Saturday, August 25, 2012

Emancipation Message 2012


Son-of-man said...
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Son-of-man said...

“PERHAPS” we have ingested too much of the SLAVE MASTER'S culture?? PERHAPS?

Many Africans who were first brought to the “New World” were not enslaved; many were Indentured Servants. About the time of 1675 a Caucasian Planter named Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the White-elite Planters, incorporating an army of poor-Whites and Africans in what has become known as “Bacon's Rebellion”.

This amalgamation of Whites and Blacks so terrified the White-elite that with the help of the so-called “Mother Country” England sending thousand of troops to put down the rebellion, a strategy was implemented for the prevention of a similar incident recurring in the future. Poor Whites were elevated to Law-enforcement/ Slave-Patrol over Africans, and granted certain privileges not allowed Blacks - like allowing poor Whites to confiscate “Indian” lands – “I am poor but at least not a Black slave!” became the thinking of poor Caucasian.

White Supremacy became a religion that would function independent of the institution of Chattel Slavery into the 21st Century. Many Blacks are victims, having sustained psychological injury as a result of this “Religion” of White Supremacy.

Many Lucians Still pray to a Caucasian man as their god in the Basilica, Castries, where, near the Micoud Street entrance a statue of a Caucasian Angel destroys a Black African-with-horns Satan under his foot – a lesson taught every child taken to this church by a parent. When I express disgust at such depictions, I am met with the programed defense: “What does color have to do with it?” So I'm crazy and racist!

What did you say about having some dignity and Emancipation from MENTAL SLAVERY? Remove that WHITE-MAN-GOD from your mind and bedrooms!! Only then will the Negroes stop the BLEACHING of their skins, lusting for White men and women, and the SELF-HATRED.