous said...

Oh y'all haters above, when will y'all get off. king and his gang of thieves took all their money and gave us crumbs. Nobody is asking who will pay the last lump sum they borrowed in the absence of a deputy speaker. Where did that lump sum go to, who is paying it back. the fact is kenny is back and it hurts u guys. betta y'all had gajay instead to prevent that that to be spewing rubbish now on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Who is going to pay back the over billion dollars plus deficit King left behind - there is NOTHING to show for that huge sums of money.

At least some people will have a little money in their pocket to get something for xmas.

Sans honte!

In one week Kenny has started adding more millions to the national debt.

What is this "better days" that SLP promised. Is the SLP about to reintroduce a welfare state in our country?

NUFF SLP LOVE. said...

@ ABOVE 11:07.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think with the SLP in office now St Lucians stick in that! LOL

It's sad that SLP supporters have resorted to name calling.

It's almost as if they want to make borrowing money under the SLP look fancy. LOL

Anonymous said...

Boy don't look like opponents of Labour are prepared to give them a honeymoon made in an En Rouge design. Labour not even out of the door yet and they are leaping on Kenny's new dress.

Now i understand why in the future parties must win elections by thousands of votes to shut their opponents down. This thing of 53 votes, 2 votes, 6 votes, 11 votes and counting does not lead to knock out punch.

It is even more worst nationally that there are under 3 thousand votes separating the UWP from Labour. This could undermind any government.

You look at 11-6 and say big mandate? But...the country is evenly divided.

Anonymous said...

Short Term Employment Programme (STEP)


This is no pig in a poke. The SLP is calling it what it is. It is a short term programme. Hope they understand and the people who get the temporary employment understand too. It is for a short, limited, soon to end employment.

We spreading the misery very thinly around.

Did SLP first look at the state of the treasury to know whether this is reasonable?

Kenny may know how to do one million things well. One thing he does not know is how to manage money. On the other hand, the UWP knows how to make it disappear into certain pockets.

Anonymous said...

I listened to our former PM on the news and was I embarrassed at his statements. Mr. King seemed not to show any level of diplomacy and tact when addressing issues especially the STEP program of the SLP. At this point, I have concluded that for the UWP to survive Mr. King must give up the leadership possibly giving it willingly to Dr. Rigobert. She may be very green politically but she demonstrates a level of diplomacy, intelligence and tact that is above the ability of Mr.King. Something must be done soon about re-configuring the UWP if it is to survive another election.

Mr. King should really help us now and give up the leadership status that he holds in the UWP.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are you to ask King to resign?

The leadership of the UWP is for UWPees to decide.

We are going to make up our minds when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

As far as I am concern the SLP is filled with a bunch of educated arses who are bound to fail.

Irma said...


More millions again?

What's up with Kenny?

This man mad or what?

Same majee again?

NUFF,SLP LOVE. said...


Anonymous said...

Firstly, i hope Labour enjoy their honeymoon in office because the word is spreading really fast that one is and ex-con who spent at least 8 months in RIkers NY as well as being arrested for illegal activity in Martinique. There is also word out of Barbados which suggest that ones bad habits seem to have spread across the region. Oh lord cant wait for the new year. Now from my standpoint STEP is just welfare handouts to the uneducated party faithfuls who follows that MASA blindly. When i listened to this big lip big headed hack from the SSDF, it makes me wonder what the role of the SSDF is. Having a database to track the person you employ is all well and good but the politics in there is more than glaring. I know this database is going to be use to your party's advantage mr joachim. Cuban tactics being used but don't forget labour is treading a very thin line as you and all you labourites know that this victory was not convincing and that all eyes are on you all. In the mean time I am enjoying the show and i am enjoying the vacation. BETTER DAYS ARE HERE!!!!!!HE HE HE HE HE/TANTO TANTO

Anonymous said...

I 2nd that. Me I can't wait for the New Year either!

You think UWP was bad and had "bad boys"? Wait till you here it in the New Year.

NUFF,SLP HACK. said...



Anonymous said...


Above? U see why I couldn't vote labour? That name calling makes you and even bigger jackass and dope head than the blogger before u.

Anonymous said...

9:31 AM you couldn't vote for SLP because some people on this board did some name calling. I hope you didn't vote the UWP either because both in 2006 and 2011 their whole political campaign on public platform was based on name calling.

Anonymous said...

Castries is idiot country! The only thing that these people are offended by is people calling them idiots.

Day cyan see dat electing a full 100% dumbass as a PM is worse! Dat is what other idiots do!

De election eh over yet! These UWP dumb asses are still campaigning!

Anonymous said...

I will treat what i am hearing as rumor for now but if what is coming out is true as to those two individual Government ministers, then the lord may begin to bless our poor souls in stlucia.

Anonymous said...

Did i miss something here? Is there already a scandal looming?

Anonymous said...

first and foremost i want to say that the way things are going is always one set of people who seem to get everything from the government (no matter who is in office at the time)and even when you make it known to them, u still get nothing. secondly, i must say i am thankful i do have a job but i hear that better days are coming so i hope i could get a better job with those days.

Anonymous said...

@4:29, King was not even a lousy scarecrow with the Civil Service behind him. Now in opposition with only his backside behind him, what do you expect?

Anonymous said...

Castries is idiot country! The only thing that these people are offended by is people calling them idiots.

Day cyan see dat electing a full 100% dumbass as a PM is worse! Dat is what other idiots do!

De election eh over yet! These UWP dumb asses are still campaigning!

Anonymous said...

Dat is a foreign Lucian writing that kind of junk. No SLP in St Lucia will behave that way. This is a guy who is out of touch with the reality of what has happen in our country.

Please forgive him.

Anonymous said...

Wait a min. I am reading this thing here:

4:29, King was not even a lousy scarecrow with the Civil Service behind him. Now in opposition with only his backside behind him, what do you expect?

Is that the same King who told Ubaldus Raymond go to hell? After that kind of trashing at the polls how could anyone say he is standing alone? 3,000 plus votes is a hell lot of votes.

You see why Kenny refuse to shit on Ubaldus with his PHD? Phd can't give any man a genuine personality. It's either you have it or you don't/ If you know you don't have a good personality don't put yourself in politics. Just stay in your little teahing job and hope that a government after they win may offer you a job.

Anonymous said...

are you telling me that you would like to St Lucia go backward by a bunch of missfits who were in office,
Are you telling me that the step Programme Which was introduce to hepl alleviate a situation for the poor people whom the United Wreckers of the Poor Cause, That it is wrong,[ Maybe we need a head Examination]
And for those who wish the goverment bad, They need to think again,
Do we forget all the Scandals, The One billion dollars borrowed, The Taiwainess Money that went Down the drain, the Richard Frederick Saga, Etc, Etc, Etc.
And you wanted more of this, Aren't you happy that the Culprits were voted out, and St lucia Image will be Back. Think, Think, Before we put these Kind of Stupid Statement on the Internet,
Use the Internet to Elevate Your Fellowmen.
St lucia was bless with two Nobel Laureate, Let us behave as people who Knows better,
Pray for this new Goverment, Pray for the Direction of our Country, Pray for Everyone. That's the Medicine.

Anonymous said...

This thing about two present minister been going around for the past week. Is this really true? One was in prison and the other has some issues in barbados? A friend from NY told me that there is some truth to the prison issue but the parent of the said minister sealed the file. This is quite interesting as we gave the now opposition so much flack....

Anonymous said...

3000 jackasses are behind King, you say? You mean fart smellers?

Anonymous said...

I always knew that the SLP were a bunch of hyporcrites. It's good to know that the shoe is on the other foot. I don't give this government more than a few weeks to 6 months to implode.

Anonymous said...

St. Lucians are mindless ignoramuses. Borbol is all they know. Their minds are in the gutter. St. Lucians are cussed! They killed the priest in the House of the Lord. They are still paying for this. Up to now, they can't see their way. They are now going around looking for obeah men and women to help them do more mischief. The Devil has the country.

Anonymous said...

above u are a sick person who need help very fast,lol

u are the devil,

if u are not a st.lucian then go back 2 the zoo where u were born u dirty thinking bitch!!!

things like u have no place amoung people your place is amoung your father the devil.

again i say get loss u ET!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against the short - term employment initiative, but government must take time to work out the logistics and planned carefully instead of rushing haphazardly to introduce it. And please try and keep the politicians out for a while. Have responsible, qualified individuals oversee the program. Politicians spoil everything!

Anonymous said...

I agree. This thing should not be left in the hands of Labour reps or even UWP reps.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:30 AM........I tip my hat to you. Bravo Bravo Bravo.Happy Holidays to you and yours.Wishing you a Healthy and Prosperous 2012 and let's carry our sunshine yellow where ever we may roam.

Anonymous said...

3:33 AM I know it is very early in the morning and you are still sleepy, but wake up and be realist in your writing, think before you write. The STEP programe was not rushed or haphazardly implemented, because the SLP already had programe going in their last term in office and they said long before they were elected that they would implement the programe. If everything is good with you, there are people in St Lucia who have not worked and earnrd a salary in 5 yrs. These hungry people cannot wait for all these admistrators to earn a big salary, playing they planning whiles they starve. What should they wait for to bring employment to our people?

What kind of foolish statement is that? How can we keep politicians out of any process? We must remember the politicians are the policy makers. All we need of them is to be fair and to follow the laws of the land.

Anonymous said...

Ya ya ya--just another rubber stamp in favour of the status quo.

Who ever said that certain things can't be done in St Lucia without a partisan undertone? For Christsake wake up from your partisan malady!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:43am.
because i made that statment u believe i am uwp.
i am not uwp/slp/lpm/ndm,etc.

i was just making a comment about step.
and i do not want your bravo,man?
u see u know where your christmas drinks/food,ets,comining from,i know u are working on the step prog.under king u can never have a happy holiday,farless 2 wish any one 2 have one,lol.

go hide yourself u johndis crap.

Anonymous said...

This Labour win has some still foaming at the mouth. Aybeh mor!! Toofay!! Betise!!!!

Armchair Anonymous said...

I only read half the blogs ... most of which are full of hate, and very few on constructive criticism.

Before we cast stones ... let us see how/if the STEP programme will work (again). Who knows, maybe there are some new strategies?

It is waayy too soon to cast votes - sorry - I mean, stones.

Give the people a break. Wait and see.

Anonymous said...

STEP: on one million banana skins!

Anonymous said...

Don't you know that Step is the brain child of Kenny .D.Anthony ,this is a welfare system that he learnt under the Burnam reigm this is a welfare system that Burnam use to keep his party voting base alive and kenny uses the same system in St lucia.This system of governing can run a country into a massive debt.

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM is there any welfare in Gayana? If there was welfare in Gayana you think the Gayanese would have not have stayed in Gayana to receive their free money instead of cominng to St Lucia to husstle in every street corner? You must go somewhere else to talk and try to spead your nonsense and foolishness. Judging by the results of this election, I though you would have realized or learned by now that St Lucians are not stupid anymore. Thanks to Kenny for making a school place available to ALL OF US. So trying to scare people with Castro, Burhan or Gadaffi does not work anymore. If you had any intelligent you would have realized that by now.

How could the STEP programe be welfare when people have to work hard in the hot sun, cutting grass for as little as $65 a day. Welfare as I know it people do not work to collect it. I would like to see you cutting that bush on the road side and when you finish go to the pay master and ask him for your welfare check. How would the government get or keep the country clean, if they do not pay the people to do it? If you know of another way please tell me. If you have nothing to say please it would be better if you keep quiet.

Anonymous said...

What welfare you all are talking about, since when people have to work to collect welfare?

Anonymous said...

Poor UWP sore losers oh my word they are so bitter that all the largesse and contracts gone oh oh. Now Donovan Williams trying to embarass the government by sending out those letters to the vendors. Well ALL of them PS's will be rotated; frustrated to the MAX.....I just hope that Dr Robert Lewis DOES not leave RUFINA as PS in Education. This woman is the most unprofessional; Classless savage; uncouth PS I have ever come accross. If Dr Lewis leaves her there God forbid she will drag him down so quickly he will wonder what went wrong. I SAY FLAMBEAUS NEVER CHANGE THEIR ALLEGIANCE. I do not trust NONE of them flambeaus in gov't offices. Send them packing I say before they undermine the government. Kenny Anthony Please do not allow 1997 to repeat itself I am warning you. Pwen douvan avan douvan pwen!!!

Anonymous said...

The only reason that it was $900,000 and not $9 million is that from the time of the 1997-2006 SLP Administration, there has been no money in the bank. It was so bad that Kenny & Co in their last year of squandomania placed no money in the sinking fund to pay off debt.

We St. Lucians are like children. We chose to believe that after 9 years of failure and now in a horrible economic climate that a fail leader like Kenny Anthony is miraculously going to come back and save us from ourselves.

Do you all not realize that he simply does not adhere to the moral and values based standards that is required to take St. Lucia forward?

Just like the African-Americans and the liberal political and academic class in the Caribbean he has no idea of what is the meaning of governance. He thinks that governance means borrowing $150 million each year and throwing it down the drain with more BIG Government.

He has no idea how to revitalize agriculture (a serious issue for the next 20 years.
) If you say otherwise you are deluded.

He does not have the ideas or courage to prevent crime.

He has no idea how to move the economy forward. Look at who he appointed as Min of Tourism.

He cannot make the country any better a place to live in. all those young educated women who voted for him obviously did it because there was no choice from the criminals in the UWP. Unfortunately it will get no bettter for you all in 2012-2016. You will still be as pressured or more in the coming 5 years as before because you have an incompetent leader.

Those are the facts and truth and only until you demand a different quality of leader will you move forward.

Anonymous said...

The STEP program is a good idea if it is used with workers being efficiently utilized to make St. Lucia cleaner and actually clear drains. Also it has to be limited in scope instead of just a Labour
Party slush fund to bribe lazy weed smoking young men as was done in their last time in power.

If it goes the way of the corruption of the NCA then we are in trouble. In those days labour party operatives paid people just as bribes to keep them voting for labour.

Unfortunately Kenny Anthony is devoid of any ideas to move St. Lucia forward or create jobs so expect the STEP slush fund to be in the $5 million range within the next 3 years.

Anonymous said...

Expect the s.t.e.p. workers to now be counted among the "employed" so that the SLP can boast in about a year about unemployment going down by a few %age points.

This is the only model Kenny knows to bring down unemployment. Borrow from our future children to cover up for his incompetence.

Anonymous said...

The lack of depth of economic expertise in the party of the SLP is again exposed.

STEP is short-term employment with no meaningful training component. It's a plaster to cover but not heal the wounds of unemployment. Kenny knows law. His deputy knows accounting. They just added another bean counter. Their economist does not have a real track record in the field. Dove if borrowed is a planner. These have not the kinds of expertise to devise ways and means of handling fundamental economic stagnation.

Anonymous said...

Where is the Leader who is going to say that what we have been doing for the past 15 years is the same ole same ?

Which Leader has proposed anything different than the borrowing and spending or running to the Taiwanese?

Where is the Leader who would have the courage to get the important things done like tackling crime in an efficient manner? Kenny nor Phillip do not have the courage or vision to tackle crime. Phillip is spending all his time pandering to the worst characteristics of a declining society. Philips view is that of the least common denominator.

Which Leader is going to get high tech agriculture off the ground or stop pandering to our moribund mercantile class and assist the real job creators?

Watch how soon Kenny surrounds himself with the usual crony capitalists and watch as Tony takes advantage of this easy way out to make it SEEM as if we are moving forward.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If the hearsay about Ms. Poyotte is indeed true, then something needs to be done to the program to ensure that the neediest persons among us are the ones benefiting from STEP.

Persons like spreading propaganda especially after fresh elections. However, the SLP must ensure that we are not riding the same train as the crooked UWPees.

Anonymous said...


Dr. Plummer(former senator)
Dr. Julietta Joseph-Raymond
Dr. Gail Rigobert
Dr. Morella Joseph
Dr. Rosie Husband-Mathurin
Dr. Browne
Dr. Lansiquot

Bravo to all other St.Lucian females who have achieved the highest educational milestone (PhD MD, EDd. Doc. PsyD etc.

Please Kenny let's put those persons in positions where St.Lucians can benefit from their contributions, that is, if they are not already doing so.

Anonymous said...

I feel disheartened by the lack of knowledge by some persons where the PhD degree is concerned. For those who are so inclined to criticize the PhD and MD degrees, please be informed that those particular degrees are the ultimate terminal degrees that should refine an individual to provide the highest degree of quality service to others. Such degrees do not come easy, and those who hold such degrees have proven, that is, upon completion of such degrees that they are worthy of their specific cause or purpose to humanity etc.

To those who believe that the degree is a technical or policy-bent qualification is far from the know. The degrees especially the PhD allows SOME holders to be technical or policy-oriented but it does not make policymakers of every holder of the degree.

It would be unfortunate if persons who hold such degrees demonstrate otherwise.

Please let us embrace persons who hold such degrees because they deserve the recognition for their hard work, commitment and dedication to service and quality education.

We are to embrace not only the PhD's etc but we also need to embrace the Janitors who by the way are now labeled as Sanitory Engineers (and yes they do represent the PhD's in that particular field. We need to embrace the responsive and dedicated parent as well for they are also considered to be of PhD quality in that area as well.

Let's embrace everyone who show dedication and commitment to quality service in every sphere of life. BRAVO to you PhD's, MD's, EDd's, PsyD's,Doc., MS, MA, BA, BS etc.