Saturday, May 26, 2012

More disappointments with budget


Anonymous said...

Now Peter Josie comes to say appointing Menissa Rambally to the post of Ambassador is great because she is such a brave soul unlike Kenny who ran away after 1982.

Brave ? The little coward Menissa Rambally who ran away after she lost in 2006 and did not appear until just before elections so she could get a post as a good party hack.

She said she went to STUDY but no one can say where ? We all heard she went to recuperate. She is only there when it is time to collect the spoils.

The only value Menissa ever had was to brownnose Kenny - her father figure.

The feminist who goes on the program of an accused rapist to announce her new post !

Menissa is the same incompetent who was minister under whose portfolio the NCA was such a disaster !

What was the relationship to her of the person who audited the NCA under the mismanaging SLP ?

Bitter days are here again as Menissa Rambally goes up to promote all the anti Christian views of the UN to support SLP abortion, homosexual and prostitution policies !

Thank you Fredericks, Stephenson King and Rufus Bousquet for the venal way you all ran a morally corrupt government so that we lucians have to get back the inept kenny and tony and phillip pierre.

Anonymous said...

And we forget this was he same Min of Tourism who had toebe gotten rid of because she was such a failure !

Everything this incompetent has touched has turned to dross but she is the Labaaar poster girl of ineptitude.

Anonymous said...

Josie is either ignorant or deliberately disingenuous. Why? Anybody who knows just about anything about running a country or business would know that YOU BUDGET FOR SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES OR MAKE PROVISIONS IN A FUND FOR LONG-TERM LIABILITIES. That would be moneys that you would have to pay out in the near future or in the next or a few years from now!

Grynberg is NOT even a short-term liability. NO SETTLEMENT AMOUNT HAS BEEN DECLARED!

So what is there to budget for?

A budget is about money. You budget for the financial resources you will get and the financial resources you will have to pay out. They don't teach that when you do agricultural economics I suppose.

To think that this man was a minister. What a joker! You make me laugh.

Rightfully, policy statements should be coming from the so-called Throne Speech. OK. Josies does NOT KNOW his damn civics.

You need a refresher course my boy? Or, are you losing it already?

Anonymous said...

Come on man, Peter has been losing it for awhile now.

Anonymous said...

Dat man is court jester in the palace of Stephenson, the King of the UWPs.

Anonymous said...

I en hear too many people criticizing what's in de budget. Yep. They filling your ears with what that's not in it. How clever! Could have fooled me!

Imagine Josie keeping company with Reek Rain. Dat man orready admit dat he does not do any writing base on any principle. Anyting goes. I guess anyting dat will sell his paper. And Josie is quoting dat.

You have to shake your head. How far some people will stoop to conquer derre enemy. Misery love company dey say.

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse Josie will support Menissa she is family. No politics there. Good luck Menissa, despite what they say about you, you will better Sarah Flood Beaubrun by way of annullment any day.

As for Josie, a loser is a loser

Anonymous said...

People and others like him thinks that they have all of us fooled.

Now, it is all good and well to tell us what's not in the budget. For that matter anybody can claim that their pet project is not in there.

What would clarify things for those who thought such people like Josie were so enlightened, is what are the most likely impacts on certain demographics of the several measures mentioned in the budget.

Now, if you cannot do that, you are wasting people's time, you know.

You are trying to hide that you know nothing about analyzing a budget.

Hey! Besides the announcement of the launching of the VAT, the inclusion of the VAT relates to its potential to create the necessary cashflow for the funding of the various projects and activities that the government has to pay for.

The VAT is a very new taxation system for us. IT GOES BEYOND JUST THIS YEAR'S BUDGET.

It has a life beyond this year's budget. It has not even been instituted as yet.

As such ,the VAT a piece of legislation still in circulation, is still subject to changes.

Josie is not fooling anyone this time.

The hot air of SLAM and FORUM praising the value of adopting the Cuban model of political economy is now being seen for what it's worth.

It is a model about the ability to bring huge 'rent a crowd' people onto the streets in support of Fidel for some 40 years making people drive 1950 model cars and being unable to maintain the country's architectural heritage. It is a model of being used in proxy fights with the US during the cold war era.

Maurice Bishop tried this. Up to today they can not find his body parts in the triumph of socialism in Grenada.

Let's face it Josie. You are irrelevant to this country's development and you know it.

Anonymous said...

I do not see any real economic arguments up there either. Therefore one has to ask whether or not Josie gained his degree from a paper mill?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at May 27, 2012 10:08 PM, be VERY careful with that. Josie NEVER got a Degree from university. What he had was a Certificate in Agriculture. Just check out the Government archives. That fool was never a proper university graduate, and that should not surprise anyone. All he knows is to "beg for supper". When my cousin, Mr. Cornibert drops him soon, I don't know what else he will do. He is only "singing for supper" here because he thinks he is pleasing Mr. Cornibert, who hates the SLP. That's Josie's game. He has already dropped Richard, King, Rufus, Poodle and everybody else who used to give him a loaf of bread. TOOF!

Anonymous said...

I would beg to differ with Josie as it pertains to the quality of the budget presentation. It must be stated emphatically that the quality of presentations in the upper house was an historically phenomenal one especially presentations by Dr. Ubaldus Raymond and Dr. King.

Those gentlemen are definitely consummate professionals who require commendation for their contributions in the house. It is no surprise that Dr. Raymond is now a household name...the man is simply an excellent Economist. The SLP must be happy to happy such a man on their side...too bad King you called him a UWP reject...Pathetic!

Anonymous said...

...must be happy to have such a man on their side...

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that all the while I was thinking that Josie was all that knowledgeable, he was nothing more than a glorified agricultural extension officer? St. Luciens, zorte ky chuay moins? Bon Dieu?

Anonymous said...

It is just not about a bad budget.
Let us look at the "achievements" of the SLP to date.

Appointment of two accused rapists to key posts in the Administration.

Appointment of a failed party hack with no discernable accomplishments, no significant education and merely a butt kisser as the point foreign service appointment i.e Ambassador to the UN.

No $100 million as promised for job creation.

A compelte u-turn (Kenny and Tony) on the diplomatic recognition of Taiwan.

A compelte u turn ( Kenny and Tony)on the implementation of VAT.

Nu explaination on the Grynsberg fiasco.

The latter three issues show conclusively the poor character of the Prime Minister of this country.

180 days after the last elections there are no discernable new economic policies to pull St. Lucia out of its present fiscal trap.

More and more hiring of party hacks to the public service.

Borrowing in excess of $200 million in this last budget bringing the SLP's share of the national debt to over $1.4 billion.

No social policies to deal with the breakdown of the family.

What a pathetic Administration with nothing to show for the millions already spent on their salaries to date.

Anonymous said...

Last blogger you don't know a thing so shut up.

Anonymous said...

Peter was Minister of foreign Affairs in 1980 what did he do?????

Anonymous said...

How can anyone pay any attention to anything that Josie has to say on the budget, when has had TWO bites on the apple and still, he has yet to show that he even has the capacity to understand the darn budget? What a joker! What a phony!

Anonymous said...

Josie entertains like a court jester! Himself and other foolish people like himself.

Anonymous said...

Josie be honest man...the last budget especially the debate in the upper house was great. Praise must be showered on all the Senators for a job well done especially Dr. Ubaldus presentation.

Anonymous said...

Josie is a political dinosaur. His was a life of a public servant. Strike this. It is public saurus.

Go to hell Josie!

The people have spoken. The people of this country have to work with the government that was voted but constantly challenging them to put and keep Saint Lucia on course for greatness.

Anonymous said...

When we examine St. Lucia's budgets under Kenny Anthony, one thing stands out that St. Lucians do not comprehend.

Whenever Kenny says something is "free" Tony is borrowing more money in your name and your children's name to make it appear "free".

In this budget when Kenny says that "he" is making something free or was "allocating" some useless expenditure to some govt dept or program then "Tony" was putting VAT into the mix to releive taxpayers of more money.

So when Kenny still borrows hundreds of milions he also was finding more ways to tax the people at a higher rate.

unfortunately there is no one to defend the St. Lucian taxpayer. The shopkeeping businessman or doctor and lawyer increasing their fees every year do not care if we kill ourselves with debt as long as the money keeps flowing so they can make their 100% profits and get their $150 fees for every visit.

The real suffers are the middle class who do not have increasing salaries but only increasing expenditures to make their households survive.

But Phillip amd Kenny are busy hiring all their own cronies at salaries in excess of $150,000 annually to be paid for by the St. Lucian taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of Peter Josie because I feel he and George Odlum are the ones to be blamed for the ill discipline of St.Lucians to-day!!!
The budget was a real nancy story! I was very disappointed and I am sure many Lucians were.There was alot of talk about jobs with the establishing of YEP,YAP, CAP PAP ans SAP to name a few. But in the same breath the government says there is an unfionabced gap of over forty million dollars in the recurrent budget so please tell me where the money is coming from to pay for the administration of these programs.All these are other forms of NCA corruption painted with new brushes.
We have been told that things are bad money is in short supply but judging from the way ministers and their gang travel all over the world one would would not believe Kenny. I think the biggest slap in our faces from the PM is the fact that right after the election he went to Jamaica to fete with PJ Paterson for a whole week.I mean the guy has just won an election, he has seats that are not declared but he can go off for a whole week.Just a few weeks ago he left for go to St.Kitts to speak on Denzil Douglas' platfore-what an insult to us. St.Kitts an island that is disgracing the OECS-they put a bond issue on the market and when the time came for the issue to be redeemed there was no money to pay the people. Is that a country we want to be palie palie with.If you check Kenny has been out of the country three times in every month-Saint Lucia is on auto pilot. The gang that is incharge,the so called brains are just fowling up all the time-too much brains and no commonsense.
The medical situation in this country has reached Mafia proportions-POOR LUCIA! Having said all this I still feel this lot is a little better than the last set.

Anonymous said...

That is a relevant point. Kenny has only been willing to travel two weeks out of each month in the Caribbean to say to his liberal pals " I am Back !"

He is such a narcissist that he cares not one iota for St. Lucians but just his IMAGE to his other liberal friends around the Caribbean who are also destoying our African Caribbean breathen.

St. Lucia is in a precarious situation with Europe about to implode, the US on hold until the next elections when hopefully they will get rid of that other narcissistic fool Obama, airline seats from the USA falling and summer tourism looking bleak, China economy slowing down and VAT about to hit our pockets to pay for Phillip Pierre's weaknesses and inability to manage a ministry without hiring endless people.

Anonymous said...

Josie is like all of the other retards here who have commented on the budget speech but not on the contents of the budget. They are obviously ignoramuses and such dummies when it comes to financial matters.

These retards think that by repeating the foolishness and all the BS that Josie shoots, someone who has yet to show that he will ever understand government financial management, they are making a lot of sense. Where ignorance is bliss they say.

Remove the politics and reduce the emotion. Take out your blinders for once.

St. Lucia is idiot country. The country is run over with them.