Saturday, October 6, 2012

A TANGLED WEB! … A pathological liar?


Anonymous said...

A very good article which mirrors more thorough articles which had been previously written up in this blog and on the Star blog.

The writer of these previous blogs also made it plain that the hypocricy of Dr. Anthony was even more clear when we realize that HE had met with the Taiwanese prior to the 2011 Elections and had assured them that he was staying in the fold.

Additionally do not blame China. China in its policies is merely looking after its own interests. If the USA decides to ignore the Caribbean who can blame the Chinese for pushing their interests while gaining jobs for their vast numbers of people many who are below the poverty line.

If a failed narcissistic incompetent like Obama and the destructive lberals in the US cannot see the need to defend and work with the countries south of its borders then blame them for the Chinese being so welcome in the region!

Congratulations should also go out to not only Ambassador Chou but also to the astute persons working around him and even prior to his arrival in St. Lucia who made up the team that kept St. Lucia in the fold.

The snake in the grass in all of this is clearly (as Peter Josie says) Kenny Anthony - the ultimate Caribbean anancy.

And how is VAT treating you recently!

Anonymous said...

There is a day for Mugabe, Chevas, Castro, Kenny, Taylor, Gaddafi ha ha Barre, Al-Bashir and Habre soon pretty soon. Well that will be the most glorious day then I'll dress all in red for the occasion.Food for thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the politics of benficial existence.

Anonymous said...

Well said, Kenny Gwen Tony have one ball.

Anonymous said...

Partisian politics as usual. Although I take special interest in reading your articles, they have become disgusting to me because of their partial connotations. Change the subject a little bit.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I don't mind reading Josie's articles but I think its time to change the focus of our political discussion.

Its time we start to write about whats working and the specific things we need to change in order to become a more successful and a society. Until then we are simply wasting time.

Anonymous said...

Josie has eloquently stated what many in Saint Lucia would have loved to state. Than you, Josie. I can now state that history will not look too kindly at our current Prime Minister. He is a liar, arrogant and selfish

Anonymous said...

It is senseless writing about what will work. What will work is the Judeo Christian tradition/values that made the "white people dem" successful.

All our liberal politicians/academics, etc abandoned what made Western Society great and our people have chosen and our leaders have chosen to do all within black societies to make us unsuccessful. Highest out of wedlock births in the world, no respect for authority, no work ethic, indecency, etc.

And we like it so and from Amrica to the Uk to the Caribbean in our black cultures we "like it so!"

And so we are at the bottom of the pile!

Anonymous said...

We all are sinners. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. There is not a single stone thrown. Kenny could choose to respond with pathological lies damaging to your character, but choose to ignore you instead. Why is that so? What good would there be in doing so?

Anonymous said...

In less than 48 hours Kenney Anthony aka Dr. Evil will be exposed as the Caribbean's worst liar.
Mark my words!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh!... what a tangled web we weave.Saint Lucians are the worse critics in the WORLD. Nothing satisfies them, but they will continue doing and saying the same old thing. Get off your backsides and help. That includes you JOSIAH. You had your chance you blew it. If you have nothing good to say...please...shut up!

Anonymous said...

As I said in a previous post this incompetent narcissist called Kenny Anthony will soon not be able to borrow $250 million every year because he and Phillip Pierre have bankrupted St. Lucia.

Grenada just had their credit rating downgraded by Standard and Poors and soon nobody eill be foolish enough to lend them or St. Lucia any money.