Saturday, March 17, 2012

‘Pip Pip Hooray’



Anonymous said...

"Reviewing the country's foreign policy".
What foreign policy? Choosing between Taiwan and China? How long does that take? It's time to put an end to this foolishness of a foreign policy and get about doing the business of the people.

Anonymous said...

Of course we have to review the previous foreign minister's proclivity for personal financial gain in the guise of "foreign policy"!!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed "What foreign policy?

kenny already told Taiwan he staying with them and the free money ?
Phillip - the joker who could not run tourism and had it taken away and given to Menissa?

Phillip the joker so afraid of Kenny he refused to run for leadership ?

Phillip who signed off on Rochamel and Grynsberg !

Phillip who was Menissa's confident and friend and advisor when she ran the NCA!

Pip Pip the little Pip! Pip pip the incompetent!

Pip pip the small minded politician !

Anonymous said...

HOw about RayHoor Pip dip!


Pip in Ministry of Communications and Works? Like Guy Joseph has he ever worked a single day as a engineer or contractor?


Anonymous said...

Seriously, bravo to Pip. Driving the island's roads is much improved... they are getting smoother.

What a shame that Lorne is in tourism. Rapist disaster.

Anonymous said...

PIP-PIP and "Great Expectations"!!!

Anonymous said...

Pip exudes leadership. Hope he can take the reins of leadership at the next general elections!

Anonymous said...

Pip and leadership is oxymoronic.

The most he can do is hold a stagnating economy at the same moribund level until someone of good leadership talent comes into the Labour Party.

the Caribbean has produced many pips over the past 40 years . Persons who create nothing, show no exceptionalism, stand for nothing, and are nothing . Their only talent is appeasing enough hacks and hangerons more than the other useless politicians.

If pip were to replace and stay for another 10 years we would continue to be a backward, immoral country uuntil 2027.

Anonymous said...

That's our biggest problem throughout the Caribbean: our BRAIN DRAIN. All our best brains leave, get well-educated, and never return; leaving the dumbo opportunistic politicians to run the show and run each island’s economy into the ground.

Anonymous said...

Pip is not the only person who show signs of genuine leadership. True leadership resonates and exudes from Emma Hippolyte, Dr. Raymond and Dr. Lewis.

While Dr. Raymond may not have won his seat but this man is full with talent and exceptional economic savvyness. Hope that the current Government or governments will use his talent for St. Lucia longs for his exceptional talent. It is my hope that the recommendations offered by Dr. Raymond during Cabinet meetings will be duly considered.

I see leadership also in soft spoken Dr. Long. Hope that Kenny's administration will recognize true talent for what it's worth especially talent from My LADY Emma, Dr. Raymond and Dr. Long.

Truth be told--Mr. Fletcher huge portfolio should be split with Dr. Raymond heading one of the Ministry. Also, Dr. Long is best suited for the Ministry of Health.

Anonymous said...

What Pip is doing is not extraordinary. It is what someone in his position should be doing with a little bit of work. We are so used to mediocrity that whenever someone actually does what he/she is supposed to,we put them on a pedestal. Pip is doing o.k. He is doing his job, that he gets paid quite a bit for. He has not done anything extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

This government is on the right path towards achieving success when compared with the in-competencies of the last UWP government.

I look forward to better work and success when Dr. Raymond and Dr. Long can be given ministries. From all accounts it seems that those two gentlemen are being shoved and pushed around to frustration. Gentlemen, hold on strong we still need your contributions not only in the SLP but also in creation of progressive change.

HOLD ON Dr. LONG and Dr.RAYMOND because I believe that Dr.Anthony will recognize your true worth.